The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God Minister: Nan Corrigan D.M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
April 8th, 2018-2nd of Easter
Announcements The Work of Church and Community
One: Jesus came and stood among his friends and said, “Peace be with you.” All: The risen Christ lives among us.The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
*Introit Jesus, Stand among Us VU 396
Call to Worship
One: We have seen, and we have heard:All: Christ is risen!
One: The cross and tomb are empty.
All: Christ is risen!
One: The disciples saw his hands.
All: Christ is risen!
One: They saw his side.
All: Christ is risen!
One: Love has come to life.
All: We come to worship the risen Christ who is risen indeed!
Opening Prayer
Redeeming God, Christ commissioned disciples to offer peace and forgiveness in his name. As we celebrate the good news of resurrection, empower us to be better able to testify to the life that is revealed in Christ. May we find forgiveness and peace this day. Amen.*Hymn We Are Marching VU 646
Prayer for Wholeness
One: When we need proof of you in the world, All: you offer your breath.
One: When we hold too tight to the past,
All: you offer your grace.
One: When we cling to old hurts,
All: you offer your love.
One: When we use our words and actions to wound others,
All: you offer your healing.
One: When we fail to forgive those who hold our past against us,
All: you offer your hope.
One: When we hurt others, with or without intention,
All: you offer your peace.
One: When we separate ourselves from you,
All: you offer your forgiveness, redeeming Christ, you bring us back to you. You open closed hearts and heal injured souls. It is through your love and forgiveness that we find healing and freedom. Amen.
Words of Assurance
It is through the risen Christ that we are given redemption.It is through the risen Christ that we are made whole.
It is through the risen Christ that we are forgiven.
As the people of God, live healed and live forgiven!
Acts 4:32–35 The believers shared everything in common.
One: This is the witness of the early church. All: Thanks be to God.Psalm 133 Behold how pleasant, how good it is (sung) VU 856
*Hymn Breathe on Me, Breath of God VU 382
Opening the Word & the Lord’s Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation
John 20:19–31 Jesus appears to disciples A Reading in 3 Voices
One: Herein is Good News. All: Praise be to God.Opening the Word 2
* Hymn Just a Closer Walk Printed
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Prayer
These, our gifts, are a sign of our confidence in the risen Jesus. They are our testament to the belief that all are included in God’s reign of justice and we send them unconditionally into the world to do good. Amen.Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession A Breath Prayer
Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on the disciples and told them to go out as he was sent. In that breath, in the Holy Spirit, he offered peace and forgiveness. Today’s prayer is a breath prayer.
* Hymn We Shall Go Out with Hope of Resurrection VU 586
We have prayed, we have sung. We have spoken, we have listened. We have wrestled with doubts and received Christ’s peace and forgiveness.Go out this day, carrying Christ’s peace and forgiveness with you. Offer them to all you encounter who are in need of them.
We go, continuing to celebrate the resurrection of the living, risen Christ!