Thursday, 14 September 2017

St. Mark's "Sticker-ocracy"

St. Mark's "Sticker-ocracy" 
St. Mark's Board will be meeting this week. A chart re this congregation's past and present realities has been in the church entry over the summer. As well, the congregation has been invited to add to the list of possible future scenarios for St. Mark's that were generated at the June Board meeting. 

At worship on Sunday September 17th, you will be given 3 stickers as you arrive. In the lobby you will find flipchart paper with options for movement into the future. As a way of your Board getting a feel for how the congregation would like to proceed, we invite you to place your stickers beside your preferred option or options (ie. you can place all 3 stickers with one suggestion you really like or divide them up as to top choices). Sticker-ocracy at work!