Saturday, 12 November 2016


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
November 13th, 2016-Stewardship 5
Giving Thanks—Modelling Gratititude

Announcements     The Work of Church and Community



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

Acknowledging the Traditional Territory

Lighting the Candle

Sung response: I am the light of the world!
You people come and follow me!
If you follow and love you’ll learn the mystery
Of what you were meant to do and be. VU 87

Acclamation of the Light       Echo Cheer

The candle is lit
Jesus came to be the Light of the whole world. The light of Christ is with us always.
The love of God is with us always. We do not have to be afraid.

Sung response: I am the light of the world!

Opening Prayer

Jesus is the light of the world!
Let us gather in the light of Christ!
The Christ light passes through us as light through a prism
Transforming us into God-colours in the world.
God colours us red, rebuilding the broken-hearted.
God colours us orange,
giving thanks for the outstanding within us and around us.
God colours us yellow, yearning for the lost.
God colours us green, growing with new life.
God colours us blue, seeking to nourish new beginnings.
God colours us violet, sharing love that is vital.
Come, let us worship God, who creates a rainbow of grace
in us, through us, and with us.
And give thanks to Jesus, the light of the world! Amen.

* Hymn       Will You Come and See the Light          VU 96


Genesis 9:8–17 The sign of the covenant

One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 150         Everybody praise the Lord            VU 874

*Hymn             Arise, Your Light is Come             VU 79

Opening the Word/The Lord's Prayer

Galations 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens

Matthew 5:13-16a Here to be salt-seasoning…to be light

Hear what the Spirit is saying through these ancient words of scripture. All: Thanks be to God.

Opening the Word 2


* Hymn            A Light is Gleaming           VU 82

Minute for Mission

*Offering Prayer

Gracious God, we give thanks for the gifts you offer to us each and every day.
At this time we offer to you our gifts of time, talent, and treasure, asking you to gather them up, bless them, and use them in your world.
May they paint the world in rainbow colours of rebuilding, nurturing things outstanding, yearning, growing, beginning, and vitalizing.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern

God loves to hear the prayers of God’s people. Let us pray:
Loving God, we give thanks that you gift us with Jesus, the light of the world.
We give thanks that we can open ourselves to letting the light of Christ shine through us.
Your God-colours remind us of the completeness of your love, so freely given, and so we bring our concerns to you with confidence that they are heard.
We pray for the broken—broken in mind, in body, in spirit.
Allow the red light to shine through us, rebuilding all brokenness. Let us paint your world red.
We pray for the ways we have not seen your gifts in others.
Allow the orange light to shine through us, pointing out all that is outstanding in our neighbour, our community, the stranger, and the world. Let us paint your world orange.
We pray for those longings that seem never to be able to be satisfied.
Allow the yellow light to shine through us, yearning for those who long for peace, for justice, for freedom, and for love.
Let us paint your world yellow.
We pray for the dying, the bereaved, the parched, the hungry, the stagnated, the decaying.
Allow the green light to shine through us, growing life, joy, food, encouragement, and love where there is none.
Let us paint your world green.
We pray for those who can see nothing but endings.
Allow the blue light to shine through us, showing paths to new beginnings, new possibilities, new life, and love.
Let us paint your world blue.
We pray for those who find no meaning, no purpose, no love.
Allow the violet light to shine through us, illuminating vitality and potential. Let us paint your world violet.
Lord, you have created the rainbow to remind us of the vastness of your love.
May we shine your God-colours in all we say and all we do, sharing our gratitude for the grace that gives us
life, love, and Jesus, the light of the world.
Amen and amen.


* Hymn         I Am the Light of the World            VU 87

* Commissioning for Stewardship & Blessing

*Choral Amen