Friday, 3 January 2020

January 5, 2020 Epiphany Sunday ,The Congregation of St. David’s United Church, REGION 15, United Church of Canada Port Hastings, NS

The Community of Faith of St. David’s United Church
REGION 15, United Church of Canada
Port Hastings, NS

Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail: 
Office Hours: Thursday and Friday 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s.
Region 15 Website: 

Ministers: Whole People of God

Ministering through leadership in worship this morning are: 
Guest Leader: Patti Stephenson
Ministry of Music: Choir
Lay Reader: Wanda Radford
Mission Moment:
Greeter: Marie Mac Kinnon

 January 5, 2020 Epiphany Sunday


Welcome and greeting

Lighting the Christ Candle:

Acknowledgement  of the Territory

Introit : “Arise, Your Light is Come”     (Verses 1 and 4)          VU 79

Call to Worship: 

Hymn:  “Will You Come and See the Light”  VU 96 vs 1,4 and 5

Opening Prayer: VU 88  

Prayer For Renewal :

Hymn: “ In the Darkness Shines the Splendour” VU 92


Prayer of Illumination:

Hebrew Scripture:  Isaiah 60: 1-6 - Prophecy of Jesus                      
Ephesians 3: 1-12 – Paul’s declaration                                                                    

Psalm 72: (Parts 1 & 2)              VU 790

The Gospel Acclamation:  Matthew 2: 1-12- Magi Visit

Reflection:  The Path

Hymn: “I am the Light of the World”  VU 87


Minute for Mission/Offering Our Gifts to God:

Offering Prayer:

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern: 

The Lord’s Prayer – A Paraphrase  VU 916


Hymn: “We are Marching”  VU 646

Commissioning and Blessing:

Choral Amen:

OFFICE HOURS: Thursday and Friday 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month. 

Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Copies of the Upper Room for January-February are available.

St. David’s Services are at 11:00 a.m.
January 12th  - No Service
January 19th – Sandi Irving
January 26th – No Service
February 2nd – Patti Stephenson


Lay Readers:
January 19th – Amy McCormack
February 2nd – Maxine Smith

There will be a Congregational Meeting at St. David's TODAY,
January 5
th at 3:00 p.m. This meeting is to address the cost-sharing
agreement with St. Mark's. Please make every effort to attend as
this is a very important meeting. Pastor Maggie Plant , our
supervisor will be attending.  
NOTE:   The storm date will be January 7th at 6:30 p.m., in case the weather doesn't co-operate on January 5th.

Dates of Next Meetings:
Official Board: Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
Annual Congregational: Sunday, February 23rd, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.

The January FundScrip Order will be sent Sunday January 5th and the Delivery Date is Sunday January 12th.
The January Promotions are as follows:
Gap/Old Navy/Banana Republic                       7% ( Regular 5% )
Jack Astor’s Bar and Grill                                 7% ( Regular 5%

If you have any questions or wish to join the program please contact Wanda Radford at 902-870-1015.


Floor Curling, each Wednesday, at St. Mark’s Church hall. Bring a toonie and change of footwear. Drop in whenever you like. No experience necessary. Come and enjoy a time of fun and fellowship.