Friday, 30 October 2015


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
November 1st, 2015-All Saints Day
* please stand as able
Announcements The Work of Church and Community


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
*Introit Come Build a Church
Come build a church with soul and spirit,
come build a church of flesh and bone.
We need no tower rising skyward;
no house of wood or glass or stone.
Come build a church with human frailty,
come build a church of flesh and blood.
Jesus shall be its sure foundation.
It shall be built by the hand of God.
Words and music: Ken Medema Copyright © Ken Medema Music/Brier Patch Music (ASCAP) 1995.
Used by permission.
Call to Worship
One: Listen, O people, God is one: and you shall love your God with all your heart, and soul, and mind, and strength.
All: We have come to worship God!
One: Listen, O people, the second commandment is like the first: you should love your neighbour as you love yourself.
All: We have come to worship God!
One: Loving God, our neighbour, and ourselves is more important than anything else.
All: We have come to worship God!

Opening Prayer
We give you thanks loving God, for your presence in our lives wherever we go and for people in our community who bear your presence to us. In turning us toward you, O God, turn us toward one another. Amen.

*Hymn          Help Us Accept Each Other             Printed
Prayer for Wholeness
Response: One: …forgive us. All: Forgive us, loving God.

Assurance of Love
… So know that, whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself, God loves you and is with you always.
All: Thanks be to God! Amen.


Ruth 1:1–18             Ruth chooses to go with Naomi.
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 146       I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath.        VU868

*Hymn        O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing      VU325

The Gospel Acclamation

Mark 12:28–34 Story-The Most Important Rules

Opening the Word & Rhythmic Chant
LoveLove the Lord your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your mind
and with all your strength.
Love your neighbour as yourselfLove.

The Lord's Prayer

Opening the Word 2


*Hymn        We Are Pilgrims              VU595

Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God

*Offering Prayer
With these gifts, O God, we express a small portion of our love for you, and for our neighbours. Take what we offer and use it to help fill the world to overflowing with your abundant goodness. Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern
One: Loving God, on this All Saints Day we are mindful of all those everyday, ordinary people who have chosen to live their lives a little differently, to set aside their agenda and ego and to find ways to serve you through their lives. We think today of all those who have been examples of what it means to love you and to love one another:
All: for those like Ruth and Naomi who modelled a loving relationship regardless of the risks and the costs, and for others who risk everything, in order to love others.
One: We honour those who recognize that all our rules and laws can be summed in the simple commandments to love you, O God, and to love one another, and to love ourselves.
All: We pray that we might be guided each day to do the same.
One: You, O God, are the one who made heaven and earth,
All: and we pray for all those who care for the earth.
One: You, O God, keep your promises forever,
All: and we pray for those who help keep faith alive in the midst of struggle.
One: You, O God, seek justice for the oppressed, and food for the hungry,
All: and we pray for those who take risks to fight to end injustice and poverty.
One: You, O God, set prisoners free, open the eyes of the blind, and lift up those who are bowed down,
All: and we pray for those who do all they can to enhance the lives of others.
One: You, O God, love the righteous, care for the stranger, and sustain the orphan and the widow,
All: and we pray for those who call us to be forever mindful of the ones that the world so easily forgets.
One: For all your saints, O God, and for all people, everywhere, who seek to do your will, we pray that your presence may be felt, realized, ex­perienced, and shared. Amen.


* Hymn                For All the Saints        VU705

* Commissioning and Blessing

*Choral Amen