Friday, 16 September 2016


Baptism of Harlow Lily Spencer 

The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s

United Church of Canada

Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS

Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:


Presbytery Website:

Ministers: The Whole People of God

Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.

Minister of Music: Al Fougere

September 18th, 2016-Creation Time

Thoughts around which to gather as we worship: After the first human being was created, God placed him in a fertile garden of trees to serve and to protect it. Christ’s teaching affirms this vocation. Disciples of Christ are called to be servants of all. By implication, the “all” includes “all things” in creation. Our mission, then, includes a vocation to minister to Earth and to serve our kin in creation. This role implies that we stand in solidarity with creation and that we cooperate with God and with nature in restoring Earth.

From The Season of Creation: A Preaching Commentary, edited by Norman Habel, David Rhoads, and Paul Santmire (Fortress, 2011)

Announcements         The Work of Church and Community



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

*Introit           For the Beauty of the Earth  verse 1   VU 226         

Call to Worship    Based on Jeremiah 8:18—9:1

Opening Prayer

Through your mercy, generous God,

you answered the cry of Jeremiah for his people.
They had become so lost that

it was difficult to find their way back to you.
You dressed their wounds and helped restore their lands.

Through your grace, they had a future

that allows us to be here today.

Now we turn back to you and cry out for your creation,
aware that the harm we have done to her

will not easily be reversed.
Great Physician, show us how to soothe

the earth’s scars and nurse her back to health.
Give us the strength to ensure

that generations will enjoy her bounty. Amen.

* Hymn           All Things Bright and Beautiful                   VU 291

Prayer for Wholeness          

Your ways require time,
and we have none to spare.
Your solutions need effort,
but we’re often too tired to care.
You expect us to be generous,
yet we often feel shortchanged.
You call us to work together,
but from so many we are estranged.

For you, your earth, and all your children,
make us cherish time well spent.
For the future quickly approaching,
help us serve like the Son you sent.
For equal portions of your gifts,
may we embrace the ways of sharing
For the spreading of your love,
encourage us in the arts of caring. Amen.

Assurance of Love

Paul wrote to Timothy
that God desires everyone be saved,
and that it is in following Jesus
that the road to new life is paved. Thanks be.


Jeremiah 8:18—9:1 The prophet laments that time is running out.

One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 79:1–9   People have damaged God’s temple. VU 793

*Hymn (St. M.) I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry      VU 644

              (St. D.) Make Me a Channel of Your Peace      VU 684       

Opening the Word/The Lord's Prayer    Baptism at St. Mark’s

The Gospel Acclamation

Luke 16:1–13 A steward uses his creativity for a better future.

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. All: Thanks be to God.

Opening the Word 2


* Hymn    I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me        VU 575           

Minute for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God

*Offering Prayer

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern


* Hymn     Go to the World                                                   VU 420

* Commissioning for Mission

One idea is interesting. Two ideas can blossom.
Invite the Spirit into all our thoughts,
and it can be world-changing.
Let’s think, pray, and act together
for the sake of Mother Earth.


May God, our Creator, who desires our salvation;
Christ, our Redeemer, who invites us into a new way of life;
and the Holy Spirit, who sustains us with a creative spark
be with us forever as we dwell on this beautiful earth
and then take our rest in God’s heavenly garden.

*Choral Amen
This service adapted from one written by The Rev. Karen Boivin who serves Maxville-Moose Creek United Church in Maxville and Zion United Church in Apple Hill, Ontario. Found at