Sunday, 21 January 2007

Youth Delegate wanted from St. Mark's for the Search Committee

Hi there!

I just wanted to let you know that St. Mark’s has left a position open on the Search Committee looking for a new minister for a YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE. This person must be a full member of St. Mark’s (has been confirmed) and it would mean you would have to attend a number of meetings to review resumes, decide what type of minister you would like to see, as well as attend interviews of prospective new ministry personnel.

This would be a great learning experience for you as you would get to have a voice in the future of our church congregation as well as learn so much about how the church works. You would get to meet people from both St. Mark’s and St. David’s, as well as any minister that might come for an interview. Most of all, you would get to voice what you think church should be like and represent the YOUTH of the congregation in the choice of a new minister!!

This is a big commitment but I think a GREAT opportunity and I would like you to really consider it.

If you are looking for more information you can contact me or Darren Blundon (Heather’s dad—He is a member of the committee).

Please give it your careful consideration as this is an important committee and you could be part of it!! Don’t be shy—if you are interested-- call Lana –625-4075 (work) or 625-0447 (home) or Darren Blundon 625-5996 (home) or email me.


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