Sunday, 28 January 2007

Feb. 2 Buffet Supper at St. Mark's

St. Mark's Men's Group
Buffet Supper

St. Mark's Church Hall
Friday, February 2, 2007
4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Eat in or Take-out

Tickets at the door:
Adults $7.00, Children (under 12) $4.00

Monday, 22 January 2007

A Message from the Mission & Service Fund

Can We Afford to Give More?
Can We Afford NOT To?

Kofi Annan, UN General Secretary, says half of the world's people live on less than two dollars a day.

UNICEF statistics tell us that
  • one billion people cannot read or write
  • 3,000 children die every day from poverty
  • half of the world's children live in poverty
  • 1.3 billion people have no clean water
  • two billion people have no electricity and three billion no sanitation
United Nations Development Agency tells us that annual world military spending equals about $780 billion while world spending on education is $6 billion.

(See more facts at

So, Can We Afford to Give More?

A newspaper costs at least 75 ¢.
  • If local church givers gave an extra 75¢ to their congregations and 75¢ to M&S each month. there would be an additional $2.8 million in local coffers and in M&S.

A cheap tin of tuna costs a dollar!
  • If all M&S givers gave an additional dollar a month we would have an additional $1.8 million in M&S.
A cup of coffee costs a dollar.
  • If local givers gave an extra dollar a month. local churches would have $3.8 million in additional funds.
A chocolate bar costs a dollar.
  • If Sunday school children gave a dollar a month to M&S it would add up to $1.3 million.
A can of pop costs a dollar.
  • If the children gave a dollar to local congregations they would have $1.3 million too.
A video costs five dollars.
  • If local givers who don't also give to M&S gave five dollars a month to M&S we would have an additional $9.8 million for the work we do as The United Church of Canada in the world.
~ 2007 Minutes for Mission

Sunday, 21 January 2007

Youth Delegate wanted from St. Mark's for the Search Committee

Hi there!

I just wanted to let you know that St. Mark’s has left a position open on the Search Committee looking for a new minister for a YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE. This person must be a full member of St. Mark’s (has been confirmed) and it would mean you would have to attend a number of meetings to review resumes, decide what type of minister you would like to see, as well as attend interviews of prospective new ministry personnel.

This would be a great learning experience for you as you would get to have a voice in the future of our church congregation as well as learn so much about how the church works. You would get to meet people from both St. Mark’s and St. David’s, as well as any minister that might come for an interview. Most of all, you would get to voice what you think church should be like and represent the YOUTH of the congregation in the choice of a new minister!!

This is a big commitment but I think a GREAT opportunity and I would like you to really consider it.

If you are looking for more information you can contact me or Darren Blundon (Heather’s dad—He is a member of the committee).

Please give it your careful consideration as this is an important committee and you could be part of it!! Don’t be shy—if you are interested-- call Lana –625-4075 (work) or 625-0447 (home) or Darren Blundon 625-5996 (home) or email me.


Readings for February 28th, Fifth Sunday After Epiphany

Isaiah 6: 1 - 8 (9 - 13)
Psalm: 138 (Voices United page 860)
1 Corinthians 15: 1-11
Luke 5: 1 - 11

Search Committee for New Minister

The Joint Needs Assessment Report has been submitted by the committees of both St. David's and St. Mark's boards and has been approved by them. Today (January 21, 2007) the congregations voted to accept the Report. This Report will be presented to the Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery at their meeting Tuesday, January 23. The green light should then be given to post a pulpit vacancy for St. Mark's and St. David's Pastoral Charges.

The Search committee will be composed of six members from St. Mark's: Andy Palmer, Annabel Butts, Larry MacKeigan, Gladys Knight, Darren Blundon, and a possible youth delegate. Rounding out the committee, there will be four members from St. David's (three voting and one alternate) : Maxine Smith, Julia MacKinnon, Dave Pringle and Susan Pierce.


St. Mark's requires more Congregational Board members for the Christian Education Committee. Please consider adding your name to the list of those dedicated folks who are nurturing the spiritual growth of our children and young people.

We are also looking for a person to chair our board. According to outgoing chair, AnnMarie Butcher - "this is the easiest job on the board". Please put your name forward or nominate someone you know who would be a good chair, before our Annual Congregational Meeting scheduled for February 4th.

Sunday, 14 January 2007

Ecumenical Service

An Ecumenical Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held at Trinity United Church, Mulgrave on Sunday, January 21st at 7:00 PM. All are welcome and a lunch will be served.


A gift of money has been received from the Quilters for St. Mark's General Fund.

St. Mark's Congregational Board Meeting

St. Mark's Congregational Board Meeting will be held on January 16th.
  • Executive: 6:30 PM
  • Committees: 7:15 Pm
  • Combined Board: 8:15 PM

St. David's Coffee Time

The first coffee time before church at St. David's was hosted by Julia MacKinnon on January 14th.

Those who can help in looking after the coffee/tea on the second Sunday of each month in the Church hall, please let us know. It is served between 10:15 AM and 11:00 AM.

St. Mark's UCW (Special Events)

St. Mark's UCW (Special Events Group) will be holding a meeting at 7:30 PM Monday, January 15.

Marg Wilson's 90th

On January 11th, friends of Marg Wilson held a surprise party at Sunset Manor in honour of her 90th birthday.

First Birthday in Canada

On January 4th, Christiana marked her 28th birthday and her first birthday in Canada with a party in the Kalley apartment in Port Hood. Some of the members of the Inverness County Welcomes Refugees committee, neighbours and friends were there to share in the celebration. Christiana prepared some interesting West African food for us to sample.

Special Congregational Meetings, January 21st

A special congregational meeting has been called for Sunday, January 21 at 10:30 AM at St. Mark's and at 12:15 PM at St. David's. The purpose of the meetings is to consider and vote on the report and recommendations by the Joint Needs Assessment Committee as approved by the official/congregational boards.

St. Mark's Annual Reports

Annual reports are to be presented at the annual board meeting in January. If typing and printing are required, please have your reports at the office early.

Christmas Eve Photos from St. Mark's