Thursday, 1 October 2015


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
October 4th, 2015-Creation Time: Worldwide Communion
Thoughts around which to gather as we worship:
Today we celebrate Communion with followers of Jesus the world over. We owe this to someone named Jesse Bader, who spent his whole life working to get Christians to worship and work together. Almost 60 years ago, he started this idea of all Christians everywhere celebrating Communion on the same Sunday, no matter where they lived or what denomination they belonged to. His dream came true, and today we can celebrate Worldwide Communion Sunday as one big family of those who love and follow Jesus!
The Whole People of God, 1-4 © Wood Lake Publishing October 4, 2015
Announcements         The Work of Church and Community


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
*Introit           O Great Earth
O Great Earth so green and so blue, this is the promise that I’ll make to you: To care for Creation, for Creation can hear the rhythm of your heartbeat.  
Words unknown, tune Linnea Good.
                                                Copyright © 1995 Borealis Music. Used by permission.
Call to Worship
One: Bread and wine join us together,
All: for praise and prayer, for friendship and service in this congregation of Christ's people.
(We pause and think about our local congregation friends.)
One: Bread and wine join us together,
All: with pastoral charges working carefully and justly in Inverness Guysborough Presbytery and Maritime Conference.
(We pause and think about our friends in this presbytery and Conference.)
One: Bread and wine join us together,
All: with faith communities worldwide, especially those supported by Mission and Service.
(We pause and think about the churches of our community, family and friends, inside and outside of Canada.)
One: Bread and wine join us together, to Christ the True Vine,
All: we are called to the way of discipleship, to support each other and to serve the vulnerable.
(We pause and think about our discipleship.) Amen.
Written by David Sparks, Wesley U.C., Thunder Bay, Ont.
     Gathering, Summer/Autumn 2006, page 48. Used with permission.  
Opening Prayer
 Source of our hope and joy of our hearts, we gather in union with people from the far corners of our world, thankful that your love is able to overcome all that divides us from one another. We gather as disciples of Jesus to share the mystery of faith as we unite with one another and with your people everywhere. Feed us by your life-giving Spirit as we break bread and remember the story of our faith. Amen.  
Written by  Dianne Astle, Chemainus-Crofton P.C.& Cedar U.C., Chemainus, B.C.  Gathering, Summer/Autumn 2006, page 48. Used with permission.
* Hymn          One More Step Along the World I Go             VU 639
Prayer for Wholeness          
Assurance of Love
...Know that, even when we are caught up in argument and confusion, Jesus gently reminds us that what matters is God’s love for us – unconditional and never ending. Thanks be to God. Amen. 


Job 1:1; 2:1–10     Job’s first affliction; faith intact.
One: Herein is Wisdom.  All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 26        Prove me, try me, test my heart.           
The Gospel Acclamation
Story based on Mark 10: 13-16
One: Herein is Good News! All: Praise be to God.
*Hymn          Jesus Came, a Child like Me                           VU 583
Opening the Word
* Hymn           God, We Pray at This Beginning                   VU 443
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Prayer 
God of grace, amazed by your kindness, moved by your generosity, and inspired by your compassion, we offer these gifts as we pledge ourselves to the service of Christ and to Christ’s vision for a renewed and just world for all people. Amen.
*Hymn            We Gather Here                                            VU 469 
Sacrament of Communion   Insert, cover of Voices United
Distribution Hymn    One Bread, One Body                        VU 467
* Hymn       We Shall Go Out with Hope of Resurrection     VU 586
* Commissioning and Blessing
Go into the world in peace, sharing God’s overwhelming message of love and grace with all people, those who have been cut down by words and actions that tell them they are not complete. Know that God – Creator, Christ, and Spirit – will be with you, and will support you, each and every day.
*Choral Amen