The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Music Director: Al Fougere
February 10th 2013
Transfiguration Sunday
Announcements The Work of Church and Community
Flu Season Special Greeting
One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
*Introit All Is Wonder
In this moment, in this place, all is wonder, all is grace.
In this moment, in this place, silence waits.
Copyright © Trisha Watts 2004. Published by Willow Publishing Pty. Ltd.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
* Call to Worship
One: From a cloud, and in a crowd, God speaks to us.
All: Calling us to be lovers of justice, to share hope with the broken.
One: On mountaintops, and in neighbourhoods, Christ calls to us.
All: With a word, and with wonder, moulding us into who we are.
One: On the playground, and at the workstation, the Spirit whispers in our hearts,
All: gathering up our fears, as well as our dreams, and offering them to God. One: Come, let us worship God.
*Hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness VU 288
Opening Prayer
One: Holy and majestic God on mountaintops crowned with mist and in museums filled with wonder; in tents pitched by singing brooks and in theatres filled with laughing children; in this sacred space and in all the ordinary neighbourhoods where we live,
All: you are with us, hearing us, answering us, and we do not lose heart.
One: Holy Beloved, grace surrounds us; we look at you conversing with the poor and rejected, and see our family;
All: you come to us to meet our needs, and we do not lose heart. One: Holy Spirit, when our lips cannot shape words, you speak them for us;
All: when our hopes are dashed to the ground, you pick them up, dust them off and give them back to us, and we do not lose heart. One: God in community, be with us,
All: in these moments, as in every moment, we do not lose heart, for you are with us. Amen.
Exodus 34:29-35 Moses is radiant coming down from the mountain.
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people.
All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 99 God rules and delights in justice. VU 819
* Hymn Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying VU 400
Opening the Word/Children's Time & The Lord’s Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation
Luke 9:28-36 Jesus is transfigured upon the mountain.
All: Thanks be to God.
* Hymn Holy Ground Printed
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
* Offering Song/Doxology VU 541
Prayers of Thanksgiving and IntercessionWE GO TO SERVE GOD
* Hymn Let There Be Light VU 679
* Commissioning and Benediction
One: Go now with God, All: who covers us with tender mercies.
One: Go now with Christ our friend, All: who is our good companion, who gives us good food at the table and living water to sustain us.
One: Go knowing that God will direct your path, All: bringing us joy and delight as we continue our journey of faith.
One: May you experience God’s presence with you, whether on mountaintops or in valleys!
* Choral Amen