The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Minister of Music: Al Fougere
December 23rd, 2018
4th Sunday of Advent—Love
Announcements The Work of Church and Community
Welcome and greeting one another with the Peace of Christ.Let us pause to remember that in this region we live and work and worship on lands that are, by law, the unceded territories of the Wabanaki peoples—predominantly the lands of the Mi’kmaq, Maliseet, and Passamaquoddy.
May we live with respect on this land, and live in peace and friendship with its people.
One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
* Introit Procession & Hanging of “Love” Banner
*Call to Worship
Come, people of God, holy creations, wholly God’s,
with our holey and ragged lives.
We come, seeking God’s grace to make us whole.
We gather on this fourth Sunday of Advent
with trust in our hearts and hope in our steps.
We gather at the font and table to proclaim the belief that God is with us; we are not alone.
The sacraments of baptism and communion, in a tangible way, proclaim and celebrate the presence of God in our midst.
At font and table, we are called to imagine what is possible because God has come into our lives and into our world.
We are here to trust, listen, believe, and imagine as God’s holy people. We come, O God, we come.
Written by Susan Lukey, High River U.C., High River, Alta.
Gathering, A/C/E 2017‒2018, page 26. Used with permission.
Advent Candle-lighting Liturgy From Minutes for Mission 2018
This Advent Wreath Candle-Lighting Liturgy is based on the Revised
Common Lectionary readings for Year B and inspired by the seven
Antiphons of Advent (the Great O’s), traditionally used between
December 17 and December 24.
As the people of God, we search for love.…[Light the fourth Advent candle.]
As the people of God, we cry out to the Key of David:
Come quickly to make a home among us;
Come quickly to lift us from our lowliness;
Come quickly to proclaim greetings of love and good favour.
As the people of God, we sing.
Sung Response: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel verse 5 VU 1
Micah 5:2-5a Out of Bethlehem in Judea will come a leader.This is the witness of the Hebrew people.
All: Thanks be to God.
Luke 1:47-55 Mary sings, “My soul gives glory to my God. VU 898
* Hymn To a Maid Whose Name Was Mary VU 14
Opening the Word & The Lord's Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation
Luke 1:39-55 Mary visits Elizabeth.
One: This is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Opening the Word 2
* Hymn O Little Town of Bethlehem VU 64Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
* Offering Prayer
Gracious God, we give you thanks for the obedience of Christ which has put us right with you. Bless these gifts as a sign of our obedience, that they might be used to transform the lives of others and the world. Amen.
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern
* Hymn Hark! the Herald Angels Sing VU 48* Commissioning and Blessing
May the candle of love burn brightly in our hearts,
preparing the way for the Christ child.
May we be the signs of love in our world,
as we prepare during this season of Advent.
And may we always know that we never go alone,
for God our Creator, Jesus our Brother,
and the Holy Spirit our Sustainer
are our constant companions.
Written by Wanda Winfield, Blenheim U.C., Blenheim, Ont.
Gathering, A/C/E 2018‒2019, page 35. Used with permission.
* Choral Amen