Friday, 22 February 2013


February 24

Genesis 15:1–12, 17–18

“[God said], ‘Look toward heaven and count the stars…So shall your descendants be.’” (Genesis 15:5)

Some things in life seem well beyond our grasp. We
want…and yet we fear we can never have or achieve.
Yet God promises amazing things, the seemingly impossible.
Abram and Sarai were well on in years when God
promised them more descendants than the stars in the
sky. Think of where you are in your life. Was there a time
when you didn’t think you could be where you are now?
What do you think God has in store for you in the future?
Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Lent • Easter 2013 Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2012 p.12


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Music Director: Al Fougere
February 24th, 2013

2nd Sunday of Lent

When the disciples arrive at the tomb, an angelic messenger – symbolizing the future – tells them that they’ll have to look somewhere other than the tomb if they want to find Jesus. He has gone ahead of them to Galilee (Matthew 28:10)….

     Followers of the Christ are always on the way to Galilee, drawn by the promise of a coming order that may shatter, confirm, or reorganize the existing order of our lives. This is what gives us hope when our personal and planetary lives are falling apart. This is how we evolve. It matters more now than at any other time on our planet that we take hold of this future that is holding us – that we consent to be apprehended by this hope, and we each find our unique way of saying yes in God’s promise that God has gone ahead of us, and yet is always coming to meet us.

~From The Advance of Love, by Bruce Sanguin, “God as Future,” (p.112)

Announcements The Work of Church and Community



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
*Introit Tune: O WALY WALY/GIFT OF LOVE (VU372)
Let us press on to know the Lord;
as sure as dawn God will appear.
Like gentle show’rs, to us God comes;
as rains of spring water the earth. (based on Hosea 6:3)
Written by John Moses, Trinity U.C., Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Gathering, Lent/Easter 2013, page 9. Used with permission.
* Call to Worship
One: When our hearts are troubled,
let us draw near to a mothering Spirit
All: who shelters us with love
and protects us from hardships that threaten to consume.
Child: Come, let us worship God. (hands forward, then up)
One: When others disappoint and leave us,
let us turn to a fathering Spirit
All: who takes up the cause of those who suffer
and defends the sorrowing with strong love.
Child: Come, let us worship God.
One: As we enter this shelter of love,
let us take heart in a nurturing God
All: who feeds us with the bread of grace
and calls us by name to come and worship.
Child: Come, let us worship God. Amen.
*Prayer of Approach
*Hymn The Church Is Wherever God’s People VU 579
Prayer of Confession (back of bulletin)
God Accepts Us—A Lenten Candle Liturgy Sung Response

Take, O take me as I am.
Summon out what I shall be.
Set your seal upon my heart and live in me.


Genesis 15:1–12, 17–18 Abram and Sarai trust in God
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 27 A Paraphrase in Two Voices from The Message
Refrain: God is my light and saving health, I shall not be afraid.
* Hymn          I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me         VU 575
Opening the Word/Children's Time & The Lord’s Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation:
Praise to you O Lord, King of eternal glory.
Luke 13:31–35 Jesus cries over Jerusalem as a hen over her chicks.
One: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. All: Thanks be to God.


* Hymn           O Day of Peace                          VU 682
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
* Offering Prayer
Gracious God, accept the gifts we bring and bless our service in your name. May our voices sing your praise, our hands care for the suffering, our feet walk your paths faithfully, our hearts love you completely. All that we have is a gift from you.
We offer it in return out of love for the world. Amen.
* The Apostles' Creed & A New Creed VU 918

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

One: God of grace All: hear our prayer.


* Hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness VU 288
* Commissioning and Benediction
Sheltering God, remind us of your constant love.
Sheltering God, protect us from all that can hurt or harm.
Sheltering God, be with us in this Lenten journey
and make us instruments of your constant love.
* Choral Amen

Friday, 15 February 2013


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Margie Mac Intyre
Greeters (St. M.): Linda Howlett
Greeter (St. D.): Maxine Smith
Lay Reader (St. M.): Archie Noseworhty
(St. D.): Lisa Rhynold
Mission Moment (St. M.):
(St. D.): Karen Wagar
Lenten Readings (St. M.): Kathy & Holly Barss
Lenten Candles (St. D.): Lisa Rhynold & Emma
Collectors (St. M.): Linda Howlett, Gladys Knight,
Vida Hood, Larry Evans
(St. D.): Ashley MacLeod, Marie Davis

Monday 9-12 noon
Tuesday 9-12 noon
Wednesday 9-12 noon at St. David’s You may drop by for a coffee.
Thursday 9 – 12 noon
Friday – Minister’s Day Off
The Manse telephone number is 625-0407

