Saturday, 3 November 2018

New Pastoral Relations Process: CHURCH HUB

Greetings! will be a place for ministry personnel and communities of faith to connect with one another, post profiles for changes in pastoral relations, and connect with regional councils and the General Council.

The first phase of this multi-phase project is focused on tools to support the new Office of Vocation. It will allow ministry personnel, candidates, and communities of faith to login and:
  • Update their contact information in one central location
  • Search for new Ministry Personnel (once approved by Regional Council)
  • Search for a new Community of Faith to serve (once approved by Office of Vocation)
Future phases will introduce additional features, rolling out over time. These include, but are not limited to, additional tools for regional council staff, statistics (blue forms), committees, M&S data, and more.

This new platform is built on secure Microsoft Office 365 and Dynamics 365 cloud services and is hosted on Canadian servers. It will allow you to interact with the church on a variety of devices, including your smartphone or tablet.

Watch for additional information in the coming weeks and months as this platform continues to take shape!