Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God Minister: Nan Corrigan D.M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
June 11th, 2017—92nd Anniversary United Church of Canada
51st Anniversary St. Mark’s United Church
A Service Based on The Crest of The United Church of Canada
Announcements The Work of Church and Community
Acknowledgement of the Territory
One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.*Introit Jesus, stand among us in your risen power;
let this time of worship be a hallowed hour.
Breathe the Holy Spirit into every heart;
bid the fears and sorrows from each soul depart.
William Pennefather (1873) – Voices United VU 396
Call to Worship
On June 10, 92 years ago, our denomination was formed.For 92 years, The United Church of Canada has come together to serve God and to proclaim the Word.
Today, we have come to continue to celebrate that creation and the Creation.
For 51 years, St. Mark’s United Church, Port Hawkesbury has come together to serve God and to proclaim the Word.
Today, we have come to celebrate the beginnings of this congregation and the new beginnings still possible.
Let us worship the unifying Spirit as we sing and pray.
Written by Jim McKean, St. Paul’s U.C., Orillia, Ont.
Gathering, Pentecost 1 2017, p.26 adapted
Opening Prayer
The United Church of Canada Crest (Part 1): “Introduction”
*Hymn Crown Him with Many Crowns VU 211
The United Church of Canada Crest (Pt 2): “It’s All Greek to Me”
Exodus 3:1–6 Moses at the burning bush.
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.The United Church of Canada Crest (Part 3): “On Fire!”
*Hymn It Only Takes a Spark VU 289
Psalm 119 Your word is a lamp for my feet Pt. 5, VU 840–841
The United Church of Canada Crest (Part 4): “God’s Truth”
*Hymn I Love to Tell the Story VU 343
The Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 3:1, 5, 13–17 The baptism of Jesus
One: This is Good News! All: Thanks be to God.The United Church of Canada Crest (Pt 5): “A Dove Descending”
*Hymn Love Divine, All Loves Excelling VU 333
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Prayer
The United Church of Canada Crest (Pt 6): “The Beginning and the End” Revelation 21:5–7
*Communion Hymn Spirit of Life VU 381
Sacrament of Communion Communion Insert, cover of Voices United
Distribution Hymn Refrain (all): Dona nobis pacem, pacem. Dona nobis pacem.WE GO TO SERVE GOD
The United Church of Canada Crest (Pt 7): “Fishing for a Different Catch”
* Hymn Jesus, You Have Come to the Lakeshore VU 563
The United Church of Canada Crest (Part 8): “Conclusion”
*Commissioning *Choral Amen
This worship service based on one written by glenda thornton, while at Centenary-Queen Square U.C., Saint John, N.B.
Gathering, Pentecost 1 2014, p.48