Tuesday, 27 September 2016


October FundScrip Order Dates are October 9th and 23rd 
and Delivery Dates are October 2nd, 16th and 30th.

The October Promotions are as follows:

Irving Oil                             3% ( Regular 2% )
Giant Tiger                           5% ( Regular 3% )
Cabela’s                                7% ( Regular 4% )

Saturday, 24 September 2016


Ministering through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader (St. M.): Wayne Simpson
                   (St. D.): Bruce Corrigan
Mission Moment (St. M.): Lorna Harvey, David Chapman
Greeters & Collectors (St. M.): Linda Howlett & Valli Ross
Greeter (St. D.): Bob Downard
Collectors (St. D.): Iaian Langley & Heather Graham

Monday & Tuesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. David’s, Jane at St. Mark’s
Thursday 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s

Sunday, October 2nd – Worldwide Communion Sunday.

Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for Sept.-Oct. are available.

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle: Knitters and crocheters gather in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Next time of gathering is October 17th at 1:00 p.m.

Help Shape the Future of the United Church
Learn about and then voice your opinion on the remits that are now before the church. It is vitally important that the governing body of every pastoral charge and presbytery cast a vote on all applicable remits. An absolute majority is needed for the remits to pass, not just a majority of those that vote. If passed by an absolute majority, each remit will go to the 43rd General Council 2018 for approval. If a governing body of a pastoral charge or presbytery does not vote, that is considered a vote AGAINST the remit question.
Study documents for Remit 1: Three Council Model are being circulated today with viewing of the United Church webinar at St. Mark’s on October 5th at 7:00 p.m. Remit 1 will be voted on by your church board at their November meeting.

Wednesday, September 28th 10:30 a.m. Service at Port Hawkesbury Nursing Home.

FALL Youth Forum 2016 will be in Debert, NS. November 11-13th at the Debert Hospitality Centre – 130 Ventura Dr, Debert, NS B0M 1G0 Cost: $150 (remember to talk to you church, minister, youth group leader or presbytery to ask for sponsorship) More information and registration can be found at www.youthforum.ca

Presbytery Warrant to Covenant service, between Rev. Alicia Cox and Margaree Pastoral Charge will be held on September 25 at 7pm, with the preacher Rev. Donna Lovelace, at Wilson United Church, Margaree Centre.

Presbytery Warrant to Covenant service, between Rev. Karen Ross and River and Lakeside Pastoral Charge will be held on October 16 at 7pm, with the preacher Rev. Alicia Cox, at Forbes United Church, River Denys.

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.


Lay Readers
October 2nd – Barb Mac Intyre
October 9th – Thanksgiving – Archie Noseworthy
October 16th – Combined Service St. David’s Anniversary
October 23rd – Clark Brander
October 30th – Judy Castle

FundScrip Order Sunday is September 25th and Delivery Sunday will be October 2nd. If you have any questions or if you wish to join the program please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838.
September FundScrip Promotions are as follows:
 Shell                                                     3% ( Regular 2% )
The Children’s Place                                10 % ( Regular 8% )
Pizza Pizza                                             12% ( Regular 10% )
Gap/Baby/Old Navy                               7% ( Regular 5% )
/Banana Republic
Hudson’s Bay/Home Outfitters                5% (Regular 3% )

St. Mark’s Annual Christmas Tea and Sale on December 2nd.


Lay Readers
October 2nd – Kenzie Mac Lean
October 9th – Margaret Ashford
October 16th – Susan Langley
October 23rd – Arnold Mac Lean
October 30th – Wanda Radford

Hall Cleaners for October are Wanda Harb & Florence Timmons

A Fish Cake and Bean Supper which includes homemade brown bread and apple crisp will be held at the Port Hastings Fire Hall on October 7th from 4 to 6 pm. It’s sponsored by St. David’s UCW. Cost is  $12.00 at the door.


Donate your gently used clothing to Port of Welcome Settlement Association. Drop off clothing at Cathy's Consignment shop and ask that proceeds of sales go to the POWSA account (act#4488). Once our family arrives they will be able to use the credit in that account to purchase clothing items.

Port Hawkesbury Ceilidh 
Tuesdays @ 7:30 - 9pm Civic Centre
Admission: $10.00; Students (under 16) $4.00; Children (under 5) free; Free Tea & Oatcakes...while they last 
Sept 27             All Fired Up | Gillian Head
Oct 4         Wendy MacIsaac | Troy MacGillivray | Mac Morin | Sabra MacGillivray and the Celtic Touch Dancers  | Joanne MacIntyre & Family

Gospel Jamming:  September 25 and October 2nd starting at 2 p.m. at Alexander Grant Memorial United Church in Lake Ainslie.  Various musicians and you are welcome to perform as well in these one hour song services.  Free will offering at each service. 

Roast Beef Supper:  Saturday, October 1st, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.  Trinity United Church Hall, MacLeod St. Mulgrave.  Eat In, take out, delivery.  $12.00 adults, $6.00 children under 12. 

