St. Mark’s United Church – Port Hawkesbury
DLM-R/MDiv Student – Barb MacNaughton
Guest Minister – Jim MacNaughton, DLM-R
Pianist – Adam Cooke
Ministry – The Whole Congregation
Sunday June 20, 2021 – 4th after Pentecost
Welcome and Announcements
Lighting of the Christ Candle
Today we light our Christ Candle as a reminder that we are called to be followers of Jesus, to bring light to a darkened world, to help one another in our quest for goodness and justice. May our lights shine forever. Amen.
♫Introit♫ Rise Up, Rise Up MV 130 (x2)
Call to Worship:
As we come together again in this virtual Church setting, with our entering Phase 2 of our Covid re-opening, we know that we are just that much closer to our lives returning to a sense of normality, both personally and with our Church family.
Our love for family, country, Church and faith are brought together in our love for one another and all those we walk with on this journey, especially as we approach Canada day on July 1 st.
As we enter into this re-opening time of family reunions and lakeside barbecues, we take our relationship with God with us everywhere we go, sharing with all those we are together with.
As St. Mark’s enters into a time of a new Pastoral Relationship with Barb, we put aside our fears of the unknown, but opening our eyes and our faith, we look ahead to a future that has the very Spirit of God leading us on to a time and a place where we will once again be united in faith and dreams as we were before. Come let us worship together on this day.
♫Hymn♫ We are One VU 402
Prayer of Approach:
Gracious and Loving Spirit, we come together in the places we are, seeking you in every facet of our lives. At times we may be a diamond in the rough, but through the guidance of the Spirit and our collective common faith, we cut the facets of who we are until we truly sparkle, as if all of humankind were the most precious thing in the world. We are stepping out in faith as a people who dream big, who practice unconditional love and forgiveness and who always try to take the high road in our relationships with one another and with others in our world. We seek forgiveness from those whom we hurt and we stand up brave, bold and tall for what we believe to be the right thing to do. Be with us through this summer time as we re-charge our spiritual and physical batteries, knowing that we will return to be the people you have asked us to be, we pray. Amen
Centering Prayer
♫Hymn♫. Lord Listen to your Children Praying VU 400
The Word:
Old Testament: Samuel 17: 32-49
RR- Psalm 85; page VU 802
New Testament: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
♫Hymn♫ Will Your Anchor hold? VU 675
Gospel: Mark 4:35-41
L: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church through these words today.
All: Thanks Be to God!
Prayer before Message: God of thundering voice and quiet whisper, May the words which I speak, become by your Spirit, the words which you want each of us to hear. May our minds and our ears be quieted as we listen to hear your words of affirmation and acceptance. Amen
Message: Fear is a figment of our imagination in our response to the Danger of the unknown! (Or, Big title for a little sermon!)
Minute for Mission
Offering our gifts
Our Joys and Concerns and Lighting the candle of caring:
As one heart is lifted
May we share its celebration
As one heart is burdened
May we share the pain it knows
And so, we take this flame and light our special care candle… in all our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful of the present-ness of God among us.
Prayers for the people and Lord’s Prayer
♫Hymn♫ O Beautiful Gaia MV 41
♫Closing♫ Strathdee Choral Amen (3x) VU 974
Jim MacNaughton is on call for us and will be our guest minister, while Barb completes this summer session of her Master of Divinity program virtually from AST, from June 14th until July 25th.