Friday, 23 August 2019


United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, 

Ministers: Whole People of God

Worship Leader: Sandi Irving      
Ministry of Music:         Choir
Organist:         Adam Cooke
Lay Reader: Archie Noseworthy 
Mission Moment: Anna Marie Langley
Collectors/Greeters: Andy Palmer, Earl West
Counters: Bonnie Dawson, Judy Castle
Counters (St. D.): Bill Mac Rae, Donnie Mac Gregor

            11TH after Pentecost – August 25, 2019


We Gather to Worship God


Lighting the Christ Candle

Greeting one another with the Peace of Christ

Introit:   Joyful, Joyful We Adore You        VU 232, vs1

Call to Worship       

Opening Prayer

Hymn:  It Only takes a Spark                    VU 289

Words of Confession  

Words of Assurance

Responsive Psalm  Psalm 71                VU 789 Part 1 

Children’s Time

We Listen For God’s Word

Gathering Prayer

Opening the Word

1st Reading: Jeremiah 1:4-10   

2nd Reading: Hebrews 12:18-29  

Gospel: Luke 13:10-17 

Opening the Word 2: Reflection

We Respond in Faith

Hymn:  Will You Come and Follow Me          VU 567
Profession of Faith                                       VU 918
Minute for Mission and Offering Our Gifts to God   
Invitation to the Offering
Offertory Hymn:  VU  541  
Offering Prayer  

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern

Hymn:   What a Friend We Have in Jesus     VU 664

Commissioning and Blessing
Thursday and Friday, 8-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s

The “UPPER ROOM” for September-October are available.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

September Supply Ministry for St. Mark’s:        
Services are at 9:30 a.m.
September 8th Margie Mac Intyre
September 22nd Margie Mac Intyre
October 6th -  Margie Mac Intyre

September Supply Ministry for St. David’s:
September 1st – Patti Stephenson
September 15th – Patti Stephenson
September 29th – Sandi Irving



September 8th – Larry Evans
September 22nd- Barb Mac Intyre

Mission Moment Readers:
September 8th -
September 22nd -

Collectors/Greeters for September: 
Carl MacKichan
Joyce Oliver-Snair

The following are the FundScrip September Promotions:
The Ultimate Dining Card               7% ( Regular 5%)
Roots                                           12% ( Regular 10% )
La Vie en Rose/ Bikini Village          11% ( Regular 8% )

The September FundScrip Order will be sent Sunday September 1st and the Delivery will be the following week. If you have any questions about FundScrip or if you wish to join the program please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838. 

PLEASE NOTE: The September meeting of the Congregational Board has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, September 3.  
Executive: 6:30pm. 
Committees: 8:00pm.


Maggie Plante, our pastoral supervisor is leaving on holidays September 9, returning October 1.


The September FundScrip Order will be sent Sunday September 1st and the Delivery will be the following week. The FundScrip September Promotions are listed under St. Mark’s Announcements. If you have any questions about FundScrip or if you wish to join the program Wanda Radford at 902-870-1015.  

Lay Readers:
September 1st  - Haley Mac Fadyen
September 15th - Arnold Mac Lean
September 29thMargie Mac Intyre

Sunday School Announcement
St.David’s Sunday School would like to thank Emma Rhynold for the valuable contribution she has made in ensuring the Sunday School classes were successful. Over the last few years Emma has taken time from her busy schedule to prepare/deliver lessons for the children attending Sunday School. She was able to enrich the lives of these young boys and girls through the love and commitment she had for their best interest.

We are truly grateful to her. Also, we wish her continued success as she moves forward to attend University. We know that she is a person who will continue to accept the opportunity to have a positive impact on others.

Wishing you all the best Emma and God‘s blessing.

Hall Cleaners for September: Catherine Mac Lean, Amy MacKillop

Community Announcements:

Annual Church Service, Sept. 8th at 2 pm at the Point Tupper Museum.

The Concert featuring Evelyn MacCrae and Brad, September 29th from 7pm until 9 pm at the Point Tupper Museum is now cancelled.

ECHO OF SUMMER – FEATURING Cora Contabile on Sunday August 25th at 3:00pm at  Calvin Presbyterian Church, Loch Lomond  SPECIAL GUESTS: Everett Vass, Mario Colosimo, Doug Johnson, Barb Stetter, Rev .Bob Lyle. FREE WILL OFFERING. Ham & Salad Supper (optional) following the concert. Sponsored by the Loch Lomond Fire Dept.  Cost $15 Per Person.

The Strait Area (formerly Port Hastings) Museum hours are 9 am to 5 pm. Monday to Friday and 12 to 4 pm. Saturday and Sunday. The Artisans Collective Gift Shop is open 10 to 4 pm. Monday to Friday and the same as the Museum on Saturday and Sunday. We will be open till the middle of October. The Ice Cream Barn is opened 1 pm to 9 pm. every day. The name change was necessary to better reflect the extent of the information compiled over the past 40 years by the Port Hastings Historical Society members and staff. 

August 25th – Hymn Sing at River Denys Presbyterian Church at 7:00 p.m. Collection.

Terry Fox Run 2019   
Date: Sunday, Sept. 15th    
Time:  1:00 pm    
Location: Port Hawkesbury Community Park

This year celebrates the 39TH Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run! Come join us Sunday, Sept. 15th to walk, run or bike 1 km, 5 km or 10 km Road Route OR walk the Port Hawkesbury Community Trail from the Playground to TEC and back. A great walk for the whole family! Come out and help support the Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer 

Research! Bring a friend and have a great time keeping Terry’s Dream alive! Register online at or just show up at the Port Hawkesbury Community Park on the day of the event. For more information to participate or to volunteer, call Sarah at 902-302-7234 or find us on Facebook: The Terry Fox Run – Port Hawkesbury. No minimum entry fee. Raising pledges is optional. Donate what you can and join the fun! 