Bake Sale and Flea Market:  Saturday, October 22nd:  9:00 a.m. - 12 noon.  Trinity United Church Hall, MacLeod St. Mulgrave.  Door prizes to be won.  Come early for best items. 

THE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY will be holding a used book sale on October 15th from 10am to 1pm at SAERC.    Donations of good used books will be accepted till that time. They may be dropped at the Library during hours or marked and put in the drop off box. You may also call Jean Macpherson at 625-0609 and she will accept books as well. Money raised will be used to support the local branch of the library.

Breakfast at Port Hastings Fire Hall on Saturday, October 22, 2016 from 8:00-11:00 a.m. Adults $8.00/Children $5.00. Hosted by Port Hastings Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary.


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail: stmarksuc@gmail.com
Blog: http://ourcontactonline.blogspot.com/
Presbytery Website: inverguyunited.ca
Ministers: The Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
September 25th, 2016-Creation Time

Announcements               The Work of Church and Community


Greeting Welcome to this holy space. We gather as a community with God and each other remembering that we are of the earth and one with all life.One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.

*Introit        For the Beauty of the Earth verse 1         VU 226

Call to Worship

Let us, as a sacred community in union with the universe, centre our minds and bodies to worship our Creator.
(A time of silence)

Opening Prayer

We gather together, Gracious Provider, in your presence,
to celebrate our oneness with the earth
and to seek forgiveness for the injuries we have caused.
Help us to hear the voices of our planet
and give us the will and the compassion
to respond with healing action.
In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

* Hymn           Sing Praise to God, Who Has Shaped           VU 221


Jeremiah 32:1–3a, 6–15 Houses, fields, vineyards shall be purchasedOne: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.

Psalm 91 (sung) God will raise you up on eagle’s wings. VU 808

Opening the Word/The Lord's Prayer

The Gospel Acclamation

Luke 16:19–31 The rich man and Lazarus.Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. All: Thanks be to God.

Opening the Word 2


* Hymn            Seek Ye First the Kingdom              VU 356

Minute for Mission


Let us confess our human failings to the One on whose grace and mercy we depend.
We, like the rich man, ignore the cries of the prophets of today.
We have not heard them add their voices
to Moses and the prophets of old,
imploring us to repent and change our self-serving ways.

We have shown indifference
to the many species disappearing from our midst,
the perforation of our fragile atmosphere,
the deadly pollution of our waters.
We have not cared for the starving, sore-covered earth,
the Lazarus at our gates.
All-powerful God of the Cosmos,
forgive us and inspire in us the imagination
to redefine ourselves as creatures of the earth—soil of your soil.
Grant us, Creator God, the wisdom to hear your prophets,
to know that all pain is our pain and all joy is our joy
as we work to restore your beautiful world.
Through Christ we pray. Amen. (a time of silence)

Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison, kyrie eleisonLord have mercy, Lord have mercy,Lord have mercy on us. VU 946

Assurance of Pardon

Trusting in God’s great love and mercy,
know we are forgiven for our sins.
We feel the presence of the Holiest Hope
as we regain our place
as partners with all the earth.
Let us breathe God’s love
through all we give and receive from others.
We bring our offering.

*Offering Prayer

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern


Community Blessing            Oneness Blessing

(to the tune of “Kum Ba Yah”)

With your blessing Lord, we are oneWith your blessing Lord, we are oneWith your blessing Lord, we are oneO Lord we are one.

In your rivers Lord …
In your orchards Lord …
In your mountains Lord …
In your oceans Lord …
In your dreaming Lord …
In your mystery Lord …
In your Spirit Lord …
(A moment of silence)

* Hymn              Take My Life and Let It Be             VU 506

* Commissioning for Mission

Let us go out into the world renewed by the Holy Spirit,
and strengthened by this community.
May we love our flesh and blood selves as God loves us
so that we are able to care for our larger body, the Earth.

Let us turn our words into action and
place our hope and trust in the Eternal Mystery.
Thanks be to God.

*Choral Amen

This service adapted from one written by by Sally Armour Wotton. Found at http://www.letallcreationpraise.org/third-sunday-of-creation-time-2010

Friday, 16 September 2016


Ministering through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist:                                 Al Fougere
Lay Reader (St. M.):               Karen Mac Kinnon
                    (St. D.):               Alicia Vink
Mission Moment (St. M.):       Linda Howlett
Greeters & Collectors (St. M.): Linda Howlett & Valli Ross
Greeter (St. D.):                      Bob Downard
Collectors (St. D.):                  Iaian Langley & Heather Graham

Monday & Tuesday    9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday     9-12 noon, Nan at St. David’s, Jane at St. Mark’s
Thursday         9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday              Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon, Jane at St. Mark’s

Sunday, October 2ndWorldwide Communion Sunday.

Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for Sept.-Oct. are available.

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle: Knitters and crocheters gather in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Next time of gathering is September 19th at 1:00 p.m.

