Saturday, 20 October 2018



Ministering through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader:   Marie Mac Kinnon
Mission Moment:   Yvonne Fox
Greeter: Arnold Mac Lean
Collectors:   Susan Fox, Heather Graham
Counters (St. M.):   Eric Dawson, Jean Wilson


Monday & Tuesday  9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday & Thursday 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s

Affirm United will confirm designation of Inverness Guysborough Presbytery as an Affirming Ministry at a service of recognition and celebration to be held following the November 13th presbytery meeting at St. Mark’s United Church, 504 Bernard Street, Port Hawkesbury. Everyone is invited to Draw the Circle Wide: Worship to Celebrate Affirming Ministry at 7:00 pm on November 13th. We hope that many from our congregations and community will gather to joyously celebrate this important milestone with music, scripture and prayer.

Inverness Guysborough Affirming Ministry Celebration will include a dramatic presentation of Rabbi Marc Gellman's story "The Bird-Feather Rainbow" based on Genesis 9:8-17. Nan is looking for children, youth and adults who would like to help act out this story. Please speak to Nan if you would like to take part--rehearsals will be held at St. Mark's on Saturdays November 3rd and 10th at 9:30 a.m. 

Church choirs (and congregation members who like to sing) are invited to be part of the presbytery choir on November 13th. You may wish to practice the hymns in preparation. They are: 

There Is Room for All                          MV 62 
As a Fire is Meant for Burning                       VU 578 
As Hands Reach Out and Fingers Trace    MV 136   to Alternate tune O Waly Waly 
Santo, Santo, Santo              VU 951
Draw the Circle Wide                          MV 145

The “UPPER ROOM” for November-December are available.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month. They would appreciate donations of plastic grocery bags.

Deadline for items for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle: Knitters and crocheters gather in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. The next time of gathering is November 19, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. in St. Mark’s Church parlour

October 31st – 10:30 a.m. - Service at the Nursing Home.



Lay Readers:
October 28th – Susan Langley
November 4th – Arnold Mac Lean
November 11th – Worship at St. Mark’s 9:30 a.m.
November 18th – Kevin Pierce
November 25th – Julia Mac Kinnon

Please be advised of Nan's request for change of Pastoral Relations effective January 1st, 2019.  St. David's is looking for two (2) Members to volunteer to go on a Joint Needs Assessment Committee with St. Mark's Church in order to make a recommendation for the future ministry leadership of our church.  There will be a Congregational meeting to be held immediately after church on October 28th to vote on these individuals who are willing to serve.

*Note: Congregational Meetings require at least 20 full members to be present. Please make every effort to attend. 

Sunday School classes will begin TODAY October 21st. 

The profit from the Fishcake & Beans Supper will be announced later. 

Thank you to everyone who helped with the supper. Your donations of baked goods, other food items and supplies, as well as monetary donations were greatly appreciated.
A huge thank you to the 30 plus volunteers who worked so hard on the day of the supper – setting up, washing dishes, serving the food, cleaning up, etc…
A special thank you goes out to our mentor Jim George, for all his help.
Well done everyone!

Roast Beef Dinner with Homemade Pies on Friday November 2nd, 2018 from 4pm-6pm at Port Hastings Fire Hall. Adults $15.00 Child $8.00 take out orders available Sponsored by: St. David’s Board of Stewards

Hall Cleaners for October are Wanda Harb & Florence Timmons.



Lay Readers:
October 28th – Larry Evans
November 4th – Bruce Corrigan
November 11th – Reader from the Legion
November 18th – Malcolm Matheson
November 25th – Barb Mac Intyre

Congregational Meeting Tuesday, October 30, 6:30 pm.

A Congregational Meeting will be held at St. Mark’s Church,   Tuesday, Oct. 30. 6:30 pm to form/appoint a Joint Needs Assessment Committee. (JNAC) The Joint Needs Assessment Committee will gather information on the ministry personal needs of our church.
*Note: Congregational Meetings require at least 20 full members to be present. Please make every effort to attend. 

It is time once again to renew your Observer subscription. There are envelopes on the table in the church entry for both renewals and new subscriptions. St. Mark’s members receive a discount of $5 by subscribing as a group. Annual group subscription rate is $25. Please make cheques ($25) payable to St. Mark’s United Church with a notation that this is for “Observer Subscription”. Place your cheque in the Observer envelope on the offering plate. 

Read The Observer for stories and perspectives you won’t find anywhere else!

The Worship and Pastoral Care Committee feels worship will be enhanced if we fill the front rather than the back pews. Please move forward if you are comfortable doing so.

Collection Counters/Recorders Needed - Please sign up. The load gets lighter when many helping hands participate.

St. Mark’s Annual Christmas Tea & Sale November 23rd. More information to follow.

FundScrip Order Forms are available at St. Mark’s Church in the Narthex and the Choir Room and can be found in Green File Folders labeled FundScrip 

CNIB Vision Mates   CNIB has a volunteer program – “Vision Mates” – that pairs volunteers with people with vision loss to help out for a couple of hours a week.  Are you interested in lending a hand – and eyes – for a couple of hours a week to help a person living with vision loss in Cape Breton? If so, email!

Floor curling starting November 7th at St. Mark’s.

Bake Sale and Flea Market, Saturday, Nov. 3rd:  9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.  Doorprizes.  No admission.  Come early! Trinity United Church, Mulgrave

Please join us for our Being prepared Made Simple Seminar. This is free seminar, to learn about: Protecting your estate from legal issues and saving taxes upon death, Establishing Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney, Saving money through an Eligible Funeral Plan, Preparing emotionally and financially for an unexpected death in your family, Ensuring your personal wishes are understood and carried out. Seminar Date (Complimentary dinner) Tuesday, October 23rd at 5:30 pm  Location St. Joseph’s Parish Hall, 118 Granville Street, Port Hawkesbury. To Reserve call 902-625-2929. Please feel free to bring a friend. Book ahead- Space is limited! Your Host: John Green Owner Funeral Director Guest Speakers: Adam Rodgers, Lawyer Boudrot Rodgers Law office Susan Barrett, Funeral Preplanning Specialist Shannik Barrett Preneed Solutions, Denise Fictorie, Funeral Preplanning Specialist, Green’s Funeral Home.