The Communities of Faith of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
Region 15, United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Licensed Lay Worship Leader: Margie MacIntyre
Minister Of Music: Adam Cooke
Lay Reader: Larry Evans
Mission Moment: Barb Mac Intyre
Collectors/Greeters: Carl Mac Kichan, Joyce Oliver-Snair
Counters: Eric Dawson, Carl Mac Kichan
Counters (St. D.): James Mac Fadyen, Heather Graham
September 8th, 2019 Creation One
Announcements The Work of Church and Community
Lighting Of The Christ Candle
Introit: Joyful, Joyful We Adore You VU 232, Vs.1
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
Hymn Morning Has Broken VU 409
Prayer Of Confession
Words of Assurance
Prayer Of Illumination
Genesis 1: 26-31 Created in God's image
Psalm 139: VU Page 861 O God you have searched me
Hymn This Is God's Wondrous World VU 296
Children's Time 'Fearfully, Wonderfully Made’
Ephesians 4:19-25 Unity in the body of Christ
John 15: 9-14 Love each other
Sermon 'Wondrous Creator God'
Hymn Love, Who Made Me In Your Likeness VU 565
Minute for Mission and Offering Our Gifts to God
Invitation to Offering
Offering Prayer
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern
Hymn Creating God, We Give You Thanks VU 292
Commissioning and Blessing
Choral Amen
Thursday and Friday, 8-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
The “UPPER ROOM” for September-October are available.
Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.
Supply Ministry for St. Mark’s for September
Services are at 9:30 a.m.
September 22nd – Margie Mac Intyre
October 6th - Margie Mac Intyre
Supply Ministry for St. David’s for September
Services are at 11:00 a.m.
September 15th – Patti Stephenson
September 29th – Sandi Irving
Prayer Shawl Knitting Group: Knitters and crocheters gather in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. The next time of gathering is September 16th at 1:00 p.m.
A Congregational Thanksgiving Fund Raising Dinner -are you interested? Let's meet after this morning's service.
September 22nd Reader: Barb Mac Intyre
Mission Moment Reader: Linda Howlett
The September FundScrip Order delivery will be today. If you have any questions about FundScrip or if you wish to join the program please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838.
Sunday, September 15th – 8:00 a.m.; Men’s Group Breakfast meeting.
The September FundScrip Order Delivery will be today. If you have any questions about FundScrip or if you wish to join the program contact Wanda Radford at 902-870-1015.
Lay Readers:
September 15th - Arnold Mac Lean
September 29th – Julia Mac Kinnon
Joyce Oliver-Snair will give an update from the Transition Team at St. David's next Sunday, September 15th, and will answer any questions folks may want to ask at this time.
There will be a Luncheon Social after church in St. David's Church Hall on September 15th, with Sandwiches and Sweets being supplied by the St. David's Congregation. St. Mark's congregation are invited to stay and have lunch and fellowship time with us at St. David’s.
St. David's Official Board meeting will be held on September 29th at 6:30 pm in the church hall. Maggie Plant, our supervisor will be attending this meeting.
Hall Cleaners for September: Catherine Mac Lean, Amy MacKillop
Community Announcements
Annual Church Service, Sept. 8th at 2 pm at the Point Tupper Museum.
The Strait Area (formerly Port Hastings) Museum hours are 9 am to 5 pm. Monday to Friday and 12 to 4 pm. Saturday and Sunday. The Artisans Collective Gift Shop is open 10 to 4 pm. Monday to Friday and the same as the Museum on Saturday and Sunday. We will be open till the middle of October. The Ice Cream Barn is opened 1 pm to 9 pm. every day. The name change was necessary to better reflect the extent of the information compiled over the past 40 years by the Port Hastings Historical Society members and staff.
Terry Fox Run 2019
Date: Sunday, Sept. 15th
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Port Hawkesbury Community Park
This year celebrates the 39TH Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run! Come join us to walk, run or bike 1 km, 5 km or 10 km Road Route OR walk the Port Hawkesbury Community Trail from the Playground to TEC and back. Come support the Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer Research! Bring a friend and have a great time keeping Terry’s Dream alive! Register online at or just show up at the Port Hawkesbury Community Park on the day of the event. For more information to participate or to volunteer, call Sarah at 902-302-7234 or find us on Facebook: The Terry Fox Run – Port Hawkesbury. No minimum entry fee. Raising pledges is optional. Donate what you can and join the fun!
This year celebrates the 39TH Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run! Come join us to walk, run or bike 1 km, 5 km or 10 km Road Route OR walk the Port Hawkesbury Community Trail from the Playground to TEC and back. Come support the Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer Research! Bring a friend and have a great time keeping Terry’s Dream alive! Register online at or just show up at the Port Hawkesbury Community Park on the day of the event. For more information to participate or to volunteer, call Sarah at 902-302-7234 or find us on Facebook: The Terry Fox Run – Port Hawkesbury. No minimum entry fee. Raising pledges is optional. Donate what you can and join the fun!