Sunday, 28 July 2013

Before the Rain-Outdoor Worship

--We moved indoors after announcements. Some of us stayed for potluck brunch and conversation. 
The Langley family enjoying brunch together at the children's table

Yes, that is a Cape Breton Pork Pie---mmmm!

Friday, 26 July 2013


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Music accompaniment: Voices United CD
Greeter: Malcolm Parsons
Lay Reader: Katie Downard
Collectors: Sally Fox, Heather Deschenes

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
Suggested Food Banks donations: canned meat/fish or canned fruit.
Food Bank donations will be received today.

Secretary’s summers hours are Thursday & Friday mornings.

July 31st – 10:30 .am. Service at the Nursing Home

Summer Services: During the month of August Services will be at St. Mark’s at 9:30 a.m. NO Service at St. David’s



A Pastoral Aires Concert at the Causeway will be held at St. David’s United Church on Friday, August 16th at 7 pm. in Port Hastings. Fiddlers, pianists, singers and a bagpiper will be featured. Tea and a light lunch to follow. Admission is a donation at the door. Sponsored by St. David’s  United Church Congregation for the Building Fund.


FundScrip is a gift card fundraising program that St. Mark’s is going to be using. It’s a great way to raise money from the purchases we are already making and it eliminates the need to ask you to increase your donations. The program does not ask anyone to change what they buy, where they buy it, or how much they spend. 

How does it work? Supporters of the church pay for their everyday expenses with gift cards bought through FundScrip, and a percentage of the gift cards purchased is donated to the church. FundScrip will begin in September and two orders per month are planned. Order forms and envelopes will be available beginning in August and detailed information about ordering your gift cards will be available at that time. If you have any questions please contact Patsy Brander by phone at 625-1062 or e-mail or Bonnie Dawson by phone at 625-3838 or e-mail


If you need a ride to church during the months of July, August or September, call Dave Chapman at 787-2610
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before
or by 8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.

St. Mark’s Lay Readers for August:

August 4th – Barbara Mac Intyre
August 11th – Judy Castle
August 18th – Irene Mac Isaac
August 25th – Malcolm Matheson

August 4th – Baptism at St. Mark’s


Port Hawkesbury Ceilidh Tuesday @ 7:30pm 
Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre 
Presented by the Port Hastings Historical Society Admission $8.00, Children $4.00 (under 5 free), Family rate available. Season pass $40.00 Free Tea & Oatcakes July 30th
Troy MacGillivray - Fiddle Sabra MacGillvray - Dance
August 6
Pat Lamey - Vocals Heather Richards - Vocals/Piano Doug Lamey - Fiddle Katelyn MacDonald Lamey - Piano/Dance
August 13   Mike Hall - Fiddle Kolten MacDonnell - Piano Cassidy Fraser - Vocals Chris Poirier - Dancer
August 20th
Dara Smith MacDonald - Fiddle Adam Young - Piano Kayla Marchand - Stepdancer Taylor MacInnis – Vocals

Princeville United Church 150th Anniversary Service on August 4th, 2013. Worship Service in honour of this special event at 10:00 a.m. led y Rev. Richard Bowley. Following the service, meet at the West Bay Road Fire Hall to share fellowship and anniversary cake.

Outdoor worship service at Whycocomagh Provincial Park Campgrounds on Sept. 1st at 3:00 p.m. Hosted by Inverness Guysborough Presbytery. Everyone welcome. Bring along your picnic supper. Book a campsite by calling  1-888-544-3434 or use the online reservation system at Rain venue is Stewart United Church and Hall, Whycocomagh.

Sunday, July 28, 3pm - Annual Malagawatch Service at the Iona Historic Village. Guest speaker: Rev Bob Latimer. Light lunch following.

The St Charles Lwanga Children’s Centre in Ruai, Nairobi is a Secondary school and home to approximately 150 children. These children were rescued from the Nairobi slums by Brother John Kennedy (a recent Coady Institute graduate) and are provided with a home, counseling, food, security and education.  It is the place they call home, a place where they feel happy and secure and are given a chance to break the poverty cycle. Inverness County Cares continues to support the Lwanga School. As part of their ongoing fundraising efforts, Inverness County Cares invites you to Port Hood for a swim at the beach and to attend a PIZZA PARTY on Sunday August 4th,  11 AM - 8 PM at Ted and Hermina Van Zutphen’s at 209 Main Street. Pizza will be available by the slice $5, or whole 12 inch pizza $15. Take out, or stay on site and enjoy music and relax. Pizza will be created on site and cooked in a wood fired pizza oven. Stay until dark and watch the Chestico Days fireworks. Call 227-7955 or 227-5425 to order take out, starting Thursday August 1st.

