Wednesday, 13 December 2006

St. Mark’s Christian Education Committee

Since our last report in June we have seen some changes. The Christian Education Committee now has seven members. Unfortuantely, two of our members have moved away. We were sorry to see Annette, John, Justine, Raylene, Markus, Terri, Neil, Hannah and Willem leave. Annette contributed a lot of time to our Sunday School and Christian Education committee and Terri helped in the Nursery on Sunday morning and was also a member of our CE committee. Thank you to our committee members and Sunday School Superintendent and teachers who have had to increase their load because of those who have moved on. We were very fortunate, however, that Heather Roussy has agreed to be the Superintendent, along with all the teachers’ help. We need to get some more members on our committee to replace those we have lost, please consider joining us as we continue to help in the spiritual growth of our children.

Sunday School reopened on September 10th, this year we have seventeen children registered in Sunday School. New members are always welcome, so just drop in and see what its all about. We have a very dedicated Superintendent and teachers. We also have a Youth Service that is co-ordinated by Lana MacLean for the teens of St. Mark’s and St. David’s. Teens interested in joining this dynamic group, please contact Lana MacLean or any member of the Christian Education Committee.

Brianna Phillips represented St. Mark’s church at Youth Forum last May. Brianna, Paige Walker and Holly Pringle came back from Youth Forum with lots of enthusiasm and shared it with everyone at the Youth Service in June. A Thank You card was received from Brianna for helping to sponsor her for Youth Forum.

The Grads from St. Mark’s were presented with a card and bookmark and a cake was shared in their honour after the service.

The CE committee purchased pamphlets that explain what the United Church is about and what it offers. They are on the table in the Narthex and are available for anyone to take home or distribute to various places in the community.

CE committee hosted a tea for the Sunday School Superintendent and teachers on Monday, October 2nd. Heather Roussy chaired the meeting and Rev. Pelley presented some information that could be used help prepare the children for confirmation, beginning when they are in the younger grades. Discussion took place regarding various activities the children will be involved in between now and Christmas.

On Thanksgiving Sunday, the children paraded in the church with food for the “Food Bank”. The Sunday School will by parade in with donations wrapped in white paper on White Gift Sunday. December 3rd at 7 p.m. , the Youth Group and the Sunday School children will be presenting a “Hanging of the Greens” service. All are welcomed to attend the service and we would like to see as many people out as possible, especially, the young people.

Please visit our “blogspot” to find out what’s going on in our church, the website is:

The Sunday School closing on May 28th was a success, the children did very well in the service and the pool party was enjoyed by all.

Thank you to all the dedicated Christian Education Committee members, Superintendent, teachers, helpers, Melita, Rev. Pelley, Al and the choir, Lana MacLean and all who are committed to the spiritual growth of our children.
Please remember in your prayers, all our church family members who are going through difficult times because of illness.

Elaine Noseworthy

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