Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader (St. M.): Brenda Mac Innis
(St. D.): Margie Mac Intyre
Mission Moment (St. M.): Sarah Chiasson
Greeters & Collectors (St. M.): Larry & Sherille Mac Keigan
Greeters (St. D.): Maxine Smith
Collectors (St. D.): Ashley Mac Leod, Marie Davis
Monday & Tuesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. David’s, Jane at St. Mark’s
Thursday 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle: Knitters and crocheters gather in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. The next time of gathering is February 20th at 1:00 p.m.
Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for January-February are available.
Deadline for information for the bulletin is Thursday at noon.
Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
Parables, Prayers & Promises: Daily Devotions on Jesus
by Martha Martin, Diaconal Minister, Maritime Conference
Who was Jesus of Nazareth? What did he teach, and how did he pray? How does Jesus'’ ministry continue through his followers today?
Interested in having a Lenten daily devotion book? and/or joining a study group for Lent? Cost of print copy is $12.75. E-book available for $5.95 at Order e-book yourself online. Call the church office or send us an email to order print copy of book. Deadline for ordering February 12.
Lay Readers February 12th – Sarah Chiasson
February 19th – Larry Evans
February 26th – Julia Mac Quarrie
March 5th – Bruce Corrigan
March 12th – Malcolm Matheson
March 19th – Barb Mac Intyre
March 26th – Wayne Simpson
The February FundScrip Delivery Dates are Sunday February 5th and 19th and the Order Dates are Sunday February 12th and 26th.
The February Promotions are as follows:
Esso 3% ( Regular 2% )
The Ultimate Dining Card 5% ( Regular 3% )
Please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838 if you have any questions or if you wish to join the program.
Annual Congregational Meeting on February 12, 2017 at 2:00 p.m.
Hymn Books entitled "More Voices" have been purchased by St. Mark's, you may help offset the cost by making a donation of $15. A hymn book will be labelled if you wish to make your donation in honour or in memory of a loved one. Place your donation on the collection plate in an envelope marked "More Voices", please include your information.
PLEASE NOTE: There is an urgent need to fill the position of Chairperson on our Congregational Board. Without a Chairperson, the Board cannot hold meetings. Please consider putting your name forward to fill this vital role. Contact persons are Hayward Hollett, Annabel Butts, Coleen MacKichan or Linda Howlett.
Lay Readers February 12th – Iaian Langley
February 19th – Maxine Smith
February 26th- Malcolm Parsons
March 5th – Amy McCormack
March 12th – Alicia Vink
March 19th – Gillian Vink
March 26th – Kevin Pierce
Year end reports are due for the Official Board Meeting today, February 5th, 2017
St. David’s Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on February 19, 2017 following Worship.
The motion was passed at the last Official Board meeting that we
Compile a list of the birthday dates of members and regular attendees to St. David’s. I’ve taken on the task so have begun by using the 1975 Port Hastings Community Club calendar as a beginning. Please check the list on the table in the entry to see if the date is correct if you were in that calendar and if not, please add you name to the calendar and for you who weren’t married or children hadn’t been born, add spouses and children. Thanks in advance. Yvonne
Hall Cleaners for February are Margie Mac Intyre, Beryl Mac Leod
Donate your gently used clothing to Port of Welcome Settlement Association. Drop off clothing at Cathy's Consignment shop and ask that proceeds of sales go to the POWSA account (act#4488). Once our family arrives they will be able to use the credit in that account to purchase clothing items.
Anyone wishing a drive to New Glasgow or Truro, please contact Margie Mac Intyre at 902-625-1361 for dates and times she will be going.
There are still 4 tickets available for the trip to the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo, $40.00. Contact Margie if interested in purchasing.