Spiritual Practices for Lent

1. Forty Days for Getting Ready--resource for families

2. Sitting in Silence--St. Mark's 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. Sunday mornings 

3. The Practice of Gratitude--The Examen  borrow the book "Sleeping With Bread" to learn more

4. Morning Prayer--St. David's 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday mornings

5. Holy Week worship services  
March 24 Palm/Passion Sunday
March 28  Maundy Thursday Potluck Supper and Table Communion  St. David's
March 29 Good Friday Worship St. Mark's

6. Contemplative Corner St. Mark's sanctuary & St. David's Hall throughout Lent

7. Lectio Divina Bible Study Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. St. Mark's parlour

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters - gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Monday, February 18th at 1 p.m. will be our next time of gathering.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.

Maritime Conference 2013 Lent Family Ministry Project 

Forty Days for Getting Ready 

We are providing young families in our congregation with a resource that invites families to use the 40 days of Lent to get ready for the Mystery of Easter. Praying, giving, helping, singing and learning are ways we get ready. Families have access to a web page on the Maritime Conference web site offering suggestions for prayers, activities, actions, and spiritual practices for each of the forty days of Lent. Link to your web page:
Password: Purple1331 (note the capital letter P)

Prayer Service during Lent every Wednesday (except the last Wednesday, February 27th when Service will be at the Nursing Home.) This Service will be at 11:00 a.m. at St. David’s Church Hall. Everyone welcome.

February 27th – 10:30 a.m. – Service at the Nursing Home.

March 24th – Palm/Passion Sunday

March 29th – Good Friday

March 31st – Easter Sunday with Communion

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.


TODAY 6:30 p.m. St. Mark’s Annual Congregational Meeting. All members and adherents are most welcome.

Reader for February 24th is Barbara MacIntyre 

February 19th – Congregational Board Meeting. 6:30 p.m. – Executive, 7:00 p.m. – Committees, 8:00 p.m. – Combined Board.



Elders being Covenanted today are:
Robert Downard   Heather Graham
Susan Langley   Margie MacIntyre (new)
Ian A. Mac Kinnon    Julia Mac Kinnon
Catherine Mac Lean   Kenzie Mac Lean (new)
Jean Pierce (Honorary)   David Pringle
Wanda Radford   Lisa Rhynold
Maxine Smith   Alicia Vink
Albert Wheaton

Sunday School at St. David’s on the First and Last Sunday of each month. (This will run two Sunday's together, but it is easier to remember this way)

St. David’s Reader February 24, 2013 – Bruce Corrigan

Church Hall Cleaners for February are Irene Wheaton & Beryl
Mac Leod



Fish Cake & Bean Supper on Friday, February 22nd, 2012 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Parish Hall, Port Hawkesbury. Cost $12.00 per ticket. Eat in or take out. No deliveries. For more information call 625-0746, 625-2114 or ask any KOC member. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Cape Nova Council 7924.


General Meeting of Food Productions Coop will be held on Sunday, February 24th at 12:30 pm.   Meeting at the cafe on the Port Hawkesbury waterfront.


TODAY – Valentine’s Tea at St. Mark’s, Port Hawkesbury, 2:00-4:00 p.m Hosted by the Point Tupper Heritage Association.



February 17

Deuteronomy 26:1–11

“[God] brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with a terrifying display of power, and with signs and wonders;” (Deuteronomy 26:8)

Sometimes as we go about our daily living we can
forget how we got to where we are. Most especially, we
can forget that God has travelled with us from the beginning, and is always present with us. The Hebrew people – and by extension, we too – were told never to forget that.

Pause, and think of somewhere you have been where you
felt God leading you out of difficulty, and into some place
more wonderful. Give thanks to God.
Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Lent • Easter 2013 Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2012 p. 12

Living the Season of Lent

Where do we go from here?

A woman used to give up smoking for Lent. Every year – for
over 20 years – she would put down her cigarettes on Ash
Wednesday (that seems somehow appropriate, doesn’t it!)
and then, with great pleasure, would light a cigarette after
worship on Easter morning. Every year.

Someone confronted her and asked, “Why do you start
up again? You know it’s bad for you and surely if you’ve
gone without smoking for over a month, you could give it
up for good.” But the woman replied, “That’s not the point.
The point is, can I go without something I really love, and
really want? That’s what’s Lent is about for me. It’s not about
changing my ways – it’s about going without for a time.”
Another person once said, “I used to give things up for
Lent. But then I thought that didn’t make a lot of sense. So
now I take things on for Lent.” Someone asked, “You mean,
like an outreach activity, or helping others?” “Oh no,” she
replied. “This year I’m taking on 40 fun things for Lent.”

