Saturday, 26 July 2014


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: The Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
July 27th, 2014—7th Sunday after Pentecost

There is a tightness in the world’s chest, a tangled mess of stress and distraction, a constriction of the heart that blocks our ability to extend blessing. It is not through endless theological debate, not through intellectual gymnastics, or changing standards of orthodoxy that we will be set free. The heart is set free through blessing. Blessing opens the heart. It is time to untangle, loosen, and open our hearts so that we too can offer the essential blessing to God’s love. Blessing begets blessing.
Intention: Today I know who I really am – blessed one of God.
Breath Prayer:            BREATHING IN: Bless the Lord
~ from Sabbath Pause by Terry Chapman
 Announcements         The Work of Church and Community


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit
*Introit            Come and Find the Quiet Centre, verse 1          VU 374
*Call to Worship
We stand on the shore of God’s new day
and look ahead to what is yet to be.    Flour is brought forward.
We hold close the precious treasures
of biblical stories, past experiences of God,
and the wisdom of our ancestors in faith.
Yet we move in God’s Spirit to experience
something new.     A carafe of oil is brought forward.
May old and new blend
in the way we respond to God’s surprises
as well as God’s steady hand.   A pitcher of water is brought in.
*Opening Prayer
Come, O Spirit of God,
and hide within us a yeast that will cause us
to rise in resurrection hope and praise.
Come, O Spirit of God,
and hide within in us that which will grow
through the hearing of God’s Word
so we may share bread of life
with those in need of hope.
Come, O Spirit of God. Amen.
*Hymn            Praise to the Lord, the Almighty                    VU 220
Prayer for Wholeness
In today’s passage from Romans 8 the apostle writes of the way that the Spirit prays with us in sighs too deep for words. You are invited to respond in this litany with a deep, audible sigh (breathe in deeply and breathe out as you say “ah”).
God, you have created beautiful faces
            and lives all around us.
Yet we forget about your beauty
            and do harm to each other.
                        May your Spirit help us. (Sigh.)
God, you have created amazing seas
            and animals and plants all around us.
Yet we forget about your beauty
            and harm the creation you have given us.
                        May your Spirit help us. (Sigh.)
God, you have created people and nations
            and communities for good.
Yet we forget about your goodness as we experience
            war and hunger and sickness in our world.
                        May your Spirit help us. (Sigh.)
God, we forget that deep within creation and
            humanity there are voices calling for healing and wholeness.
We pretend that we groan alone. May your Spirit help us. (Sigh.)
Assurance of Love
In the Spirit’s sighs, we are renewed in God’s purposes with us.
Nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God.
We are forgiven! We are loved! Thanks be to God!


Genesis 29:15–28      Jacob marries Leah and Rachel.
One: Here is Wisdom. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 105: 1-11, 45b Make known what God has done  VU828 pt. 1
*Hymn:           I love to Tell the Story                                                VU 343
Romans 8:26-39 The Spirit intercedes for us when we cannot pray.
Opening the Word & The Lord’s Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52   Mustard seed, yeast, treasure, pearls, net.
One: Here is Good News. All: Praise be to God.


* Hymn            It Only Takes a Spark                                                VU 289
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Prayer  
Giving and Gracious God, you have shown us what it means to give. You have showered us with gifts of love, of grace, and of life itself. Now, with gratitude, we offer you back humble gifts: we offer you our whole selves. Some of our gifts are of time, some are of spirit, and some are of finances. We pray that you will bless all of our gifts, and that you will show us how to partner with you to use all of these gifts for your continued ministry in creation. Amen.            
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession  
Response: Be still and know that I am God. (x2)


* Hymn           What  a Friend We Have In Jesus                  VU 664
* Commissioning and Blessing         
Go now, you yeast of the kingdom of God
            and let the hope rise!
Go now, you surprising mustard ministers
            and watch the yield of love spread!
Go now, you treasures of God’s delight
            and live in faithfulness.
And may the light and love of God abide with us and shine through us as we go from this place.       
*Choral Amen