The dinner was held on Friday April 12, a couple of months later than the traditional date of the first Friday in February. This was because Jim George had a family medical emergency and other commitments at, and following, the usual date. The timing turned out to be fortuitous as the weather was ideal, and the dinner sold out. Although we did not turn anyone away, there was at least one take-out that we could not fill. At first count, it appears that we sold about 217 dinners, and can expect to net about $2000 from this dinner. Generally it went well, and the time in line for many of the early diners was the result of the press of people eager to dine being greater than the rate at which we could dish it out. Probably, few if any, minded the wait as it gave a chance for socializing, and men’s group members helped out any who were mobility challenged and could not stand so long.