Sky Sunday – September 20
Jeremiah 4:23–28 and Psalm 19:1a
“Heaven is declaring God’s glory…”
The unbridled praise of God’s creative power in Psalm 19helps to counter the negative imagery of Jeremiah 4:23–28.
Yet, while this latter passage speaks of Earth having no hope,
still God proclaims, “I will not destroy it completely.” Even
in the midst of God’s anger and despair at humankind –
often for ways we have abused Creation – still God does not
abandon us, or the Earth which is our home. Indeed, we can
look to the heavens and feel the power and presence of God.
■■ How do you feel God present in the sky?
Take a breath, and feel the wondrous presence of God in that
air, offering you the gift of a moment of being.
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2014 Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Season of Creation • Pentecost 2 2015, p.7