Sunday, 21 January 2007

Search Committee for New Minister

The Joint Needs Assessment Report has been submitted by the committees of both St. David's and St. Mark's boards and has been approved by them. Today (January 21, 2007) the congregations voted to accept the Report. This Report will be presented to the Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery at their meeting Tuesday, January 23. The green light should then be given to post a pulpit vacancy for St. Mark's and St. David's Pastoral Charges.

The Search committee will be composed of six members from St. Mark's: Andy Palmer, Annabel Butts, Larry MacKeigan, Gladys Knight, Darren Blundon, and a possible youth delegate. Rounding out the committee, there will be four members from St. David's (three voting and one alternate) : Maxine Smith, Julia MacKinnon, Dave Pringle and Susan Pierce.

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