Saturday, 25 March 2017


Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God   Minister: Nan Corrigan D.M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
March 26th, 2017-4th Sunday of Lent

Announcements         The Work of Church and Community


Greeting One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

*Introit Love Us Into Fullness       v 1, twice MV 81

Call to Worship   Based on Psalm 23

One: God, our shepherd, calls us to this place. 
All: God leads us beside quiet streams, and into lush meadows. 
One: Even in dark and difficult places, God never abandons us. 
All: God pursues us to the ends of Earth, upholding us in love. 
One: Come, let us worship God.

Opening Prayer

Loving God, we have come here today 
to hear your word and let it change us. 
We have come to be refreshed by your presence 
and reminded that we are never far from you. 
Open our hearts to receive you, 
and to reach out to others in love. 
We pray in Christ’s name. Amen.

*Hymn Open My Eyes, That I May See VU 371

Lenten Triad Candle Lighting     Prayer of Confession 

In place of a Lenten Tenebrae or extinguishing of candles, this year our ritual is one of gathering light to remember how people were drawn to Jesus during his ministry. This is symbolized by a central Christ candle from which a new candle is lit on each Sunday of Lent.
One: We often do not notice things around us.
(light the first candle from the Christ candle)
All: Situations right in front of our eyes demand our attention, 
but we don’t know what to do, so we look away.
(light the second candle)
One: Sometimes we see, but we don’t understand. 
We need help; sometimes we are too stubborn or shy to ask for it.
(light the third candle)
Often we fail to notice – with our eyes, our ears, our hearts 
– the wonderful value of the people around us. 
(light the fourth pink candle)
One: Forgive us, loving God.
All: Forgive us, loving God, and open us to new visions. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

One: Hear these words from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians: 
You groped your way through the murk once, but no longer. 
You’re out in the open now. 
The bright light of Christ makes your way plain. 
(Ephesians 5.8, from The Message)

Sung Assurance: Love Us Into Fullness v 1, twice MV 81


1 Samuel 16:1–13  Samuel chooses one of Jesse’s sons as king.

One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God. 

Looking back on a full life 

During a memorial service, John Smith suggested that Psalm 23 could have been written by an older person, reflecting on a long and full life. The first line of verse 6 is adapted from “A New Creed” of the United Church of Canada. 
God has walked with me; I could ask nothing more. 
God has given me green meadows to laugh in, 
clear streams to think beside, untrodden paths to explore. 
When I thought the world rested on my shoulders, 
God put things into perspective. 
When I lashed out at an unfair world, God calmed me down. 
When I drifted into harmful ways, God straightened me out. 
God was with me all the way. 
I do not know what lies ahead, but I am not afraid. 
I know you will be with me. 
Even in death, I will not despair. 
You will comfort and support me. 
Though my eye dims and my mind dulls, 
you will continue to care about me. 
Your touch will soothe the tension in my temples; 
my fears will fade away. 
I am content. 
In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with me
All through life, I have found goodness in people. 
When life ends, I expect to be gathered 
into the ultimate goodness of God. 
From Everyday Psalms by James Taylor © 1994. 
Published by Wood Lake Books. Used by permission.

*Psalm 23 The Lord’s My Shepherd (sung) VU 747

Opening the Word & The Lord’s Prayer

The Gospel Acclamation

John 9:1–41 Jesus heals the man born blind. A Choral Reading

One: Herein is Good News.   All: Praise be to God. 

Opening the Word 2


* Hymn     On Eagle’s Wings VU 808

Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God

*Offering Prayer

Good Shepherd, you seek us and all your lost sheep. Use these gifts, and those already given through PAR, as your rod and staff to comfort and guide the weary to your pastures, to bind up those who are broken hearted, and strengthen those who are weak, to feed those who hunger and bring sight to the blind. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession


* Hymn     Precious Lord, Take My Hand VU  670

*Commissioning and Blessing

Go out into the world in peace and joy, 
knowing that in all your turnings 
God will restore your soul, 
and follow you with goodness and mercy 
each and every step of the way.

*Choral Amen