Thursday, 25 July 2013

ORDER OF SERVICE-SUNDAY JULY 28TH 2018-Outdoor worship

Outdoor Worship--St. David's United Church
9:30 a.m. 
Bring a lunch chair and your sunhat! 
Potluck brunch to follow in the church hall. Beverage provided.
July 28th, 2013-10th Sunday after Pentecost

Announcements The Work of Church and Community



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
* Introit The Lord’s Prayer with liturgical movement
*Call to Worship
* Hymn      We Praise You, O God     VU 218
Opening Prayer We pray together the bolded words
Entoure-nous, Enlace-nous, Dieu.
Immisce-toi dans le moindre espace en nous.
Éblouis nos sentiers des feux estivaux de tes épiphanies,
Et accorde-nous, dans ta bienveillance, de savoir les discerner.
Orchestrateur divin, ta mélodie s’élève dans le murmure des bois, le clapotis des rivières et le bruissement ondulé des champs.
Tu es ici. Nous sommes ici.
Enveloppe-nous de ton amour.
Encircle us. Embrace us, God.
Visit us in small spaces.
Splash summertime epiphanies on our paths.
Grace us to see them.
Music-maker God, sing through our forests,
splash in our rivers, dance in our fields.
You are here. We are here.
Encircle us with your love. Amen.
Gail Corbett, Mark Street U.C., Peterborough, Ont.
Traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF.
Prayer of Confession (Listen for the words of confession as the Lord’s Prayer is read in another translation)
Silent Prayers of Confession & Words of Assurance


Colossians 2:6-15     Rooted, built up and established in the faith
This is the witness of the early church. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 85      Justice and peace will embrace.      VU 802
*Hymn      What a friend we have in Jesus     v. 1 & 2, VU 664
Opening the Word: Weaving Together Jesus’ Prayer

*Hymn What a friend we have in Jesus v. 3, VU 664

Luke 11:1–13 Jesus teaches the disciples to pray.
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Reflection: A litany for two voices


*Statement of Faith      A New Creed      VU 918
* Hymn      Let There Be Light      VU 679
Offering Our Gifts to God
* Offering Prayer With liturgical movement—follow worship leader
The leader speaks each line and demonstrates the action, then repeats the line and actions, inviting the congregation to join them.
I give you thanks, O God.
My whole heart belongs to you!
Take these gifts and use them for your work.
They come from our hearts.
Your will be done, your kingdom come,
on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

A Paraphrase of the Prayer of Jesus      VU 916, Full Music Version


* Hymn       Come to My Heart      VU 661
* Commissioning and Benediction (adapted from Psalm 85)
Let us go to live and celebrate the love of God in all we do,
that truth might spring up from the earth,
righteousness look down from heaven,
and justice and peace might come together
in a holy embrace. Amen.
