Pulpit Supply for the combined services at St. Mark's and St. David's
May 5th, 11:00 a.m., St. David's - Patti StephensonMay12th, 9:30 a.m., St. Mark's - Sandi Irving
May 19th, 11:00 a.m., St. David's - Sandi Irving
May 26th, 9:30 a.m., St. Mark's - Lorna MacRury
June 2nd, 11:00 a.m., St. David's - Patti Stephenson
June 9th, 11:00 a.m., St. Mark's - Rev. Janice Aylward
St. Mark's Anniversary Service with Communion, followed by Pot Luck Meal
St. Mark's Lay Readers
May 12th - Vida HoodMay 26th - Linda Howlett
May 26th - Wayne Simpson
June 9th - Clark Brander
St. David's Lay Readers
May 5th - Wanda RadfordMay 19th - Amy McCormack
June 2nd - Maxine Smith
St. Mark's Minute for Mission
May 12th - Barb MacIntyreMay 26th Linda Howlett
June 9th - Larry Evans
St. Mark's needs Collection Counters - Please sign up.The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate!
St. Mark's Trustees and Finance Committee is seeking someone with flower gardening experience to give them guidance in maintaining the flower beds around the church and manse. The committee will purchase the required plants, fertilizer, etc., and provide the labour. Please contact Clark Brander if you would be willing to coordinate this project. If anyone is interested in growing some vegetables in either of the two built up planting beds, please contact Clark Brander. First come, first served.
St. David's Official Board meeting will be held on Sunday, May 5th, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the church hall.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, St. David's member for Region 15 is unavailable to attend the meetings in May in Sackville, N.B. If anyone is interested in attending, please call Cathy Maclean at (902)625-0891.
Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle
Knitters and crocheters gather in the parlour at St. Mark's on the 3rd Monday of each month.The next time of gathering is Monday, May 20th at 1 p.m. Anyone interested in knitting, crocheting or other handcrafts is welcome.