Saturday, 23 October 2021

22nd after Pentecost Sunday October 24th, 2021

 Mark’s United Church, Port Hawkesbury 

DLM-R/MDiv Student, Barb MacNaughton 

(902) 625-0407

Pianist: Adam Cooke

Office Administrator: Jane MacKinnon

Ministry: The Whole Congregation

22nd after Pentecost 

Sunday October 24th, 2021

The Community Gathers

Welcome and Announcements

Lighting of the Christ Candle: 

This candle represents for us the light of Christ. It reminds us of the colours of creation that paint our lives, it warms us in the cold, and it brightens our paths when all seems dark. May we take this light wherever we go and share it with others! Amen. 

Introit: Rise Up, Rise Up MV130

Rise up, rise up, rise up O my soul.

Rise up and sing this blessing to God’s name

Rise up, rise up, rise up O my soul.

Rise up and sing this blessing to God’s name. 

Call to Gather: 

Is my lens wide enough to take in the beauty, the desecration, the complexity and simplicity, the regular and the extraordinary…   

Is my lens wide enough to capture diversity, random movement, patterns of exquisite correlation…

Is my lens wide enough to sense shadow and depth, purpose and passion, dependence and autonomy…

Is my lens wide enough to know the difference between right and wrong, curved and circular, straight and narrow…

Is my lens wide enough to see you and me, the distance between us, the ideas that might separate us forever…

Is our lens wide enough…  Amen. 

Prayer of the Day: 

God of all seeing, may we go through life this week ahead with our eyes wide open to see the needs around us. So often our lens is not directed where it should be. May all that we do be done with a generous heart and a loving spirit that we may help others to be their best selves. Amen. 

Hymn: Come and Find a Quiet Centre VU 374

Centering Prayer 

Lord Listen to your Children Praying VU 400   

Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord send your spirit in this place

Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love, send us power, send us grace. 

Hymn: Open My Eyes, That I May See  VU 371

The Community Explores

Prayer for Illumination: 

We pray, O God, for listening ears and open hearts as we hear the words of our ancient scripture this day. Amen. 


OT: Job 42: 1-6. 10-17

RR: Psalm 34: 1-8 (9-22) VU 761-762 

NT: Hebrews 7:23-28

Gospel Lesson: Mark 10: 46-52


Hymn: Spirit, Open My Heart  MV 79

The Community Celebrates

Minute for Mission

Offering Hymn: VU 538

For the Gift of Creation, the gift of your love

And the gift of the Spirit by which we live

We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands

May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give. 

Offering Prayer: 

May all the gifts we have been given help us to be people who share.  May the gifts presented today be a representation of all that we are and all that we have.  May they be used for the good of our world.  Amen. 

Our Joys and Concerns and Lighting the candle of caring:

As one heart is lifted
May we share its celebration
As one heart is burdened
May we share the pain it knows

And so we take this flame and light our special care candle… in all our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful of the present-ness of God among us.

Prayers for the people and Lord’s Prayer

Hymn: Be Thou My Vision VU 642

The Community Goes Forth


Closing:  Choral Amen   

One License A-401486

Ministering through leadership this morning are:

Minister: Barbara MacNaughton

Pianist: Adam Cook

Lay Reader: Wayne Simpson

Mission Moment: Larry Evans

Counters: Clark Brander, John Langley


A donation has been received to the GENERAL FUND In Loving Memory of JIM MC LEAN from Rilla


OFFICE HOURS: Thursday & Friday 8-12 noon. 

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Lay Readers:                                                                                                                                                                  

October 31St – Archie Noseworthy

November 7th – Iaian Langley

November 14th  – Clark Brander

November 21st  – Vida Hood

November 28th – Joyce Oliver-Snair

December 5th – Dave Chapman

December 12th – Jean Mac Pherson

December. 19Th – Larry Evans

December 24Th – Barb Mac Intyre – Christmas Eve

Minute for Mission Readers:

October 31st – Barb Mac Intyre

November 7Th – Anna Marie Langley

November 14Th – Yvonne Fox

November 21St – Linda Howlett

November 28Th – Larry Evans

December 5th – Barb Mac Intyre

December 12Th – Anna Marie Langley

December 19Th – Yvonne Fox

December 24Th - - Christmas Eve

Collection Counters/Recorders Needed – Please sign up. The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate.


St. Mark’s Full Board Meeting: Tuesday, November 9th

Food Bank Sunday – Last Sunday of the month.