Help Shape the Future of the United Church
Learn about and then voice your opinion on the remits that are now before the church. It is vitally important that the governing body of every pastoral charge and presbytery cast a vote on all applicable remits. An absolute majority is needed for the remits to pass, not just a majority of those that vote. If passed by an absolute majority, each remit will go to the 43rd General Council 2018 for approval. If a governing body of a pastoral charge or presbytery does not vote, that is considered a vote AGAINST the remit question.
Study documents for Remit 1: Three Council Model will be circulated in September with viewing of the United Church webinar at St. Mark’s on October 5th at 7:00 p.m. Remit 1 will be voted on by your church board at their October meeting.

Inverness-/Guysborough Presbytery Annual Choir event on Saturday, September 24 at 3:00 pm. in Guysborough United Church. 

Please save egg cartons for the Food bank......leave them in the church kitchen  or drop them in to Food Bank any Monday am  Thanks

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.


Being Baptized this morning is Harlow Lily Spencer daughter of E. Mitchum Spencer & Channelle Lillian MacInnis Spencer.


Lay Readers for September & October
September 25th – Wayne Simpson
October 2nd – Barb Mac Intyre
October 9th – Thanksgiving – Archie Noseworthy
October 16th – Combined Service St. David’s Anniversary
October 23rd – Clark Brander
October 30th – Judy Castle

FundScrip Order Sunday is September 25th and Delivery Sundays will be September 18th and October 2nd. If you have any questions or if you wish to join the program please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838.
September FundScrip Promotions are as follows:
 Shell                                                     3% ( Regular 2% )
The Children’s Place                                10 % ( Regular 8% )
Pizza Pizza                                             12% ( Regular 10% )
Gap/Baby/Old Navy                               7% ( Regular 5% )
/Banana Republic
Hudson’s Bay/Home Outfitters                5% (Regular 3% )

Tuesday, September 20th – St. Mark’s Congregational Board Meeting: 6:30 p.m. – Executive, 7:00 p.m. – Committees; 8:00 p.m. Combined Board.

Lay Readers for September & October
September 25th – Bruce Corrigan
October 2nd – Kenzie Mac Lean
October 9th – Margaret Ashford
October 16th – Susan Langley
October 23rd – Arnold Mac Lean
October 30th – Wanda Radford

Hall Cleaners for September: Catherine Mac Lean & Lynn King.

TODAY - September 18th – St. David’s Official Board meeting following Worship.

A Fish Cake and Bean Supper which includes homemade brown bread and apple crisp will be held at the Port Hastings Fire Hall on October 7th from 4 to 6 pm. It’s sponsored by St. David’s UCW. Cost is  $12.00 at the door.
Tea Thyme Quilters will meet starting Wednesday, September 21, 10:00am at St.Mark’s. Everyone welcome! Come to quilt or bring along your own project.

Donate your gently used clothing to Port of Welcome Settlement  Association. Drop off clothing at Cathy's Consignment shop and ask that proceeds of sales go to the POWSA account (act#4488). Once our family arrives they will be able to use the credit in that account to purchase clothing items.

Port Hawkesbury Ceilidh Tuesdays @ 7:30 - 9pm Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre 606 Reeves Street Port Hawkesbury, NS Admission: $10.00; Students (under 16) $4.00; Children (under 5) free; Season Pass $75 (5 free Ceilidhs)  Free Tea & Oatcakes...while they last 
Sept 20 Kinnon and Betty Beaton | Jeff MacDonald | Krista  & Jay Luddington | Annie Hennessey 
Sept 27 All Fired Up | Gillian Head 
Oct 4 Wendy MacIsaac | Troy MacGillivray | Mac Morin | Sabra MacGillivray and the Celtic Touch Dancers  | Joanne MacIntyre & Family

Gospel Jamming:  September 18, 25 and October 2nd starting at 2 p.m. at Alexander Grant Memorial United Church in Lake Ainslie.  Various musicians and you are welcome to perform as well in these one hour song services.  Free will offering at each service. 

Singing more of our Favourites On Saturday, September 24th @ 7:30 p.m. at Cameron Hall, D’Arcy Ellis and Rev. Rachel will be offering a second show with all new favourites.  Cost is $10 and tickets are being sold by Stewart Session members and at the door.

Terry Fox Run 2016  Sunday, Sept. 18th  at 1:00 pm at Location: Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre- This year celebrates the 36th Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run! Come join us to walk, run or bike 1 km, 5 km or 10 km and help support the Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer Research! Bring a friend and have a great time keeping Terry’s Dream alive! Raising pledges is optional. Donate what you can and join the fun!

Roast Beef Supper Saturday, October 1st, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.  Trinity United Church Hall, MacLeod St. Mulgrave.  Eat In, take out, delivery.  $12.00 adults, $6.00 children under 12. 

Bake Sale and Flea Market:  Saturday, October 22nd 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon.  Trinity United Church Hall, MacLeod St. Mulgrave.  Door prizes to be won.  Come early for best items. 

THE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY will be holding a used book sale on October 15th from 10am to 1pm at SAERC.    Donations of good used books will be accepted till that time. They may be dropped at the Library during hours or marked and put in the drop off box. You may also call Jean Macpherson at 625-0609 and she will accept books as well. Money raised will be used to support the local branch of the library.