The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Minister of Music: Al Fougere
The Season after Pentecost-Creation Time 1
September 10th 2017-Forest Sunday
Prince Edward Island-Biggest Tree-Victoria By the Sea--Nan gives it a hug! |
“All the trees of the forest sing for joy”. Psalm 96:12
Thoughts around which to gather as we worship: This week, reflect on all of the ways you interact with God’s creation in your everyday life. Pay attention to the simplest of interactions at home, work, or school – from the air you breathe, to the trees outside your window, to the food you eat. At each moment of recognition, say a short prayer of gratitude.
Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Season of Creation • Pentecost 2 2014
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2013, p. 12
Announcements The Work of Church and Community
One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.*Introit Know That God Is Good MV 104
Call to Worship
In the rustling of leaves on the tree – the sound of the wind.In the intake of each breath – the sound of the Spirit of God.
Spirit, breath, wind of God, rustle through our lives today;
touch us with your mystery.
Bring us alive to you as we worship this day.
Opening Prayer
*Hymn All Things Bright and Beautiful VU291
Prayer for Wholeness
Assurance of Forgiveness
One: God loves the world, and in great and unfathomable mystery we are charged with its care. As each one of us is intricately woven and intimately known, so too are the forests and trees – precious as the “lungs” of the world.All: As we are aware of this great love and trust, we are attuned to the wind of God in whom we live and move and have our being. God loves us all! Thanks be!
Genesis 2:4b–22 From the earth comes the human…and forest
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.Psalm 139 How deep your designs are to me parts 3 & 4, VU861
*Hymn O Beautiful Gaia MV 41
Opening the Word & The Lord’s Prayer
Acts 17:22–28 God who made the earth and everything in it.
One: This is the witness of the early church. All: Thanks be to God.Opening the Word 2
* Hymn When Long Before Time VU248
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Prayer
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession A Bidding Prayer
After each bidding phrase a silence will be kept in which you may offer your own prayer-filled thoughts.Let us pray for… the world in which we live.
* Hymn How Great Thou Art Cover of Voices United
*Commissioning and Blessing
One: As the wind blows where it chooses,All: the Spirit of God rustles through our lives.
One: The God who breathes into our being
All: refreshes our longing to know more deeply the interconnection of all things in God.
One: The mysterious and unknown God
All: disturbs our complacency and stirs our actions of love and care for the world.
One: In love for the world God loves
All: we go to live and move and be fully alive in God.