Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Ministers: The Whole People of God
Ministering through leadership in worship this morning:
Worship Leader: Sandi Irving
Lay Reader: Amy McCormack
Mission Moment: Yvonne Fox
Greeter: Catherine Mac Lean
Collectors: Donnie Mac Gregor, Amy Mac Killop
Collectors: Donnie Mac Gregor, Amy Mac Killop
Counters (St. M.): Brenda MacEachern, Patsy Brander
Counters (St. D.): Donnie Mac Gregor, Amy Mac Killop
Lighting the Christ Candle
Greeting one another with the Peace of Christ
Introit: Spirit of the Living God vs 1 VU 376
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
Hymn: For the Beauty of the Earth VU 226
Words of Confession
Words of Assurance
Children’s Time
Gathering Prayer
Acts 11:1-18 Peter’s Vision
Responsive Psalm: Psalm 148 VU 871
Opening the Word
John 13: 31-35
Opening the Word 2
Hymn: In the Bulb There is a Flower VU 703
Minute for Mission and Offering Our Gifts to God
Offering Prayer
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern
Hymn: For the Fruits of all Creation VU 227
Commissioning and Blessing
Choral Amen
Thursday and Friday 8-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
The “UPPER ROOM” for May-June are available.
Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of
the month.
Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.
List for Supply Ministry at St. Mark’s and St. David’s.
Services will be Combined and Regular Times:
St. David’s: May 19th – Sandi Irving
St. Mark’s: May 26th – Lorna Mac Rury
St. David’s: June 2nd – Patti Stephenson
St. Mark’s: June 9th – 11:00 a.m.- Rev. Janice Aylward –
St. Mark’s Anniversary with Communion.
St. Mark’s Anniversary with Communion.
Followed by Pot Luck Meal.
St. David’s: June 16th – Sandi Irving
St. Mark’s: June 23rd – Sandi Irving
St. David’s: June 30th – Patti Stephenson
Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle: Knitters and crocheters gather in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. The next time of gathering is Monday, May 20th at 1:00 p.m. Anyone interested in knitting, crocheting or other handcrafts is welcome.
The last Sunday School Class for the 2018 year will be TODAY May 19th. An outing will be planned for later in the summer. Wishing all the boys and girls a safe and happy summer.
FundScrip If you have any questions or wish to join the FundScrip Program please contact Wanda Radford at 902-870-1015. Please note the last order before we break for the summer is Sunday June 2nd.
Hall Cleaners for May are Heather Deschenes and Hazel Mac Lean.
St. David’s Board of Stewards would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone who helped make our roast beef dinner a success. A profit of $2,911. was realized.
Lay Readers:
June 2nd – Maxine Smith
June 16th – Marie Mac Kinnon
June 30th – Kenzie Mac Lean
There will be a work party at the Kirk Cemetery on Saturday, May 25th at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to come and help. Please bring tools to help in this endeavour (ie. Wheel barrel, shovels, rakes etc.)
St. David's United Church will be holding a congregational meeting in the church hall on TODAY, May 19th at 6:00pm. This will be a voting meeting to select two members of the congregation to sit on a transition team, and work with the Interim Minister during his/her stay. Rev. Heather Manuel will be available to provide information regarding the work of the team and to answer any questions you may have. Please make every effort to attend this very important meeting.
Yard and Bake Sale at St. David’s Church Hall, Port Hastings, from 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon on Saturday, June 1st. Sponsored by St. David’s Board of Stewards. For further information contact Ashley Mac Leod at 227-7798 or James Mac Fadyen at 227-7744.
GENERAL FUND: In Loving Memory of MARIE LANGLEY from Clark and Patsy Brander.
Lay Readers:
May 26th – Wayne Simpson
June 9th - Clark Brander
June 23rd – Jean Mac Pherson
Minute for Mission Readers:
May 26th – Linda Howlett
June 9th – Larry Evans
June 23rd – Anna Marie Langley
Sunday, May 26th – 8:00 a.m. - St. Mark’s Men’s Group Breakfast Meeting. Please note change of date.
FundScrip - If you have any questions or wish to join the FundScrip Program please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838.
Please note the last order before we break for the summer is Sunday June 2nd.
Please note the last order before we break for the summer is Sunday June 2nd.
Collection Counters/Recorders Needed - Please sign up. The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate.
The Trustees and Finance Committee is seeking someone with flower gardening experience to give the committee some direction in maintaining the flower beds around the church and manse. The committee will purchase the required plants, fertilizer, etc. and provide the labour. Please contact Clark Brander if you would be willing to coordinate this project. If anyone is interested in growing some vegetables in either of the two built up planting beds. Please contact Clark. “First come, first served.”
19TH Memorial Hymn Sing at Calvin Presbyterian Church, Loch Lomond N.S. on June 9th at 3.00 PM. Minister Rev. Corrie Stewart Special Music by Richmond County Men's Choir. Social Hour to follow at Loch Lomond Community Hall.
A Gaelic Ecumenical Service will be held on Sunday, May 19, at 3:00 pm at Knox United Church, Glace Bay (270 Commercial St.) This is an annual event in celebration of Nova Scotia Gaelic month, and will feature singing by the Ecumenical Gaelic Choir under the direction of Catriona Parsons. The service will be conducted entirely in Gaelic. Everyone is very welcome. Refreshments to follow.
O Canada! Our Music - On Sunday afternoon, May 26th at 3:00 p.m., everyone is invited to St. Mark’s for a concert of Canadian music by the Inverness County Singers, Vocal Motion and the Young County Singers, directed by Laurel Browne with Lawrence Cameron, accompanist. Stay and mingle with the choir for refreshments after the performance!
May 6, 2019
Dear Friends Of St. Mark's and St. David's,
My sincere appreciation for your kindness and overwhelming support, as I completed the Licensed Lay Ministry program.
I was truly touched with your cards and it was grand to see such a crowd at the gathering yesterday! Wow!
Through your generosity, as I completed the program, contributions amounting to $1300.00 were donated in support of The Atlantic Christian Training Centre, in Tatamagouche, our very own Christian Training Centre, of the United Church of Canada. I am most grateful for your support of the Centre and I know the Centre will be thrilled by your ongoing support of their facility, as well!
Thank you again and God Bless you all!
Hope to see you all soon again!
Margie MacIntyre #651