Friday, 10 January 2014


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597, e-mail:
Minister: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
January 12th, 2014-Baptism of Jesus

A thought around which to gather as we worship: “All I want to say to you is, ‘You are the beloved,’ and all I hope is that you can hear these words as spoken to you with all the tenderness and force that love can hold. My only desire is to make these words reverberate in every corner of your being.”
(From Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World
by Henri Nouwen. New York: Crossroad, 1992.)
Announcements The Work of Church and Community



One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit.
* Introit Responsive reading from A Song of Faith
Sung Response: Out of Deep...         VU 453 Refrain only
                        There is water in the river
                        bringing life to tree and plant.
                        Let creation praise its giver:
                        there is water in the font. Water is poured into font
To point to the presence of the holy in the world,
the church receives, consecrates, and shares
visible signs of the grace of God.
In company with the churches
of the Reformed and Methodist traditions,
we celebrate two sacraments as gifts of Christ:
baptism and holy communion.
In these sacraments the ordinary things of life
water, bread, wine—
point beyond themselves to God and God’s love,
teaching us to be alert
to the sacred in the midst of life.
Before conscious thought or action on our part,
we are born into the brokenness of this world.
Before conscious thought or action on our part,
we are surrounded by God’s redeeming love.
Baptism by water in the name of the Holy Trinity
is the means by which we are received, at any age,
into the covenanted community of the church.
It is the ritual that signifies our rebirth in faith
and cleansing by the power of God.
Baptism signifies the nurturing, sustaining,
and transforming power of God’s love
and our grateful response to that grace.
Responsive Reading excerpted from A Song of Faith:
       A Statement of Faith of the United Church of Canada
Sung Response: There is water in the river
                        bringing life to tree and plant.
                        Let creation praise its giver:
                        there is water in the font.
*Call to Worship             Based on Psalm 29
One: Ascribe to God glory and strength!
All: Worship God in the splendour of holiness!
One: God’s voice speaks in the midst of our chaos.
All: God’s voice flows like the living waters of grace.
One: May God give strength to the people.
All: May God bless the people with grace.
* Hymn            Arise, Your Light Is Come            VU 79
Opening Prayer
Creator God, the baptismal waters remind us of creation
and we remember you have created us as your people.
This is good news!
You sent your son, Jesus Christ, to be the presence of love among us and to show us how to be more loving.
This is good news!
You send your Spirit to teach us how to follow in your Way with our words and actions.
This is good news!
As we receive your good news, help us to be good news for others. Amen.


Isaiah 42:1–9       God’s servant brings justice.
This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 29       Ascribe to God all glory and strength      VU 756

Hymn            Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty            VU315

Opening the Word and the Lord’s Prayer

Gospel Acclamation

Matthew 3:13–17       Jesus is baptized.
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
*The community is invited to come up to the bowl, dip fingers into the water and offer their own silent prayers of thanks for the gift of water.


*Affirmation of Faith             A New Creed               VU 918
* Hymn            Jesus Came, A Child Like Me             VU 583
Minute for Mission
Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Prayer
Life-giving Spirit, may these gifts help us to be a light to the nations, open eyes that are blind, and bring release to the prisoners. Through the power of your Spirit, multiply our efforts that we might be tangible signs of your kingdom. Amen.
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
One: In the small things, O God,

All: in water and bread and word, we find your promises
May we pour it, break it, and speak it, that the world may be renewed.


* Hymn            All Glory, Laud and Honour            VU 122
* Commissioning and Benediction
The God who created the waters of the world, the Christ of living waters, the Spirit of cleansing waters be with us now and always.

* Choral Amen