Friday, 13 March 2020

March 15th, 2020 - 3rd Sunday in Lent, The Community of Faith of St. David’s United Church, Port Hastings, NS, REGION 15, United Church of Canada

The Community of Faith of St. David’s United Church, Port Hastings, NS
REGION 15, United Church of Canada

Contact Phone: (902) 870-1015, email:

Ministers: Whole People of God

Ministering through leadership in worship this morning are:
Guest Leader: Sandi Irving
Ministry of Music: Heather Richards and the Choir
Lay Reader: Mary Jess MacDonald
Mission Moment: Maxine Smith

Greeters: Sally and George Fox
Collectors: Sally Fox, Heather Deschenes

Hall Cleaners: Heather Graham and Marie MacKinnon

March 15th, 2020 - 3rd Sunday in Lent


Lenten Triad: Lisa Rhynold

Lighting the Christ Candle:

Greeting one another with the Peace of Christ:

Introit: "Spirit of the Living God"           VU 376 vs 1

Call to Worship:

Opening Prayer:

Hymn: My Life Flows On” VU 716

Words of Confession:

Words of Assurance:

Responsive Psalm:
Ps 95 VU 814 Part One

Time for All:

We Listen for God’s Word

Gathering Prayer:

Opening the Word:

Hebrew Scripture: Exodus 17: 1 - 7

Christian Scripture: Romans 5: 1 - 11

Gospel:  John 4: 5 - 422

Opening the Word 2:


We Respond In Faith:

Hymn: Spirit Open Your Heart” MV 79

Profession of Faith: VU 918

Minute for Mission and Offering Our Gifts to God:

Offering Hymn:  
                “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” VU 541

Offering Prayer:

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern:

Hymn: It Only Takes a Spark” VU 289

Commissioning and Blessing:



Thank you all who supported the Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 25th. The amount of $700.00 was realized for the Mission and Service Fund.


Reminder: Food Bank Sunday March 29th. Our local Food Bank is in need of the following items: Flakes of Chicken/Ham, Tuna, Kraft Dinner, Apple Juice, Juice Paks, Pasta sauce, Canned Fruit, Canned Beans, Cereal, Crackers, Tea and Coffee. All donations are greatly appreciated, and allows us to support the needy families in our area.


Floor Curling, Wednesday from 2 - 3, at St. Mark’s Church hall. Bring a toonie and change of footwear. Drop in whenever you like. No experience necessary. Come and enjoy a time of fun and fellowship.