Saturday, 27 December 2014


Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist:                                  Al Fougere
Lay Reader:                             Lisa Rhynold
Greeter:                                   Heather Deschenes
Collectors:                              Marie Davis, Ashley Mac Leod

TODAY – Christmas Coffee Hour hosted by Nan & Bruce
10:00 a.m. St. David’s hall.

OFFICE HOURS:         
Monday   9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s                  
Tuesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s      
Wednesday 9-12 noon Nan at St. David’s, Jane at St. Mark’s
Thursday 9 – 12 noon           Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday – Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon Jane at St. Mark’s

Food Bank donations received on the last Sunday of the month. 

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle  Knitters and crocheters gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Next time of gathering is January 19th  at 1:00 p.m.

Copies of the UPPER ROOM for January-February are available.



 Lay Readers:
January 4th – Bonnie Hatcher           
January11th – Wanda Radford
January18th – Bruce Corrigan           
January 25th – Kenzie Mac Lean

REMINDER: The Treasurer will close the Church Books on December 31st. Any donations received after that date will credited to 2015.

Reports from committees and church groups for the Annual Report Book are to be submitted to the church office by Sunday, January 11th.   


St. Mark’s Courtesy Car: Contact person for the Courtesy Car is Andy Palmer. His telephone number is 625-2748.

NOTE: Year-end reports due Sunday January 11th for inclusion in the Annual Report Book.

FundScrip: In 2015 Order Sundays will be January 11th  and 25th and Delivery Sundays will be January 18th and February 1st . The January promotions are not yet available.
Please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838 if you have any questions about the program or if you wish to join the program.

Lay Readers:
January 4th – Irene Mac Isaac
January 11th – Malcolm Matheson
January 18th – Bruce Corrigan
January 25th – Karen Mac Kinnon


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597,
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God
Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere

December 28th, 2014

1st Sunday of Christmas-Let All Creation Praise
Service of Scripture, Prayer and Song

Announcements The Work of Church and Community


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit
*Introit           Il est né (chorus only)           VU 50
Il est né, le divin Enfant,
jouez, hautbois, résonnez, musettes;
il est né, le divin Enfant;
chantons tous son avènement.
He is born, little Child divine;
play on the reeds while the lutes are strumming.
He is born, little Child divine;
join the song to announce the day.
*Call to Worship
One: Come and celebrate the good news: our hope has been fulfilled!
People: Christ the Savior is born! Thanks be to God!
One: God’s promise has come true, and our salvation is here!
People: Christ the Savior is born! Thanks be to God!
One: Let us rejoice and sing praises to God!
People: Christ the Savior is born! Thanks be to God!
*Hymn           Angels From the Realms of Glory           VU 36
Opening Prayer
Gracious God, we thank you that you sent Jesus as one of us, to be our friend and saviour. We thank you for this Christmas season which is just beginning, and pray that you will walk with us through the days and weeks to come, helping us to spread the good news of Christ’s birth with everyone. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
*Hymn          The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy           VU 73


Isaiah 61:10—62:3 God clothes with salvation and righteousness.
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.
Psalm 111 (refrain tune: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”)
Refrain: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel,
Has come to thee, O Israel!
One: Praise the Lord! With all my heart I will thank the Lord in the assembly of the people.
All: How wonderful are the things God does! All who are delighted with them want to understand them!
One: All that God does is full of honor and majesty; God’s righteousness is eternal.
All: God does not let us forget God’s wonderful actions;
our God is kind and merciful.
One: God provides food for those who are faithful, and never forgets the covenant he has made with us.
All: God has shown us great power by giving us the heritage of nations.
One: The works of God’s hands are faithful and just and dependable.
All: They last for all time; they were given in truth and righteousness.
One: God has set the people free, and made an eternal covenant with them. Holy and mighty is our God!
All: The way to become wise is to have reverence for God, who gives sound judgment to all who obey God’s commands.
*Hymn          Away in a Manger           VU 69
Opening the Word & Lord’s Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation
Luke 2:22–40 Jesus is presented in the temple.
One: The gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Opening the Word 2 A visit from Anna and Simeon