The Palliative Care Society of Antigonish Town and County is a non-profit volunteer organization that strives to enhance in-home services, promote comfort, dignity and quality of life for those living with or dying from a life threatening illness, and support their families and caregivers. The Society supports education for the community and engages in advocacy to promote and improve palliative care. The Society wishes to congratulate Palliative Care Nurse Consultant , Lynn MacDonald, on receiving an Excellence in Patient Care Award from Cancer Care Nova Scotia.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

ORDER OF SERVICE-SUNDAY JULY 28TH 2018-Outdoor worship

Outdoor Worship--St. David's United Church
9:30 a.m. 
Bring a lunch chair and your sunhat! 
Potluck brunch to follow in the church hall. Beverage provided.
July 28th, 2013-10th Sunday after Pentecost

Announcements The Work of Church and Community



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
* Introit The Lord’s Prayer with liturgical movement
*Call to Worship
* Hymn      We Praise You, O God     VU 218
Opening Prayer We pray together the bolded words
Entoure-nous, Enlace-nous, Dieu.
Immisce-toi dans le moindre espace en nous.
Éblouis nos sentiers des feux estivaux de tes épiphanies,
Et accorde-nous, dans ta bienveillance, de savoir les discerner.
Orchestrateur divin, ta mélodie s’élève dans le murmure des bois, le clapotis des rivières et le bruissement ondulé des champs.
Tu es ici. Nous sommes ici.
Enveloppe-nous de ton amour.
Encircle us. Embrace us, God.
Visit us in small spaces.
Splash summertime epiphanies on our paths.
Grace us to see them.
Music-maker God, sing through our forests,
splash in our rivers, dance in our fields.
You are here. We are here.
Encircle us with your love. Amen.
Gail Corbett, Mark Street U.C., Peterborough, Ont.
Traduction et adaptation : D. Fortin / MiF.
Prayer of Confession (Listen for the words of confession as the Lord’s Prayer is read in another translation)
Silent Prayers of Confession & Words of Assurance


Colossians 2:6-15     Rooted, built up and established in the faith
This is the witness of the early church. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 85      Justice and peace will embrace.      VU 802
*Hymn      What a friend we have in Jesus     v. 1 & 2, VU 664
Opening the Word: Weaving Together Jesus’ Prayer

*Hymn What a friend we have in Jesus v. 3, VU 664

Luke 11:1–13 Jesus teaches the disciples to pray.
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Reflection: A litany for two voices


*Statement of Faith      A New Creed      VU 918
* Hymn      Let There Be Light      VU 679
Offering Our Gifts to God
* Offering Prayer With liturgical movement—follow worship leader
The leader speaks each line and demonstrates the action, then repeats the line and actions, inviting the congregation to join them.
I give you thanks, O God.
My whole heart belongs to you!
Take these gifts and use them for your work.
They come from our hearts.
Your will be done, your kingdom come,
on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

A Paraphrase of the Prayer of Jesus      VU 916, Full Music Version


* Hymn       Come to My Heart      VU 661
* Commissioning and Benediction (adapted from Psalm 85)
Let us go to live and celebrate the love of God in all we do,
that truth might spring up from the earth,
righteousness look down from heaven,
and justice and peace might come together
in a holy embrace. Amen.


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Saturday, 20 July 2013


Service at St. David’s Port Hastings at 9:30 a.m. 
NO Service at St. Mark’s

Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Greeter: Malcolm Parsons
Lay Reader: Yvonne Fox
Collectors: Sally Fox, Heather Deschenes

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month. Donations will be received next Sunday.

Secretary’s summer hours are Thursday & Friday mornings.

Summer Services: During the month of:
July – Services will be at St. David’s at 9:30 a.m. NO Service at St. Mark’s
August – Services will be at St. Mark’s at 9:30 a.m. NO Service at St. David’s

We'd like to celebrate our grads by featuring them on the blog. Please submit graduation photos (high school and university) to Camille Chapman or Nan Corrigan at



A  Special Committee consisting of Julia MacKinnon, Margaret Ashford and Yvonne Fox was established at the May 19th Official Board meeting to come up with ideas to raise a significant amount of money for the Building Fund. This is necessary to cover the cost of material and supplies for the work completed since September in the hall basement. Money will be required also to finish the work. Donations to the Building Fund would be very much appreciated in the meantime.

