Friday, 31 October 2014


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader (St. M.): Denis Bernard
Lay Reader (St. D.): Wanda Radford
Greeters & Collectors (St. M.): Darren & Anne Louise Blundon
Greeters (St. D.): The Timmons Family
Collectors (St. D.): Bob Downard, Alicia Vink

Monday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Tuesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday 9-12 noon Nan at St. David’s, Jane at St. Mark’s
Thursday 9 – 12 noon Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday – Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon Jane at St. Mark’s

Food Bank donations are received on the last Sunday of the month.
They are also saving plastic grocery bags which can be dropped off at the Food Bank or given to one of the volunteers.

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Next time of gathering is November 16th at 1:00 p.m.

Canadian Church Calendar 2015
Cost: $6.00 (profit to go to the Mission and Service Fund, United Church of Canada) 
A beautiful calendar showcasing our own traditions with inspired photographs of Anglican and United churches from across Canada. Significant church dates and spiritually uplifting verses make it the perfect calendar to give or keep.

Copies of the “UPPER ROOM” for Nov.-Dec. are available.

About Gifts with Vision
The United Church of Canada developed the giving catalogue Gifts with Vision in response to member requests to be able to give gifts to relatives, friends, and loved ones that are in direct support of the church’s Mission and Service partners across Canada and around the world.
If you are seeking inspiring new gift ideas or perhaps would rather not give family and friends the same old clothes/toys/chocolates, Gifts with Vision presents a new way to celebrate special occasions. Give a gift that can help change people’s lives! Print catalogues are now available in the entry to the church and gifts can also be purchased online at

Anyone interested in Confirmation is asked to please contact the Church Office at 625-2229.


St. Mark’s Welcomes You!
Refreshments in the church hall following worship—please join us! There is a quiet nursery space above the stage in the hall—reached via the stairs by the church office door. There you will find toys, change table, crib, rocking chair for your use. We’re so glad you came today.

St. Mark’s Courtesy Car: Contact person for the Courtesy Car is Andy Palmer. His telephone number is 625-2748.

FundScrip Order Sundays will be November 9th and 23rd and Delivery Sundays will be November 2nd, 16th and 30th. Promotions for November are as follows:
Petro-Canada               2.5%         (Regular 2%)
WaySpa                       13%          (Regular 10%)
Sears                          5%            (Regular 3%)
( Includes Home Outfitters & Hudson’s Bay)
 Please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838 if you have any questions about the program or if you wish to join the program.

Lay Readers:
Nov. 9th – Bill Charlton
Nov. 16th – Brenda Mac Innis
Nov. 23rd – Vida Hood
Nov. 30th – Connie Fowlie

November 18th – St. Mark’s Congregational Board Meeting.

St. Mark’s Bazaar on November 28th from 7:00-9:00 p.m.



Lay Readers:
Nov. 9th – Kevin Pierce
Nov. 16th – Dave Pringle
Nov. 23 – Arnold Mac Lean
Nov. 30th – Margie Mac Intyre

Hall Cleaners for November are Claudette Fox & Ashley Fox.

St. David’s Roast Beef Supper with Homemade Pies on Friday, November 7th at Port Hastings Fire Hall from 4 to 6 pm.
Adults $12.00   Children $8.00 (Take outs available) Sponsored by St. David’s Board of Stewards

St. David's UCW meeting will be held on Wed. November 19/14 at the home of Sally Fox at 1:30 pm.



A meeting concerning the future of the Port Hastings Historical Society and Museum will be held at the Museum on Monday November 3rd at 7pm The meeting will focus on the future of the Society, the need for more volunteers to help run the organization and assist with events and fundraising. Everyone welcome  


Stella Maris Ladies Auxiliary will be holding the 2014 Fall Bazaar on Sunday, November 16, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm at the Creignish Recreation Center.  The bazaar will feature a bake table, crafts, fish-pond, cake walk, silent auction, parcel post, new to you items, bingo, and kids “make & take,  50/50 draw, Tea/Coffee/Dessert --- fun for the whole family. 


MAD Computers and Sandi’s Barbershop have launched a joint campaign called Family Needs.  The purpose of this endeavor is to provide good quality used outerwear to needy families.  There are many families in the Strait Area struggling, especially in winter to make ends meet.  The rising cost of fuel and electricity make it difficult for families to feed and clothe their families plus pay their bills. 

Anne, Sandi, and Angie have begun collecting snowsuits, winter jackets, coats, boots and skates at both establishments.  Sizes range from infant to youth and teens to early 20s or college age. 

If you have items for this project, please drop them off at MAD Computers, 3 Summit Drive Port Hawkesbury or Sandi’s Barbershop at the Town Center (Chediac Plaza) Reeves St.  Phone numbers are as follows:  MAD Computers – 625-0894 and Sandi’s Barbershop – 625-1500.

     If you do not have items of clothing but would still like to help, please pick up a gift certificate from one of the local consignment shops.  This will be used in lieu of garments.  Also, if you have clothing which is not suitable for the project, but you wish to donate, you may take them to one of the consignment shops and tell the shop staff that you would like to donate the revenue from the garments to Family Needs.  When the garments are sold, the money will be credited to Family Needs and may be redeemed by Anne, Sandi, or Angela.  If a family is in need one of us will contact the consignment shop and we will present the family with a voucher which may be redeemed at the shop.

     If you know someone who is in need, please ask them to call one of the individuals listed above. 

The businesses involved are delighted to be working together and hope that you will join us in assisting Strait families in need.  Also, please like us on FaceBook and Share our page so that others in the Strait Area will become aware of the existence of this service