Saturday, 5 November 2016


Ministering through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader (St. M.): Wayne Simpson
(St. D.): Kevin Pierce
Mission Moment (St. M.): Sarah Chiasson
Greeters & Collectors (St. M.): Archie & Elaine Noseworthy
Greeter (St. D.): The Timmons Family
Collectors (St. D.): Marie Davis, Ashley Mac Leod

Monday & Tuesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. David’s, Jane at St. Mark’s
Thursday 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle: Knitters and crocheters gather in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Next time of gathering is November 21st at 1:00 p.m.

Next meeting of the Ministry and Personnel Committee is scheduled for November 9th. Please be in touch with the committee if you have celebrations or concerns regarding church staff.

"Gifts with Vision" catalogues have arrived and are on the table in the church entry.
About Gifts with Vision
The United Church of Canada developed this giving catalogue Gifts with Vision in response to member requests to be able to give gifts to relatives, friends, and loved ones that are in direct support of the church's Mission & Service partners across Canada and around the world.

If you are seeking inspiring new gift ideas or perhaps would rather not give family and friends the same old clothes/toys/chocolates, Gifts with Vision presents a new way to celebrate special occasions. Give a gift that can help change people's lives!

Gift funding raised for partners through the catalogue will be over and above the regular member-supported, stable core funding that these partners receive.

Everyone will find something in Gifts with Vision worth sharing with the special people in their lives. Gifts are available in a range of dollar amounts, as well as for many areas of need (hunger, shelter, education, health, safety, mobility, and more).

Study documents for Remits: Study sessions for Remit 2 & 3 will be held on Monday, November 7th at St. Mark’s at 7:00 p.m. and at St. David’s on Wednesday, November 16th at 10:00 a.m. Board members and interested individuals from the congregations are encouraged to attend whichever of these is most convenient for them.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.

Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for Nov.-Dec. are available.

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.


Today, we are pleased to thank and honour Kevin Pierce, Colin Chisholm, Marian Langley, Edward Malcolm and Bill Charlton, past members of the Armed Forces. They have been nominated by the Port Hawkesbury Legion Branch 43 to receive A Quilt of Valour.

The Quilts of Valour have been made by local quilters in the Tea Thyme Guild at St. Mark’s as a thank-you to those who have been touched by war. For more information on the Quilts of Valour go on line at:

Lay Readers
Nov.13th – Joyce Oliver-Snair 
Nov. 20th – Brenda Mac Innis
Nov. 27th – Jim Chiasson

FundScrip Order Dates are Sunday November 6th and 20th and Delivery Dates are Sunday November 13th and 27th.
The November Promotions are as follows:
Petro-Canada                                3% (Regular 2% )
Canadian Tire                                5% (Regular 4% )
Hudson’s Bay/Home Outfitters        5% (Regular 3% )
Winners                                        8% (Regular 6% )
Home Sense                                 8% (Regular 6% )
If you have any questions or if you wish to join the program please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838.

November 20th – 8:00 a.m. – St. Mark’s Men’s Group Breakfast.

November 22nd – St. Mark’s Congregational Board Meeting:
6:30 p.m. – Executive, 7:00 p.m. – Committees, 8:00 p.m. – Combined Board.


St. David’s Session Meeting on Wednesday, November 16 at 7:30 p.m. Please make every effort to attend.

St. David's UCW will meet on Wednesday, November 9/16 at the home of Grace Pilgrim at 1:30 pm

Lay Readers
Nov. 13th – Wanda Radford
Nov. 20th – Arnold Mac Lean
Nov. 27th – Margie Mac Intyre

Hall Cleaners for November are Claudette & Ashley Fox

PASTORAL AIRS.... St. David's United Church, Port Hastings, Sunday, November 27th, 7 p.m., lunch following. Free will offering with proceeds for our local Food Bank. Musicians to include, Kinnon and Betty Beaton, The Gaelic Choir, Joe MacMaster, Siblings Two, John Donald Cameron, Gordon MacLean, Roy MacKinnon
Memorial Hymn Sing at St. Joseph's Parish Church, Port Hawkesbury today Sunday, November 6, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. Combined choirs of St. Joseph's, St. Mark's & St. David's under the direction of Bernadette MacDonald. Reception to follow.  Free Will Offering at the door.  All Welcome!

Donate your gently used clothing to Port of Welcome Settlement Association. Drop off clothing at Cathy's Consignment shop and ask that proceeds of sales go to the POWSA account (act#4488). Once our family arrives they will be able to use the credit in that account to purchase clothing items.

Lamplight Service. Calvin Presbyterian Church, Loch Lomond.
on Nov.13th at 6.00pm. Minister Rev. Corrie Steward. Special Music St. Peter's Christian Church Choir. Social Hour to follow at the community hall.

Breakfast at Port Hastings Fire Hall on Saturday, November 19, 2016 from 8:00-11:00 a.m. Adults $8.00/Children $5.00. Hosted by Port Hastings Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary.