Wednesday, 22 June 2016


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Minister of Music: Al Fougere
June 12th, 2016: Sacrament of Communion
50th Anniversary of St. Mark's United Church
* please stand as able
Organ Prelude
Prayer & Declaration at the Door
We beseech Thee, O Lord, graciously enter Thy house, and with the hearts of Thy faithful people establish for Thyself an everlasting habitation, that they may be glorified by the indwelling of the One by whose building they live: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Peace be to this house and all that worship in it.
Peace be to those that enter and to those that go from it.
Peace be to those that love it
and that love the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
-from the Service of Dedication of St. Mark’s United Church
Sunday, June 12, 1966 at 3:00 p.m.
Introit               A Dance to Celebrate the Jubilee               The Langley Children
Ringing of the Memorial Bell
Call to Worship
People of God, come to worship this day,
Right: willing to look through the heart,
Left: grateful for the Spirit’s movement in our past,
Right: ready to encounter God in new ways,
Left: available to new revelations of faith,
Right: prepared to set aside preconceptions,
Left: open to mystery and wonder.
People of God, come to worship this day!
* Hymn Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven VU 240

Opening Prayer
We do not come to worship, or to this space, without remembrance or story. We come with the legacies of our shared history.
One at a time and from different directions, the symbols of our community’s journey with God are brought forward and placed.
What stories does this bring into our worship? What memories? What hopes?
All: We come to worship in this space bringing memories and hopes.
Words of Affirmation
New beginnings continue, for we live and move and have our being in God’s unfolding story.
Fresh choices continue, for we live and move and have our being in God’s unfolding story.
We will be remembered, for we live in God’s unfolding story. Thanks be to God, the dwelling place of all generations.
Portions of Scripture: Read by Youth of 1966
At the Sanctuary Steps-Concerning Prayer-John 16:23, 24
Read by Kenneth Swain (1966), today by Anna Marie Langley
At the Pulpit-Concerning the Word of God
and the Preaching of the Gospel-Isaiah 55:10, 11
Read by Bertha (Hennessey) Spicer (1966), Joyce Oliver-Snair
At the Baptismal Font-Concerning Baptism-Matthew 28:18-20
Read by Archie Noseworthy
At the Sanctuary Steps-Concerning Confirmation-Acts 8:14, 15
Read by Janice (Langley) Langille
At the Sanctuary Steps-Concerning Matrimony
-Ephesians 5:31, 32
Read by Richard Cluett (1966), John MacLeod Langley
At the Pulpit-Concerning the Burial of the Dead
-1 Thessalonians 4:13, 14
Read by Elizabeth (Anderson) MacInnis
At the Place of Receiving the Offering-Concerning the Offering
-Exodus 35:21, 22
Read by Colin Langille (1966), Gladys Knight
At the Organ-Concerning the Ministry of Praise
-Psalm 92:1 & 1 Corinthians 14:15
Read by Donna Warner (1966), Elaine Noseworthy
At the Communion Table-Concerning the Lord’s Supper
-1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Read by Alan Wilson (1966), Judy Castle
At the Sanctuary Steps-Concerning Christian Fellowship
-Ephesians 2:19-22
Read by Ann (Gagnon) Wowk (1966), Lorna (Gagnon) McRury
At the Sanctuary Steps-Concerning Youth-Mark 10:13-16
Read by James Ritcey (1966), Nan Corrigan
-from the Service of Dedication of St. Mark’s United Church
Sunday, June 12, 1966 at 3:00 p.m.
*Psalm 100              Make a Joyful Noise                   VU 820
Children’s 50th Anniversary Offering                The Langley Children

Focus Scripture         Genesis 28:10-22a                Reader Brenda MacInnis

Opening the Word The Rev. Catherine Stuart
President of Maritime Conference
Choir Offering              Take Now My Voice
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
Offering Song We Praise You, O God *stand v3 VU 218

Sacrament of Communion Insert, cover of Voices United
Distribution Hymn Dona Nobis Pacem
*An Affirmation of Faith A New Creed VU 918
A Litany of Remembrance
Response: One: ...we remember. All: We remember.
* Hymn             The Church’s One Foundation              VU 331
* Commissioning/Sending Out
(leader raises hands to initiate the response) Response: For God is the One in whom all dwell, and God’s story goes on.
*Choral Amen
*Ringing of the Memorial Bell