Wednesday, 9 April 2014


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere 

April 13th, 2014-Palm/Passion Sunday
* please stand as able
A thought around which to gather as we worship:
Matthew 21:1–11 & Matthew 26:14—27:66
At the end of Lent we journey with Jesus through his final days and hours on Earth. But even in their final mo­ments together, the disciples abandon Jesus – betraying him, falling asleep, denying they know him – and he is left alone to face his execution. We can identify with the disciples’ fear and understand the great betrayal Jesus felt because we can point to times in our own lives when it seems we’re all alone and forgotten. But we must remem­ber that God’s love endures and God is with us – with Jesus – even during the hardest moments of our lives.
This week – Spend time reading and re-reading Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his Passion (the focus scriptures above). As you read, write down some of the moments from your own life when you are like the char­acters in the story (Jesus, Pilate, Judas, Peter, the angry crowd, the soldiers, and so on).
Copyright © Woodlake Publishing Inc. 2013, Seasons of the Spirit
SeasonsFUSION Lent-Easter 2014, p. 13


Choir members, worship leader, lay readers, symbol bearer, children and adults who wish to process with palm branches gather in church hall.
Liturgy of the Palms: Scripture Reading: Matthew 21:1–10 (read from the entrance to the church)

*Processional Hymn      Hosanna, Loud Hosanna      VU 123
*Opening Prayer
God of Jesus, who shared our humanity, keep us company on this Lenten journey so that we may find the path to life. Amen.
*Placement of Lenten Symbol—A palm branch
Call to Worship Back of bulletin
Who Carries the Christ?

“Tell them I need it,” says the Christ.

I need humble ones to carry my life,

to bring hope to the people
Who will carry the Christ today?

All: We will be love.

Who will bring hope to the people?

All: We will be love.

Stay beside me as I travel,

for tomorrow the way may not be so welcoming.

All: We will be love.

The stones cry out in joy,

the trees wave their branches in delight,

the birds burst into song,

for Christ is among the people!

Lenten Triad Candle Extinguishing (Tenebrae)
(One purple candle and Christ candle are lit prior to worship.)
(6th candle is extinguished.) Let us pray:
All: God, our Savior, we praise and adore you.
In your mercy you have reached out to us
and made us your covenant people.
We want to be faithful, O God,
yet our feet slip easily from your pathway.
Transform our wavering steps
into solid conviction. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Sung Assurance:
Throughout These Lenten Days and Nights, verse 6 VU 108
Prayer of Approach Back of bulletin


Psalm 118      With palm branches in hand      pts. 1, 3, 4 VU 837
*Hymn           He Came Riding on a Donkey           VU 124
Opening the Word (Imagine the donkey) & The Lord’s Prayer
Gospel Acclamation
Stories of Holy Week- based on Matthew 21:1-11; 26:14-27:66


* Hymn All Glory, Laud and Honour VU 122
*Affirmation of Faith and Passing of the Christ Light
We believe that the Christ
still travels the roads of human life
and is never defeated by our humanness.
We believe that the church
can carry Love wherever we go
and that our dreams of faithfulness
can be given new possibilities in each new day.
We believe that, here in this place,
we will find inspiration and encouragement,
that will lead us on
in our journey with the Christ.
Minute for Mission
Offering Our Gifts to God
* Offering Prayer
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
One: Let us pray.
All: Surprising God, you come to our lives in ways we do not expect.
One: We ask for success;
All: you teach us acceptance.
One: We ask to be loved;
All: you ask us to love.
One: We ask for ease;
All: you challenge us.
One: We ask for ourselves;
All: you remind us of the needs of others.
One: We ask for a triumphant Messiah;
All: you come as one obedient to death.
One: We glorify the winner;
All: you glorify the loser who died on the criminal’s cross.
One: Walk among us, Surprising God. And be especially with those in our world who are crucified because we do not see, nor act according to your love.
All: You have made a covenant with us. Let us live in covenant with you. Amen.


* Hymn      We Shall Go Our with Hope of Resurrection      VU 586
* Commissioning and Blessing
There is a tradition that Palm Sunday is the beginning of a one-week-long service through Holy Week so there is no Amen, just words of encouragement and invitation to gather again next time.
May we have courage as we move into these next days.
It will be a trying time and our faith may be challenged.
Love will carry us.
The nights ahead will be long.
Love will carry us.
It will be a bleak time and we will be afraid.
Love will carry us.

We go now, carried by Love.