Saturday, 18 May 2013


                            Bonnie & Lana examine the beautiful TOUCH QUILTS made by the Tea Thyme Quilters for Altzheimers patients in our local area.

The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s

United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
  Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.        Music Director: Al Fougere
May 19th, 2013

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost plays with fire. Its essential message is that Christian community, and all creation itself, relies for life on the sending of God’s Spirit. As such, Pentecost reminds us, individually and corporately, of God’s extraordinary and powerful freedom. Such freedom accounts for details of “every nation” and “all of them were filled” and “everyone who calls on the name.” That is, the freedom in God’s sending of Spirit bursts across the usual boundaries.                                                                                                                                            Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2012

Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Lent • Easter 2013 , p. 195

Announcements         The Work of Church and Community



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

* Introit                   Spirit Come   (Chorus)

Spirit come, Spirit come.

Open our eyes, open our hearts,

come Spirit come.

Call to Worship: Pentecost Procession of the Fire

* Hymn                Spirit Come                                       Printed

Opening Prayer  A prayer in multiple voices depicting a growing community and the effect of the Spirit ever expanding.


Sung Refrain before the reading: Spirit Come

Acts 2:1–21             The Spirit comes on the Day of Pentecost.

Sung Refrain after the reading: Spirit Come

Psalm 104 God and Wisdom create the Earth’s creatures. Pt. 2VU 827

* Hymn             Spirit of the Living God                             VU 376

Opening the Word/Children's Time & The Lord’s Prayer


One: Holy Spirit:

luscious and abundant energy of heaven,

enlivening dry bones to dance

a new dance of vibrant conspiracy –

God’s own dance of resurrection.

All: As flame she clears the wasteland

as water she runs in the earth

as wind she blows through the desert.

The Spirit makes a new day.

One: Holy Spirit:

disturber of the world

and catalyst of change,

filling us with the energy of heaven

and a call to renew the world,

with songs of justice and words of peace –

God’s own word, of resurrection.

All: With flame the Holy Spirit lights a passion

with water she soaks our birth

with wind she blows a new order.

The Spirit makes a new day.

One: Holy Spirit:

shaper of the future,

interrupting our now;

burning through all that is corrupt,

with a revelation of justice;

filling the old and young with new vision and dreams –

God’s own dream, of resurrection.

All: With flame she burns a candle

with water she quenches our thirst

with wind she shakes through our dryness.

The Spirit makes a new day.

Sung Refrain before the reading: Spirit Come

John 14:8–17, (25–27) God will send you the Spirit of truth.

Sung Refrain after the reading: Spirit Come

Building Rainbows-A Meditation


* Hymn      Breathe on Me, Breath of God     VU 382

Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God

* Offering Prayer

Ever present God, these offerings are an act of faith.

In the world we live in, money has great power.

It has power to make wonderful things possible.

It also has the power to constrain us, to worry us.

In this place of worship, on this Pentecost Sunday,

may the Spirit bless these offerings with great power for good.

And may the givers be blessed with freedom and peace,

knowing that the use of this money glorifies you, God,

and betters this world.  In Jesus’ name we prayer. Amen.

Written by Elaine Bidgood Sweet, Port Perry U.C.

& Prince Albert U.C., Port Perry, Ont. 

Gathering, Lent/Easter/Pentecost 2008, page 45. Used with permission

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession


* Hymn             Because He Lives                                        Printed

* Commissioning and Benediction   

May the Spirit always dance in your souls.

May the Spirit journey with you so nothing is ever taken for granted,

and may the Spirit tell you in a million different ways

you are known and held and loved by God.

* Choral Amen