Friday, 22 February 2013


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Music Director: Al Fougere
February 24th, 2013

2nd Sunday of Lent

When the disciples arrive at the tomb, an angelic messenger – symbolizing the future – tells them that they’ll have to look somewhere other than the tomb if they want to find Jesus. He has gone ahead of them to Galilee (Matthew 28:10)….

     Followers of the Christ are always on the way to Galilee, drawn by the promise of a coming order that may shatter, confirm, or reorganize the existing order of our lives. This is what gives us hope when our personal and planetary lives are falling apart. This is how we evolve. It matters more now than at any other time on our planet that we take hold of this future that is holding us – that we consent to be apprehended by this hope, and we each find our unique way of saying yes in God’s promise that God has gone ahead of us, and yet is always coming to meet us.

~From The Advance of Love, by Bruce Sanguin, “God as Future,” (p.112)

Announcements The Work of Church and Community



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
*Introit Tune: O WALY WALY/GIFT OF LOVE (VU372)
Let us press on to know the Lord;
as sure as dawn God will appear.
Like gentle show’rs, to us God comes;
as rains of spring water the earth. (based on Hosea 6:3)
Written by John Moses, Trinity U.C., Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Gathering, Lent/Easter 2013, page 9. Used with permission.
* Call to Worship
One: When our hearts are troubled,
let us draw near to a mothering Spirit
All: who shelters us with love
and protects us from hardships that threaten to consume.
Child: Come, let us worship God. (hands forward, then up)
One: When others disappoint and leave us,
let us turn to a fathering Spirit
All: who takes up the cause of those who suffer
and defends the sorrowing with strong love.
Child: Come, let us worship God.
One: As we enter this shelter of love,
let us take heart in a nurturing God
All: who feeds us with the bread of grace
and calls us by name to come and worship.
Child: Come, let us worship God. Amen.
*Prayer of Approach
*Hymn The Church Is Wherever God’s People VU 579
Prayer of Confession (back of bulletin)
God Accepts Us—A Lenten Candle Liturgy Sung Response

Take, O take me as I am.
Summon out what I shall be.
Set your seal upon my heart and live in me.


Genesis 15:1–12, 17–18 Abram and Sarai trust in God
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 27 A Paraphrase in Two Voices from The Message
Refrain: God is my light and saving health, I shall not be afraid.
* Hymn          I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me         VU 575
Opening the Word/Children's Time & The Lord’s Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation:
Praise to you O Lord, King of eternal glory.
Luke 13:31–35 Jesus cries over Jerusalem as a hen over her chicks.
One: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. All: Thanks be to God.


* Hymn           O Day of Peace                          VU 682
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
* Offering Prayer
Gracious God, accept the gifts we bring and bless our service in your name. May our voices sing your praise, our hands care for the suffering, our feet walk your paths faithfully, our hearts love you completely. All that we have is a gift from you.
We offer it in return out of love for the world. Amen.
* The Apostles' Creed & A New Creed VU 918

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

One: God of grace All: hear our prayer.


* Hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness VU 288
* Commissioning and Benediction
Sheltering God, remind us of your constant love.
Sheltering God, protect us from all that can hurt or harm.
Sheltering God, be with us in this Lenten journey
and make us instruments of your constant love.
* Choral Amen