Saturday, 10 April 2021

Second Sunday of Easter April 11, 2021

                                         THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA


Port Hawkesbury, NS

Second Sunday of Easter   

April 11, 2021, 3:00 p.m. 

Pulpit Supply:   Pastor Keith Wiseman, DLM


Introit:    “In the Bulb There Is a Flower”          VU #703

Lighting of the Christ Candle:


May the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.

And also with you.

Call To Worship: (unison)

Apart from God, we have no life;

apart from one another, we cannot find life.

We gather now to renew our covenant with God and with each other, God’s faithful people.

Let grace and peace, forgiveness and Easter joy fill this place!

We welcome you God! We welcome you Jesus!  

We welcome you Holy Spirit!  

We welcome you Three in One!   

Karen Biovin

Hymn:      “Joy Comes with the Dawn”            VU # 166 

Gathering Prayer, Prayer of Confession & Words of Assurance:


“Jesus got a hold of my life and he won’t let me go”

Prayer of Illumination: (unison)

You call us to be an Easter people, O God.

Open us to your words of life.

Open us to the Word of life and love.

May all we say and do show your grace at 

work in us.  Amen                              

Beth Johnston

A Reading from the Psalms:                       Psalm  133

A Reading From the First Letter of John:    1 John 1:1-2:2 

Reading from the Gospel of Jesus Christ:  John 20: 19-31 

Choir Anthem“On Eagle’s Wings”      VU #808


Sermon: Pastor Keith Wiseman

Prayers of the People & The Lord’s Prayer:


Announcements & Minute For Mission:

Hymn: “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”  VU #541

Dedication of Offering: 

Loving God, we are grateful for Christ’s life, death, and resurrection among us, bringing us to the fulness of life in the Spirit.  Accept these gifts we offer in his name. Through them we pray that others might know the power of your Holy Spirit, for their lives and for  the world.  Amen.          




Closing Hymn: “Praise the Lord”         VU #245

We Bless One Another As We Go Into The World:

Let us return to the world, seeking to be instruments of God’s love. Let us go, seeking God’s goodness in 

everything and everyone. Let us go and be God’s 

goodness, in Christ’s name.  

Three-Fold Amen


Church Services for April:                                                                    

Scripture Readers                                                                   

April 25th – Vida Hood

Minute for Mission Readers 

        April 25th – Katherine Langley                                                                                                                                                       

St. Mark’s will resume weekly Church services when Barbara Blois MacNaughton begins her ministry on May 2nd at 9:30 am. 

Committee Meeting

Worship & Pastoral Care

Tuesday April 13th – 7PM

The next Prayer Shawl Knitting meeting will be April 19th  

from 1:00 to 3:00 pm in the Church hall. Masks must be worn. Covid-19 guidelines will be followed regarding safe distancing and sanitizing. There will be no access to the kitchen.

Volunteers are needed to help with the Collection Counting. 

There is a Sign-Up sheet in the Narthex. Your willingness will be greatly appreciated.

Food Bank donations will be received on the last Sunday of each month.

Can You Help?  

On April 26th, 27th and 28th from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm we will be doing the following: Cleaning windows & floors in the lobby, church and hall, cleaning the washrooms, wiping down the pews, dusting & vacuuming, and refreshing the Parlour. This is a general spring cleaning all in preparation of the arrival of the Minister on May 2nd.

Should you be physically unable to help, could you be able to make a donation for the purchase of cleaning supplies?

Thanks in advance for your anticipated cooperation.

The Bulletin and Announcements are now published in full on the blog. The address is

Mission Statement

St. Marks’s United Church accepts

and welcomes all people as we

grow in acceptance, learn, love, 

and share our Christian faith in

God’s love. We will celebrate 

God’s presence and advance

God’s purpose within our local

community and the global village

by applying Christ’s teachings to 

our daily lives.

        Peace be With You