St. Mark’s United Church, Port Hawkesbury
DLM-R/MDiv Student: Barb MacNaughton,
Phone: (902)-302-5832
Pianist: Adam Cooke
Administrator: Jane MacKinnon
Ministry: The Whole Congregation
Reign of Christ Sunday
November 21, 2021
The Community Gathers
Welcome and Announcements
Lighting of the Christ Candle:
This candle represents for us the light of Christ. It reminds us of the colours of creation that paint our lives, it warms us in the cold, and it brightens our paths when all seems dark. May we take this light wherever we go and share it with others! Amen.
♫ Introit: Rise Up, Rise Up MV 130
Rise up, rise up, rise up O my soul.
Rise up and sing this blessing to God’s name
Rise up, rise up, rise up O my soul.
Rise up and sing this blessing to God’s name.
Call to Gather:
Friends, people of God, we gather on this glorious day to worship. It is the last Sunday before we begin to celebrate Advent. We call this day Reign of Christ Sunday. It is a little like New Year’s Eve. We take time to reflect on who Christ was, is, and will always be. So, let’s settle in and be a praying people. Let us pray…
God, our leader, we give thanks that we are guided with compassion and sensitivity. For the sake of this confusing and mixed-up world, we turn to our faith, and embrace the offered gifts of wisdom and concern for all people. May all the beloved ones of this world experience the wonder of blessed wholeness. May the light shine into obscured places. May hope echo into empty valleys, and may the possibility of new life unfold in each one of us. Amen.
♫ Hymn: Rejoice, the Lord is King VU 213
The Community Explores
Prayer for Illumination:
We pray, O God, for listening ears and open hearts as we hear the words of our ancient scripture this day. Amen.
OT: 2 Samuel 23: 1-7
RR: Psalm 132 page #854-855
NT: Revelation 1: 4b-8
♫ Hymn: Seek Ye First VU 356
Gospel Lesson: John 18: 33-37
♫ Hymn: Christ Has No Body Now but Yours MV 171
The Community Celebrates
Minute for Mission
Offering Hymn: VU 538
For the Gift of Creation, the gift of your love
And the gift of the Spirit by which we live
We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands
May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give.
Offering Prayer:
It is with joy that we offer our gifts this day, for the work of our hands and our hearts. May we be blessed to continue to become people working in the way of Jesus. May we be equipped for this work in the world. Amen.
Our Joys and Concerns and Lighting the candle of caring:
As one heart is lifted
May we share its celebration
As one heart is burdened
May we share the pain it knows
And so we take this flame and light our special care candle… in all our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful of the present-ness of God among us.
Prayers for the people and Lord’s Prayer
♫ Hymn: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah VU 651
The Community Goes Forth
Closing and Benediction
♫ Choral: Amen
One License A-401486
Ministering through leadership this morning are:
Minister: Barbara MacNaughton
Pianist: Adam Cooke
Lay Reader: Vida Hood
Mission Moment: Linda Howlett
Counters: Clark Brander, Dave Chapman
Covenanting Service Today
We are having our Covenanting Service today at 3 p.m. Jim MacNaughton is our speaker. Please join us to celebrate this Covenant.
The first Sunday in Advent is November 28th
We will be celebrating communion during our morning service. That evening at 7 p.m., we will having our Hanging of the Green Service. This is also Food Bank Sunday.
If you wish to donate a poinsettia in memory of a loved one please have them at the church by November 28th and we will carry them forward during the hanging of the green service.
Our Christmas Eve service is at 6 p.m. with communion and candle lighting.
Wonderful Table
A big thank you to Carl MacKichan for the wonderful table he built for our children’s corner in the church.
It is time to renew your Broadview magazine.
Please contact Barb MacIntyre.
Coffee After Church Service
We are now able to have coffee after Church again on the first Sunday of the month. Everyone who enters the church must be double vaccinated. We will be asking for proof of this vaccination and will have a form if you choose to sign it that will allow us to keep your name on a list of those who are vaccinated and we won’t have to ask you again. Otherwise we need to see proof every time you come into the church. Please consider filling out the form and showing us your proof just the one time. Thank You!
Barb is in the office most mornings Monday - Thursday from 9 a.m. - 12 noon.
If you need to arrange a different time to see her, please call her cell 902-302-5832.
Secretary’s OFFICE HOURS: Thursday & Friday 8 a.m. - 12 noon.
Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.
COVID has been a dark time for our church, help us to bring back the light November 28th at 7:00 p.m. Purchase as many lightbulbs as you like (for $5.00 each) in honour of someone or an event. Lights will be on sale from November 1st - November 27th and supplied by the Church. We will light our candelabras, our choir loft, and our tree.
Collection Counters/Recorders Needed – Please sign up.
The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate.
Bible Study
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Tuesday mornings in church hall.
Lay Readers:
November 28th – Joyce Oliver-Snair
December 5th – Dave Chapman
December 12th – Jean MacPherson
December 19th – Larry Evans
December 24tth – Barb MacIntyre – Christmas Eve
Minute for Mission Readers:
November 28th – Larry Evans
December 5th – Barb MacIntyre
December 12th – Anna Marie Langley
December 19th – Yvonne Fox
December 24th – Christmas Eve
Food Bank Sunday – Last Sunday of the month.