Thursday, 12 January 2017


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God    Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
January 15th, 2017-2nd Sunday after Epiphany

A thought around which to gather as we worship—In each of the readings today, the call is to something wider – more than is imagined. In Baptism, we are named as mem­bers of the Body of Christ. What does it mean to be called and named by God? The biblical passages raise questions about our own call. How do we identify and confirm that call to be all we are and can be? What does it mean today to be “a light to the nations”? 
Seasons of the Spirit™ SeasonsFUSION Advent • Christmas • Epiphany 2016–2017 
Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2016 , p. 118

 Announcements The Work of Church and Community


Greeting One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit

*Introit   Sent Out in Jesus’ Name MV 212

Sent out in Jesus’ name, our hands are ready now
to make the world the place in which the kingdom comes. 

Call to Worship 

One: We wait patiently for our God
All: We will sing, we will sing new songs 
of the One who calls us here. 
One: We will not chase after other gods. 
All: We will sing, we will sing new songs 
of the One in whom we can trust. 
One: We will tell of all God has done for us. 
All: We will sing, we will sing new songs 
of the One whose salvation is for all. 

Opening Prayer      One: O God,   All: there is none like you.      

*Hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness VU 288 

Prayer of Confession

Let us confess our sins to the One who is always faithful.

 All: Shaped, formed, born to be servants, Faithful One, we spend so much time focused on our­selves. Called to be saints, we deeply despise those who do us harm and those with whom we disagree. Challenged to testify about the good news, we keep silent, hoarding stories of joy and hope for ourselves. 

Forgive us, Merciful Lamb. Give us open ears, that we might hear your words of pardon; give us open eyes, that we might see those you would have us serve; give us open hearts, that we might welcome the One who takes away our sins, Jesus Christ, servant leader and saviour.   Silence is kept. 

Words of Affirmation

One: Listen! Before you were born, God called you by name, claiming you as God’s child. Pay attention! You are forgiven. 

All: We will not keep silent. We will tell, and we will sing; we will whisper, and we will shout: God is faithful! Amen. 


Isaiah 49:1-7    The Lamb of God. The mission of God's servant.One: Herein is Wisdom.  All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 40:1–11   I waited patiently for God   VU 764

* Hymn Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying VU 400 

Opening the Word & The Lord’s Prayer

Gospel Acclamation

John 1:29–42 Simon and Andrew become disciples.One: Herein is Good News.  All: Praise be to God. 

Opening the Word 2  


* Hymn     Will You Come and Follow Me VU 567 

Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God

* Offering Prayer

As we offer our gifts to you, calling God, remind us that we are invited to not only come and see the brokenness of our world, those who are hungry and homeless, lonely and grieving, but to join you in that ministry of offering strength, hope, and healing to all your children. Amen. 

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession  

Beloved God, we praise you for your word that creates worlds,
your breath that brings forth life,
your voice that inspires oceans and rivers.
You are the source of all life: every creature,
great and small, is made by you and loved by you.
In the beginning you proclaimed all of your creation
to be good, and human beings you declared “very good.”
Yet too many do not know that.
We pray this day for all of those, your children,
who do not know their goodness, their worth, their value;
who do not know that they are loved unconditionally
by the One who created them.
We pray that we might never forget our own worth and value 
as your beloved children.
We give thanks that in Jesus, your living word,
you call us to discipleship, to servant sainthood and new life.
Help us, as Christ’s disciples, 
through words of compassion and cries for justice, 
through gentle smiles and hugs 
and arms that reach out to break down barriers,
proclaim the truth that all of your children
are loved and valued. Amen. 


* Hymn How Great Thou Art Cover of VU 

* Commissioning and Benediction 

  Let us go forth: 
Let us go forth to sing God's good news to others.
We are assured that we do not lack anything we need to be a servant saint of God. 
Let us go forth to be that servant for others.
You have met God revealed in unexpected places. Let us go forth to reveal God to others.
Let us go forth to sing God's good news to others.

* Choral Amen