Thursday, 13 March 2014


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
March 16th, 2014-2nd Sunday of Lent
* please stand as able
A thought around which to gather as we worship-- John 3:1–17

As our Lenten journey continues, we see in Nicodemus the parts of

 ourselves that struggle with the truth Jesus teaches about living in

God’s ways. Nicodemus only sees the impossibilities in what Jesus

 is teaching and does not hear the spiritual truths. How many times

 do we look at things only through our own personal experience

 with­out understanding other, deeper meanings? Trusting God and

 trusting the Spirit will help us see beyond the prom­ises of this

 world and experience the fullness of God’s love.

This week – spend at least 30 minutes outside that is dedicated to listening and feeling the wind blow and move around you. Listen for the movement of the Spirit.
Copyright © Woodlake Publishing Inc. 2013, Seasons of the Spirit SeasonsFUSION Lent-Easter 2014, p. 13
Announcements The Work of Church and Community


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
* Introit Hold Us in Your Grace
Hold us in your grace, O God, hold us in your grace.
Hold us in your grace, O God, hold us in your grace.
Hold us, hold us in your grace. Hold us, hold us in your grace.
Words: Keri K. Wehlander. Music: BruceHarding and Keri K. Wehlander.
Words copyright 2007 Keri K. Wehlander, Music copyright 2007 Keri K. Wehlander and Bruce Harding. All rights reserved. Evensong Worship Resources, Used by permission.
Opening Prayer
God of Jesus, who shared our humanity, keep us company on this Lenten journey so that we may find the path to life. Amen.
Placement of Lenten Symbol—A Pinwheel
Call to Worship
One: Sometimes we are sure of our call,
but unsure of our destination.
All: Friends who travel with us, come – journey to God’s place. One: Sometimes we run out of energy and fear the future.
All: Friends who look with us for help,
come – seek God’s strength for life.
One: Sometimes we think we are people of faith, but have more questions than answers.
All: Friends who long for deeper understanding,
come – find new life in the Spirit. One:
And so we come as we are.
* Hymn Faith of Our Fathers VU 580
Lenten Triad Candle Extinguishing (Tenebrae)
(Four purple candles, pink candle and Christ candle are lit prior to worship.) (2nd candle is extinguished.) Let us pray:
All: O God, we confess
that we have put our hope in many things—
our families, our jobs, our friends, our possessions.
Help us to put our trust in you.
May your constant love be with us
and fill our lives with healing laughter. Amen.
Sung Assurance:
Throughout These Lenten Days and Nights, verse 2 VU 108


Genesis 12:1–4a Call of Abram.
This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 121          Yahweh will not let you stumble.        VU 844
*Hymn           Jesus Loves Me             VU 365
Opening the Word & The Lord’s Prayer
Gospel Acclamation
John 3:1–17 Nicodemus visits Jesus.
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


* Hymn             Lift High the Cross           VU 151
*A Responsive Reading from A Song of Faith
We sing of a church
seeking to continue the story of Jesus
by embodying Christ’s presence in the world.
We are called together by Christ
as a community of broken but hopeful believers,
loving what he loved,
living what he taught,
striving to be faithful servants of God
in our time and place.
Our ancestors in faith
bequeath to us experiences of their faithful living;
upon their lives our lives are built.
Our living of the gospel makes us a part of this communion of saints, experiencing the fulfillment of God’s reign
even as we actively anticipate a new heaven and a new earth.
The church has not always lived up to its vision.
It requires the Spirit to reorient it,
helping it to live an emerging faith while honouring tradition,
challenging it to live by grace rather than entitlement,
for we are called to be a blessing to the earth.
We sing of God’s good news lived out,
a church with purpose:
faith nurtured and hearts comforted,
gifts shared for the good of all,
resistance to the forces that exploit and marginalize,
fierce love in the face of violence,
human dignity defended,
members of a community held and inspired by God,
corrected and comforted,
instrument of the loving Spirit of Christ,
creation’s mending.
We sing of God’s mission.
Responsive Reading excerpted from A Song of Faith:
A Statement of Faith of the United Church of Canada
Minute for Mission
Offering Our Gifts to God
* Offering Prayer
All: Accept these gifts and our lives, the work of care that they represent and our hope for a fuller life for others that all may know the reality of your great love for us. Amen.
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession


* Hymn           Blessed Assurance           VU 337
* Commissioning and Blessing
One: God calls you to continue on life’s journey in faith:
All: we go, trusting in God.
One: God loves the world more than we can ever understand:
All: we go, trusting in Jesus the Christ.
One: God is at work among us bringing new possibilities:
All: we go, trusting the Spirit. Bless our going out and our coming in, now and forever. Amen.

* Choral Amen