The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St.
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597,
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: Whole People of God
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Music Director: Al Fougere
Season after Pentecost-August 2016
These bulletins will be used for 3 weeks of August—please
hand them to the ushers as you leave or place them at the back of the church
for use next Sunday. Announcement inserts are for you to take home with you.
The Work of Church and
We Gather to Worship God
and *greeting one another with the Peace of Christ.
*Call to Worship
People of summer, gather
your hearts for worship.
bring our hearts, and all the love and pain in them.
People of sunshine and
rain, gather your minds for worship.
gather our minds, and all the thoughts and doubts inside.
People of growing
things, gather your spirits
for worship in this
spirits are gathered, our minds and hearts are ready!
Let us
worship God!
Written by Kate Crawford, First-St. Andrew’s U.C., London, Ont.
Gathering, Pentecost
1 2016, p. 31. Used with permission.
August 7 Sing Praise to God, Who Has Shaped VU221
August 14 When the Saints
Go Marching In Printed
August 21 Lord of the Dance VU352
We Listen for God’s Word
Hebrew Scriptures
August 7 Isaiah
1:1, 10-20 Come, let’s argue it out,
says God.
August 14 Isaiah
5:1-7 The unfruitful vineyard will be purged.
August 21 Jeremiah
1:4-10 “I am only a boy!”
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people.
Thanks be to God.
August 7 Psalm 50 The heavens proclaim your justice. VU775
August 14 Psalm
80 Your face, God, shine on us. Pt. 2, VU794
August 21 Psalm
71 For you are my hope Pt.
1, VU789
August 7 Seek Ye First the Kingdom VU356
August 14 Shall We Gather
at the River VU710
August 21 Jesus’
Hands Were Kind Hands VU570
Gospel Acclamation
August 7 Luke
12:32-40 Do not worry about what to eat or wear.
August 14 Luke 12:49-56 Jesus comes to
bring fire and division.
August 21 Luke
13:10-17 Jesus heals the bent-over
One: Hear
what the Spirit is saying to the church.
All: Thanks be to God.
Opening the Word
We Respond in Faith
August 7 My Lord, What a Morning VU708
August 14 Holy God, We
Praise Your Name VU894
August 21 The
Lord’s My Shepherd VU747
for Mission & Offering Our Gifts to God
Song/Offering Doxology VU544
Prayers of
Thanksgiving and Intercession & The Lord’s Prayer
We Go to Serve God
August 7 For All the Saints VU705
August 14 God Be with You
till We Meet Again VU422
August 21 I,
the Lord of Sea and Sky VU509
*Sending Forth
*Choral Amen