In one other instance, a fellow jokingly gave up
watermelon and golf for Lent – not real hardships in the
cold climate he lived in. But then a sudden business trip
took him somewhere much warmer, where there was
watermelon, and the opportunity for a great game of golf in
the warm sunshine. But he felt he had to pass, having said
– albeit jokingly – that he had given them up.

Such is the nature of Lent. It tends to have all manner
of trappings attached to it, which can have very different
and powerful meanings for each of us. Yet, whether we give
something up, or take something on, the real point seems to
be to find a way to step outside of the everyday, and allow the differentness of this season to overwhelm us, if even just a little.

It seems that when we do that, Lent can take us
somewhere. We may not know exactly where. The simple
answer, of course, is that Lent takes us to Easter. But it really is far more about a journey to a particular day or season; it’s about moving into a new relationship with God.

■■ Where do you feel Lent drawing you?
■■ What might you want to give up for this season? Why?
■■ What might you want to take on for this season?

Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2012 Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Lent • Easter 2013   p. 11


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M. Music Director: Al Fougere
February 17th, 2013

1st Sunday of Lent-Sacrament of Communion

Announcements The Work of Church and Community


Flu Season Special Greeting

One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
*Introit Tune: O WALY WALY/GIFT OF LOVE (VU372)
Let us press on to know the Lord;
as sure as dawn God will appear.
Like gentle show’rs, to us God comes;
as rains of spring water the earth. (based on Hosea 6:3)
Written by John Moses, Trinity U.C., Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Gathering, Lent/Easter 2013, page 9. Used with permission.
* Call to Worship
*Prayer of Approach
One: Shape this moment with us, O God of Lent.
All: Call us again in this time of challenge, O God of questions. One: Journey with us once more through this land, O God of wilderness
All: and speak to us of ancient promises breaking open once more.
One: This is our journey, O God, and you are our guide.
All: May we travel together. Amen.
*Hymn We Are Marching (Siyahamba) VU 646
Prayer of Confession (back of bulletin)
God Accepts Us—A Lenten Candle Liturgy Sung Response
Take, O take me as I am.
Summon out what I shall be.
Set your seal upon my heart and live in me. 


Deuteronomy 26:1-11 So now I bring the first fruit of the ground.
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 I will raise you up on eagle's wings. VU 807
* Hymn Jesus Loves Me VU 365
Opening the Word/Children's Time & The Lord’s Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation
Luke 4:1-13 Jesus is tested in the desert.
One: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. All: Thanks be to God.


* Hymn Throughout These Lenten Days and Nights VU 108
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Prayer

*Communion Hymn As We Gather At Your Table VU 457

Covenant with Elders (St. David’s)
Sacrament of Communion Insert, cover of Voices United
Distribution Hymn As Those of Old Their First-fruits VU518


* Hymn O God, Our Help in Ages Past VU 806
* Commissioning and Benediction
* Choral Amen

Tuesday, 12 February 2013



Ash Wednesday Prayer Service 2013

A brief service of prayer and anointing will be held in St. David's United Church Hall, Port Hastings, February 13th at 11:00 a.m.

One moment we feel close to God and can see signs of our

deepening faithfulness. But all too suddenly our faith becomes

fragile, we know sorrow and emptiness, we hurt those who are

closest to us. This is the human condition. The Season of Lent gives us the opportunity to give honest voice to this human mixture within and around us. And this Ash Wednesday service blends the ashes of regret with the oil of renewal as a sign of the Lenten season.

You are renewed and reborn in love.
Today's Ash Wednesday worship centre. 

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Maritime Conference 2013 Lent Family Ministry Project 

Getting Ready Jar

Forty Days for Getting Ready 

We are providing young families in our congregation with a resource that invites families to use the 40 days of Lent to get ready for the Mystery of Easter. Praying, giving, helping, singing and learning are ways we get ready. Families have access to a web page on the Maritime Conference web site offering suggestions for prayers, activities, actions, and spiritual practices for each of the forty days of Lent. Link to your web page:
Password: Purple1331 (note the capital letter P)

Friday, 8 February 2013


Sympathy is extended to the family of Bert Newhook.

Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist:                                   Al Fougere
Greeters (St. M.):                     Linda Howlett
Greeter (St. D.):                       Maxine Smith
Lay Reader (St. M.):                Kathy Barss
                    (St. D.):                Iaian Langley
Mission Moment (St. M.):        
                             (St. D.):       Karen Wagar
Collectors (St. M.):                  Linda Howlett, Gladys Knight,
                                                Vida Hood, Larry Evans          
                  (St. D.):                  Ashley MacLeod, Marie Davis

Monday   9-12 noon               
Tuesday 9-12 noon     
Wednesday 9-12 noon at St. David’s  You may drop by for a coffee.
Thursday 9 – 12 noon              
Friday – Minister’s Day Off     
The Manse telephone number is 625-0407

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters - gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rdMonday of each month. Monday, February 18th at 1 p.m. will be our next time of gathering.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.

Maritime Conference 2013 Lent Family Ministry Project 

Forty Days for Getting Ready 

We are providing young families in our congregation with a resource that invites families to use the 40 days of Lent to get ready for the Mystery of Easter. Praying, giving, helping, singing and learning are ways we get ready. Families have access to a web page on the Maritime Conference web site offering suggestions for prayers, activities, actions, and spiritual practices for each of the forty days of Lent. Link to your web page:
Password: Purple1331 (note the capital letter P)


Readers for February:
February 17, 2013 – Archie Noseworthy
February 24, 2013 – Barbara Mac Intyre 

TODAY Feb. 10th – 6:30 p.m. – Annual Congregational Meeting. All members and adherents are most welcome.

Feb. 17th – First Sunday in Lent. Communion

February 19th – Congregational Board Meeting


Sunday School at St. David’s on the First and Last Sunday of each month. (This will run two Sunday's together, but it is easier to remember this way)

St. David’s Readers:  For the month of February
February 17, 2013 – Lisa Rhynold
February 24, 2013 – Bruce Corrigan

The annual Pancake supper will be held at St. David's church hall on Tuesday, February 12th.   Time: 4:30 pm to 6 pm
Cost:  Free will offering for the Mission and Service Fund

Feb. 17th – First Sunday in Lent. Communion.  Annual Congregation meeting.

Church Hall Cleaners for Feb. are Irene Wheaton, Beryl Mac Leod


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
  Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.        Music Director: Al Fougere
February 10th 2013

Transfiguration Sunday

Announcements          The Work of Church and Community


Flu Season Special Greeting
One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
*Introit            All Is Wonder
In this moment, in this place, all is wonder, all is grace.
In this moment, in this place, silence waits.
Copyright © Trisha Watts 2004. Published by Willow Publishing Pty. Ltd.
 All rights reserved. Used by permission
* Call to Worship 
One: From a cloud, and in a crowd, God speaks to us.
All: Calling us to be lovers of justice, to share hope with the broken.
OneOn mountaintops, and in neighbourhoods, Christ calls to us.
All: With a word, and with wonder, moulding us into who we are.
OneOn the playground, and at the workstation, the Spirit whispers in our hearts,
All: gathering up our fears, as well as our dreams, and offering them to God.                                OneCome, let us worship God.
*Hymn            Great Is Thy Faithfulness                              VU 288
Opening Prayer
 OneHoly and majestic God on mountaintops crowned with mist and in museums filled with wonder; in tents pitched by singing brooks and in theatres filled with laughing children; in this sacred space and in all the ordinary neighbour­hoods where we live,
All: you are with us, hearing us, answering us, and we do not lose heart.
OneHoly Beloved, grace surrounds us; we look at you conversing with the poor and rejected, and see our family;
All: you come to us to meet our needs, and we do not lose heart. OneHoly Spirit, when our lips cannot shape words, you speak them for us;
All: when our hopes are dashed to the ground, you pick them up, dust them off and give them back to us, and we do not lose heart. OneGod in community, be with us,
All: in these moments, as in every moment, we do not lose heart, for you are with us. Amen.


Exodus 34:29-35  Moses is radiant coming down from the mountain.
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. 
AllThanks be to God.

Psalm 99         God rules and delights in justice.                   VU 819
* Hymn           Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying         VU 400
Opening the Word/Children's Time & The Lord’s Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation
Luke 9:28-36  Jesus is transfigured upon the mountain.
One: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. 
All: Thanks be to God.


* Hymn           Holy Ground               Printed  
Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
Offering Song/Doxology                                            VU 541
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession


* Hymn           Let There Be Light                                         VU 679
* Commissioning and Benediction   
OneGo now with God, All: who covers us with tender mercies.
OneGo now with Christ our friend, All: who is our good companion, who gives us good food at the table and living water to sustain us.
OneGo knowing that God will direct your path, All: bringing us joy and delight as we continue our journey of faith.
One: May you experience God’s presence with you, whether on mountaintops or in valleys!
* Choral Amen