St. David’s Lay Readers:
July 28 – Katie Downard

A Pastoral Aires Concert at the Causeway will be held at St. David’s United Church on Friday, August 16th at 7 pm. in Port Hastings. Fiddlers, pianists, singers and a bagpiper will be featured. Tea and a light lunch to follow. Admission is a donation at the door. Sponsored by St. David’s  United Church Congregation for the Building Fund.



FundScrip is a gift card fundraising program that St. Mark’s is going to be using. It’s a great way to raise money from the purchases we are already making and it eliminates the need to ask you to increase your donations. The program does not ask anyone to change what they buy, where they buy it, or how much they spend. 
How does it work? Supporters of the church pay for their everyday expenses with gift cards bought through FundScrip, and a percentage of the gift cards purchased is donated to the church. FundScrip will begin in September and two orders per month are planned. Order forms and envelopes will be available beginning in August and detailed information about ordering your gift cards will be available at that time. If you have any questions please contact Patsy Brander by phone at 625-1062 or e-mail or Bonnie Dawson by phone at 625-3838 or e-mail


If you need a ride to church during the months of July, August or September, call Dave Chapman at 787-2610
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before
or by 8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.
St. Mark’s Lay Readers for August:
August 4th – Barbara Mac Intyre
August 11th – Judy Castle
August 18th – Irene Mac Isaac
August 25th – Malcolm Matheson

Since January the Quilters have contributed $900.00 to Ways & Means at St. Mark’s Church.



Port Hawkesbury Ceilidh Tuesday @ 7:30pm

Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre Presented by the Port Hastings Historical Society Admission $8.00, Children $4.00 (under 5 free), Family rate available Season pass $40.00 Free Tea & Oatcakes

July 23

Kinnon Beaton - Fiddle Betty Lou Beaton - Piano Allison Beaton - Stepdancer Wally Ellison - Piper Jaidon Seymour - Vocals

July 30th

Troy MacGillivray - Fiddle Sabra MacGillvray - Dance

August 6

Pat Lamey - Vocals Heather Richards - Vocals/Piano Doug Lamey - Fiddle Katelyn MacDonald Lamey - Piano/Dance

August 13  

Mike Hall - Fiddle Kolten MacDonnell - Piano Cassidy Fraser - Vocals Chris Poirier - Dancer

August 20th

Dara Smith MacDonald - Fiddle Adam Young - Piano Kayla Marchand - Stepdancer Taylor MacInnis – Vocals

Princeville United Church 150th Anniversary Service on August 4th, 2013. Worship Service in honour of this special event at 10:00 a.m. led y Rev. Richard Bowley. Following the service, meet at the West Bay Road Fire Hall to share fellowship and anniversary cake.

Young and old are invited to the Port Hastings Museum on Tuesday, July 23rd from 1 pm - 4 pm to learn more about 4-H and agriculture in the local area.  4-H is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, and this afternoon will reflect on the 4-H programs beginnings, and how the program has grown in the past century. There will be static historical displays and viewing of projects from the local Strait Area 4 H Club members.  There will be an opportunity for children may make homemade ice cream and to play agricultural jeopardy.  Come out, learn more about 4-H and agriculture.  For planning purposes, please call the museum at 625-1295 to confirm your attendance.

Outdoor worship service at Whycocomagh Provincial Park Campgrounds on Sunday, September 1st at 3:00 p.m. Hosted by Inverness Guysborough Presbytery. Everyone welcome. Bring along your picnic supper. Mark this on your calendars; book a campsite by calling the Provincial Park Reservation service at 1-888-544-3434 or use the online reservation system at Rain venue is Stewart United Church and Hall, Whycocomagh.

Suggested Food Banks donations: canned meat/fish or canned fruit.

Sunday, July 28, 3pm is the Annual Malagawatch Service at the Iona Historic Village. Guest speaker: Rev Bob Lattimer. Light lunch following in the Interpretive Centre.


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada

Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Music Director: Al Fougere
July 21st, 2013-9th Sunday after Pentecost
* please stand as able
Announcements The Work of Church and Community



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

* Introit Come, Let Us Sing VU 222
Come, let us sing to the Lord our song,
we have stood silently too long;
surely the Lord deserves our praise,
so joyfully thank God for our days.

