St. Mark’s United Church, Port Hawkesbury
DLM-R/MDiv Student, Barb MacNaughton
(Phone# 902-625-0407)
Pianist: Adam Cooke
Office Administrator: Jane MacKinnon
Ministry: The Whole Congregation
The Season of Creation:
Creation Cries Out: Love Me!
Sunday September 12th, 2021
The Community Gathers
Welcome and Announcements
Lighting of the Christ Candle: This candle represents for us the light of Christ. It reminds us of the colours that paint our lives, it warms us in the cold, and it brightens our paths when all seems dark. May we take this light wherever we go and share it with others! Amen.
♫Introit: Praise God for this Holy Ground MV 42, verse 1
Praise God for this Holy Ground,
Place and People, sight and sound,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
God’s goodness is eternal.
Call to Gather: (adapted from Jim MacNaughton)
Each of us has been raised with an image in our mind of what and who Jesus is for us.
Probably none of us think of Jesus in exactly the same way.
But what if that traditional image does not feed your Spiritual soul
The challenge for all people at this moment in time is to find a way to open ourselves to what our understanding of Jesus is urging us to do right now with our lives, with our Church, with our families and the communities we live in.
If our lives are to be “Christ like”, what is that supposed to look like?
Come people of God, let us worship, pray and sing together.
Prayer of the Day: (adapted from Jim MacNaughton)
Loving God, we come to this holy place, made holy by the very presence of those gathered together this day seeking to understand both the presence of the Spirit and our place in the world. We try to live our lives with integrity and joy. When Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” he pointed beyond himself, to those who lived with him in his days on this earth. His Spirit still points beyond him to each one of us now. May we be open in our living, our prayer life, in all our relationships, to experience that Spiritual touch that will allow us to live our lives fully, we pray in sincerity and hope. Amen
♫Hymn: All Things Bright and Beautiful VU 291
Children’s time (if children are present)
Centering Prayer
♫ Lord Listen to your Children Praying VU 400
Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord send your spirit in this place
Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love, send us power, send us grace.
♫Hymn: God of Still Waiting MV 20
The Community Explores
Prayer for Illumination:
We pray, O God, for listening ears and open hearts as we hear the words of our ancient scripture this day. Amen.
OT: Proverbs 1: 20-33
RR: Psalm 19 VU 740
NT: James 3: 1-12
Gospel Lesson: Mark 8: 27-38
♫Hymn: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say VU 626
The Community Celebrates
Minute for Mission
Offering Hymn: ♫ VU 538
For the Gift of Creation, the gift of your love
And the gift of the Spirit by which we live
We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands
May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give.
Offering Prayer: (written by Jim MacNaughton)
Generous God, just as each household and person balances their monetary priorities, so do we in this fellowship balance our Church life and our life outside of the Church. The funds we need to maintain that balance in our Church are necessary, yet at the same time we need those who can also offer their talents and their time to enhance all aspects of our lives. We promise to use what we receive with common sense, thankfulness and joy. Amen
Our Joys and Concerns and Lighting the Candle of Caring:
As one heart is lifted
May we share its celebration
As one heart is burdened
May we share the pain it knows
And so we take this flame and light our special care candle… in all our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful of the present-ness of God among us.
Prayers for the people and Lord’s Prayer
♫Hymn: Like a River of Tears MV 98
The Community Goes Forth
♫Closing: Choral Amen
One License A-401486
Ministering through leadership this morning are:
Minister: Barb MacNaughton
Pianist: Adam Cooke
Lay Reader: Vida Hood
Mission Moment: Linda Howlett
Collectors: Clark Brander, Linda Howlett
OFFICE HOURS: Thursday and Fridays 8-12 noon.
Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.
St. Mark’s Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 21st
Committees: 6:30 p.m.
Combined Board: 7:30 p.m.
Lay Readers:
September 19th - Joyce Oliver-Snair
September 26th - Dave Chapman
October 3rd - Jean Mac Pherson
October 10th - Larry Evans
October 17th - Barb Mac Intyre
October 24th - Wayne Simpson
October 31st - Archie Noseworthy
Minute for Mission Readers:
September 19th - Larry Evans
September 26th - Barb Mac Intyre
October 3rd - Anna Marie Langley
October 10th - Yvonne Fox
October 17th - Linda Howlett
October 24th - Larry Evans
October 31st - Barb Mac Intyre
Report on Foster Child for Special Events Group
Special Events Group has had no income during the Pandemic for the last two years. Our Foster Child is Donovan from Sao Luis in Brazil. We have been sponsoring him for many years. He is now a teenager and he and his family rely on our support to improve their standard of living. At the moment our account has enough funds to make payments of $42 per month through to January 2022. Special Events Group asks members of the congregation to sponsor Donovan for a month or part of a month. Please place your donation on the collection plate appropriately marked. You will be receipted for that amount. Once Special Events Group are able to raise more funds they will be able to take over once again. Thanks for your help.
Bulletins may be dedicated ‘In Loving Memory Of’, ‘In Honour Of’, or ‘As A Gift’.
Collection Counters/Recorders Needed – Please sign up.
The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate.
The next Prayer Shawl Knitting meeting will be Monday, September 27th in the hall from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Masks must be worn and Covid-19 guidelines will be followed regarding safe distancing and sanitizing. There will be no access to the kitchen.
Port Hawkesbury Ceilidhs
Tuesdays: 7:30 - 9 p.m.
Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre,
606 Reeves Street Port Hawkesbury, NS
Sponsor: Port Hastings Historical Society
Admission: $15.00 Under 16 - FREE
Season Pass: $50 (2 free Ceilidhs)
Free Tea & Oatcakes...while they last
Nova Scotia Health Protocols will be followed
September 14th: Andrea Beaton, Betty Beaton and Rita Rankin
September 21st: Shelly Campbell, Allan Dewar and Steve MacIntyre
September 28th: Howie MacDonald, Mac Morin, Pat Lamey and Heather Richards