The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Worship Leaders: The Sunday School
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Minister of Music: Al Fougere
December 16th, 2018
3rd Sunday of Advent—Peace
White Gift Sunday-St. David’s
* please stand as able
White Gift Service Presented by St. David's Sunday School
We Gather To Worship God
Welcome and greeting one another with the Peace of Christ.
One: The peace of Christ be with you
All: and with your spirit.
Introit Procession and Hanging of the ``Joy`` Banner
Call to Worship
One: The Church is the people
All: guided by your eternal Light
One: The Church is the building
All: guided by the strength of the community
One: The Church is the Bell
All: guided by for all whom it tolls
One: The Church is Tradition
All: guided by the wisdom of the past
One: The Church is celebration
All: guided by love, laughter and tears
One: The Church is Christmas
All: guided by the birth of the Holy Child
One: Come, let us worship.
*Prepare The Way VU 882
Advent Candle-Lighting Liturgy
As the people of God we search for joy…
Light the third candle (pink)
As the people of God we cry out to the Rod of Jesse
Come quickly to inspire the dreamers;
Come quickly to bind up the broken-hearted
Come quickly to testify of God’s great work with shouts of joy.
As the people of God we sing …O Come O Come Emmanuel vs.4, VU 1
We Listen For God’s Word
The readings -Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 2: 1-7 and Luke 2: 8-20 will be incorporated into the White Gift presentation:
Christmas Through the Centuries
children re-enact how the tradition of Christmas was celebrated throughout time
We Respond in Faith
Offering of Our Gifts to God
Offering Prayer
We pray that our offering
May bring joy to others
And that we can find it in our hearts
To continue to share our gifts.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Lord Jesus we remember
That you were born into this world
On Christmas Day
Help us to remember that you were born into a stable
And cradled in a manger
And so keep us from coveting wealth and comfort.
Help us to remember that there was no room
for you at the Inn
And grant that our lives may never become so crowded
That there is no room in them for you
Help us to remember that you came to show
the world God’s love,
And grant that our lives may never become so comfortable
And satisfied
That we fail to show love and concern
For our neighbours in need
This morning we especially pray for ……..
Guide us O Lord as Christmas Day approaches
And give us strength so that we may help others
Live in joy during this Advent season and always.
Lord’s Prayer
We Go To Serve God
*Joy to the World VU #59
Commissioning and Benediction
We have been blessed today with comradeship,
Children’s giggles and glorious music
Go forth spreading the joy that is in your hearts!
Choral Amen