Saturday, 16 October 2021

Season of Creation: Creation invites – Depend Upon Me! October 17, 2021

 St. Mark’s United Church, Port Hawkesbury 

Guest Speaker: Lorna MacRury

Pianist: Adam Cooke

Office Administrator: Jane MacKinnon

Ministry: The Whole Congregation

Season of Creation: Creation invites – Depend Upon Me!

October 17, 2021

The Community Gathers

Welcome and Announcements

Lighting of the Christ Candle: 

This candle represents for us the light of Christ. As it burns bright, may it kindle a flame within us to love and care for each other as Christ would have us do.

Introit: Come and Find the quiet Centre  VU 374 vs 1 

Come and find the quiet centre in the crowed life we lead, 

find the room for life to enter, 

find the frame where we are freed; 

clear the chaos and the clutter, clear our eyes that we can see, 

all the things that really matter, 

be at peace and simply be.

Call to Gather: 

Our Lord and Creator

We give thanks that you are a God of light.

A God who listens to our prayers,

A God who longs to hear us pray with great passion. 

Blessed are those who delight in God’s words, 

We give thanks this day through prayer, song, and scripture. 

Let us come together in prayer…

Prayer of the Day: 

Most loving God – your people are gathered. Come and fill us with your Spirit. Speak your words of healing and truth. Strengthen us for service in your world. Grant us peace. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray and worship.  Amen

Hymn:   I Feel the Winds of God               VU 625

The Community Explores

Prayer for Illumination: 

Lord, your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.  Give us grace to receive your truth in faith and love, and the strength to follow on the path you set before us; through Jesus Christ, Amen. 


HS: Jonah 2: 2-10

OT: Psalm 85 VU page 802

Gospel Lesson: Luke 11: 1-13


Hymn:      Deep in Our Hearts               MV154

The Community Celebrates

Minute for Mission

Offering Hymn:                                       VU 538

For the Gift of Creation, the gift of your love

And the gift of the Spirit by which we live

We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands

May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give. 

Offering Prayer: 

Generous God, we pray that we can give as you have given to us, bountifully and with great love. Bless these offerings that they may help to make the world one of love and compassion. In the name of the One who was a gift to us.  Amen. 

Our Joys and Concerns and Lighting the candle of caring:

As one heart is lifted
May we share its celebration
As one heart is burdened
May we share the pain it knows

And so we take this flame and light our special care candle… in all our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful that God is eternally among us.

Prayers for the people and Lord’s Prayer

Hymn:   Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayers    VU 385

The Community Goes Forth


Closing:  Choral Amen 

  One License A-401486

Ministering through leadership this morning are:

Guest Speaker: Lorna MacRury

Pianist: Adam Cook

Lay Reader: Larry Evans

Mission Moment: Linda Howlett

Counters: Clark Brander, Eric Dawson



OFFICE HOURS: Thursday & Friday 8-12 noon. Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Lay Readers:                                                                                                                                                                  

October 24th – Wayne Simpson

October 31St – Archie Noseworthy

Minute for Mission Readers:

October 24th – Larry Evans

October 31st – Barb Mac Intyre

Collection Counters/Recorders Needed – Please sign up. The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate.

Monday. October 18Prayer Shawl Knitting Meeting in the hall from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. As we are a non essential service Phase 5 Protocol for Covid-19 will be followed. 

Food Bank Sunday – Last Sunday of the month.