Saturday, 15 October 2016


We have been truly blessed for 35 years! Jane MacKinnon began her ministry as Church Secretary at St. Mark's United Church during the time that the Reverend Kenley MacNeill was our clergyperson. She started working in the church office (though it was in a different location in the church than it is today) on October 21st, 1981 and has been a smiling, welcoming presence in our midst ever since. 

Here she is pictured at her desk this week with flowers presented by the Ministry and Personnel Committee on behalf of St. Mark's and St. David's congregations. A few of us gathered for an informal celebration with Jane on Wednesday morning. Vida Hood and Valli Ross provided tea, muffins and chocolate zucchini cake! And Jane did a wee bit of storytelling--but,ever the keeper of confidences, she did not reveal any secrets about the ministers she has served with over these years. 

We all owe you a whole lot of gratitude Jane--THANK YOU! and may God richly bless you as you continue in this ministry of service to these congregations.