*Call to Worship L=Left side; R=Right side

One: There is so much to distract us, God:
L: Deadlines and billboards.
R: Glossy magazines and colourful websites.
L: The “beep” of an incoming message.
R: The long “to do” list.
L: The friends to stay in touch with.
R: The birthday parties not to be missed!
L: Appointments. R: Play dates.
L: Homework. R: Projects.
L: Repairs. R: Finance.
L: Worries. R: Parents.
L: Children. R: Friends.
One: Help!
All: We come here, Holy One, to re-group and re-gather. Welcome us into a time of re-organizing our priorities and listening to your calling, sifting word. Welcome us in.
* Hymn       Come, Children, Join to Sing       VU 345
Opening Prayer
Holy God, we enter into this separate place, this separate time, to remind ourselves of your continuous, accompanying presence.
Out in the world’s hub-bub we can lose track of your lessons, your care, your challenges, and your commitments to us. Ground us again in your welcome. Wrap us again in the comforting knowledge of your grace. Help us to know that, in you, we are home. Amen.


Colossians 1:15-28 Paul, the servant of the gospel
This is the witness of the early church. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 52       I will glorify your name      VU 777
*Hymn      My Lord, What a Morning      VU 708
Opening the Word
The Gospel Acclamation
Luke 10:38–42 Jesus visits Mary and Martha.
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.



* Hymn      Come and Find the Quiet Centre      VU 374

Offering Our Gifts to God

* Offering Prayer
Holy One, we give you thanks for all that you give to us: gifts of love and time, money and abilities. Into these plates and into this place, we return a portion of those gifts. Bless those who receive them, just as we are blessed in the act of sharing them. Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

The Lord’s Prayer


* Hymn      Seek Ye First the Kingdom      VU 356

* Commissioning and Benediction
All: Let us go from this place in peaceto the place where God asks us to serve this week.One: The blessings of God, our host and our guest,bless you in all tasks that are yours.

All: Thanks be to God.

* Choral Amen

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Take the kids, grandparents and friends to Port Hood beach On Saturday afternoon, July 27th and treat yourselves to a delicious pizza after your swim!


The St. Charles Lwanga Children’s Centre in Ruai, Nairobi is a secondary school and home to approximately 150 children. These children were rescued from the Nairobi streets by Brother John Kennedy (a recent Coady Institute graduate) and are provided with a home, counseling, food, security and education. It is the place they call home, a place where they feel happy and secure and are given a chance to break the poverty cycle. Inverness County Cares continues to support the Lwanga School. 
Help to RAISE A ROOF on a classroom and DIG A WELL for the children!

As part of their ongoing fundraising efforts, Inverness County Cares is hosting a PIZZA PARTY on Sunday, August 4th from 2 - 8 p.m. at Ted and Hermina Van Zutphen’s, 209 Main Street, Port Hood. Pizza will be available by the slice ($5.00) or whole 12 inch pizzas ($15.00). There will be take out, or you may stay on site to hear the  music and relax while enjoying good company and an ocean view.

Call 227-7955 or 227-5425 to order take out, starting Thursday August1st.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Love Your Neighbour

The practice of kindness

One of the surprises in the parable of The Good Samaritan is that the person from whom it might have been least expected did a random act of kindness. We, too, can do a number of different things that can bring great joy to another person.

Look at the suggestions below, and choose some that you might do – individually, or as a group. 

Look for opportunities in the days and weeks to come to do random acts of kindness for family, friends, and strangers.

Friday, 12 July 2013


Service at St. David’s Port Hastings at 9:30 a.m. 
NO Service at St. Mark’s

Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Greeter: Malcolm Parsons
Lay Reader: Kenzie Mac Lean
Collectors: Sally Fox, Heather Deschenes

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.

Secretary’s summer hours are Thursday & Friday mornings.

Summer Services: During the month of:
July – Services will be at St. David’s at 9:30 a.m. NO Service at St. Mark’s
August – Services will be at St. Mark’s at 9:30 a.m. NO Service at St. David’s

We'd like to celebrate our grads by featuring them on the blog. Please submit graduation photos (high school and university) to Camille Chapman or Nan Corrigan at


A  Special Committee consisting of Julia MacKinnon, Margaret Ashford and Yvonne Fox was established at the May 19th Official Board meeting to come up with ideas to raise a significant amount of money for the Building Fund. This is necessary to cover the cost of material and supplies for the work completed since September in the hall basement. Money will be required also to finish the work. Donations to the Building Fund would be very much appreciated in the meantime.
St. David’s Lay Readers:
July 21 – Yvonne Fox
July 28 – Katie Downard

A Pastoral Aires Concert at the Causeway will be held at St. David’s United Church on Friday, August 16th at 7 pm. in Port Hastings. Fiddlers, pianists, singers and a bagpiper will be featured. Tea and a light lunch to follow. Admission is a donation at the door. Sponsored by St. David’s  United Church Congregation for the Building Fund.



FundScrip is a gift card fundraising program that St. Mark’s is going to be using. It’s a great way to raise money from the purchases we are already making and it eliminates the need to ask you to increase your donations. The program does not ask anyone to change what they buy, where they buy it, or how much they spend. 

How does it work? Supporters of the church pay for their everyday expenses with gift cards bought through FundScrip, and a percentage of the gift cards purchased is donated to the church. FundScrip will begin in September and two orders per month are planned. Order forms and envelopes will be available beginning in August and detailed information about ordering your gift cards will be available at that time. If you have any questions please contact Patsy Brander by phone at 625-1062 or e-mail or Bonnie Dawson by phone at 625-3838 or e-mail


If you need a ride to church during the months of July, August or September, call Dave Chapman at 787-2610
Please make your Courtesy Car request well in advance if possible. Sunday Worship requests should be made by the evening before
or by 8 a.m. Sunday morning at latest.

The Conveners of the recently catered meals at St. Mark’s Church wish to thank all those who helped with food preparation, set up and clean up of kitchen and hall as well as those who prepared desserts for the meals. Cost of the food for four events was $591.32 and the net profit was $2003.68. Thanks to all.
St. Mark’s Lay Readers for August:
August 4th – Barbara Mac Intyre
August 11th – Judy Castle
August 18th – Irene Mac Isaac
August 25th – Malcolm Matheson


Wed, July 17, 7:30pm, The Orangedale United Church will be hosting a Musique Royale Concert, featuring  Vincent Lauzer and Mark Edwards. Tickets are $20.00Adults and $10.00 Students. Please contact Mary Ann 902-756-2994, Marguerite 902-756-2798 or Kathleen 902-756-2022 for tickets/ info.

Port Hawkesbury Ceilidh Tuesday @ 7:30pm
Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre Presented by the Port Hastings Historical Society Admission $8.00, Children $4.00 (under 5 free), Family rate available Season pass $40.00 Free Tea & Oatcakes

July 16

Rodney MacDonald - Fiddle/Dance
Jackie Dunn - Piano
Donnie Campbell - Vocals

July 23

Kinnon Beaton - Fiddle
Betty Lou Beaton - Piano
Allison Beaton - Stepdancer
Wally Ellison - Piper
Jaidon Seymour - Vocals

July 30th

Troy MacGillivray - Fiddle
Sabra MacGillvray - Dance

August 6

Pat Lamey - Vocals
Heather Richards - Vocals/Piano
Doug Lamey - Fiddle
Katelyn MacDonald Lamey - Piano/Dance

August 13  

Mike Hall - Fiddle
Kolten MacDonnell - Piano
Cassidy Fraser - Vocals
Chris Poirier - Dancer

August 20th

Dara Smith MacDonald - Fiddle
Adam Young - Piano
Kayla Marchand - Stepdancer
Taylor MacInnis – Vocals

Princeville United Church 150th Anniversary Service on August 4th, 2013. Worship Service in honour of this special event at 10:00 a.m. led y Rev. Richard Bowley. Following the service, meet at the West Bay Road Fire Hall to share fellowship and anniversary cake.

Young and old are invited to the Port Hastings Museum on Tuesday, July 23rd from 1 pm - 4 pm to learn more about 4 H and agriculture in the local area.  4-H is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, and this afternoon will reflect on the 4-H programs beginnings, and how the program has grown in the past century. There will be static historical displays and viewing of projects from the local Strait Area 4 H Club members.  There will be an opportunity for children may make homemade ice cream and to play agricultural jeopardy.  Come out, learn more about 4-H and agriculture.  For planning purposes, please call the museum at 625 1295 to confirm your attendance.

Outdoor worship service at Whycocomagh Provincial Park Campgrounds on Sunday, September 1st at 3:00 p.m. Hosted by Inverness Guysborough Presbytery. Everyone welcome. Bring along your picnic supper. Mark this on your calendars; book a campsite by calling the Provincial Park Reservation service at 1-888-544-3434 or use the online reservation system at Rain venue is Stewart United Church and Hall, Whycocomagh.

Suggested Food Banks donations: canned meat/fish or canned fruit.

Sunday, July 28, 3pm is the Annual Malagawatch Service at the Iona Historic Village. Guest speaker: Rev Bob Lattimer. Light lunch following in the Interpretive Centre.