Singing of Favourite Christmas Carols
Minute for Mission
Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Prayer
O generous Creator, giver of every good gift, let our offer­ings keep the life of those gifts circulating. Accept, we pray, these tokens of our gratitude for all we have received. May they be of use in extending the work of our faith community to the world beyond our doors. Amen.
*Affirmation of Faith Christmas Creed from Latin America
I believe in Jesus Christ and in the power of the gospel,
begun in Bethlehem.
I believe in the one whose spirit glorified a small village,
of whose coming shepherds saw the sign, and for whom
there was no room at the inn.
I believe in the one whose life changed the course
of history, over whom the rulers of the earth had no
power, and who was not understood by the proud.
I believe in the one to whom the oppressed, the
discouraged, the afflicted, the sick, the blind, the injured
gave welcome, and accept as Lord and Savior.
I believe in the one who – with love – changed the heart
of the proud and with his life showed that it is better
to serve than to be served, and that the greatest joy is
giving your life for others.
I believe in peace, which is not the absence of war, but
justice among all people and nations and love among all.
I believe in reconciliation, forgiveness, and the
transforming power of the gospel.
I believe that Christmas is strength and power, and that
this world can change if with humility and faith we
kneel before the manger.
I believe that I must be the first one to do so.
Prayers of the People
One: God of compassion, as close to us as every breath:
All: we give thanks for the life you have granted us. May our actions come from love, and do no harm.
One: God of righteousness who acts with innocent justice:
All: grant us courage and strength to do likewise. May we in turn keep loving covenant with one another and reach out to those in need.
One: God of salvation, who restored the fortunes of ancient Israel: All: may we use our own resources well and wisely.
One: And lastly, we pray for ourselves,
All: that in word, thought, and deed we be mindful of our own needs and seek to have them met in ways that are loving and kind. May we acknowledge what power we do have, and use it in service of Christ’s vision for the world. Amen.
*Hymn                       Angels We Have Heard on High        VU 38
* Sending Out
One: As the shepherds went forth praising God for all they had seen and heard,
All: Let us go forth to spread the good news of Christ’s birth.
One: As Simeon and Anna rejoiced when they saw the newborn Messiah,
All: Let us go forth to share the joy we know as children of God.
One: As saints through the ages like Wenceslas and countless others have shown by their example the love of God alive in the world,
All: Let us go forth to live the Christmas message of love, peace, joy and hope every day!
One: And the blessing of God: Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit, be with you all.

*Choral Amen

Saturday, 20 December 2014



Participating through leadership in worship this morning are:
Organist: Al Fougere
Lay Reader (St. M.): Bruce Corrigan
(St. D.): Kenzie Mac Lean
Advent Wreath (St. M.): Sarah & Trevor Boudreau & family
(St. D.): Alicia Vink & Jillian
Greeters & Collectors (St. M.): Donnie & Jean Mac Pherson
Greeter (St. D.): Heather Deschenes
Collectors (St. D.): Marie Davis, Ashley Mac Leod

Monday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Tuesday 9-12 noon, Nan at St. Mark’s
Wednesday 9-12 noon Nan at St. David’s, Jane at St. Mark’s
Thursday 9 – 12 noon Jane at St. Mark’s
Friday – Minister’s Day Off, 9-12 noon Jane at St. Mark’s

Food Bank donations received on the last Sunday of the month.

Prayer Shawl Knitting Circle Knitters and crocheters gather together in the parlour of St. Mark’s on the 3rd Monday of each month. Next time of gathering is January 19th at 1:00 p.m.

Copies of the UPPER ROOM for January-February are available.

About Gifts with Vision The United Church of Canada developed the giving catalogue Gifts with Vision in response to member requests to be able to give gifts to relatives, friends, and loved ones that are in direct support of the church’s Mission and Service partners across Canada and around the world. If you are seeking inspiring new gift ideas, Gifts with Vision presents a new way to celebrate special occasions. Give a gift that can help change people’s lives! Print catalogues are now available in the entry to the church and gifts can also be purchased online at

Advent and Christmas Worship and Events
December 21st – Advent 4
6:30 St. Mark’s Longest Night Service
December 24th 
        10:30 a.m. Christmas Eve, Port Hawkesbury Nursing Home Service. Everyone is invited to join us in this Service.

Christmas Eve Service with Communion
6:30 p.m. – Service at St. Mark’s
8:00 p.m. – Service at St. David’s

December 28th – Christmas 1, 11:00 a.m. St. David’s. Combined Service. NO Service at St. Mark’s. Christmas Coffee Hour hosted by Nan & Bruce10:00 a.m. St. David’s hall.

TONIGHT, December 21st at 6:30 p.m. Longest Night Worship Service, St. Mark's United Church. A service in which we recognize that Christmas celebrations may be especially hard for people who are holding sadness and loss in their hearts; a service of candle-lighting to honour those people and experiences that we grieve, and to celebrate the presence of light shining in our lives; a service of prayers to remind us we are not alone in our grief and uncertainty.

Deadline for bulletin information is Thursday at noon.



St. Mark’s Welcomes You! Refreshments in the church hall following worship—please join us! There is a quiet nursery space above the stage in the hall—reached via the stairs by the church office door. There you will find toys, change table, crib, rocking chair for your use. We’re so glad you came today.

St. Mark’s Courtesy Car: Contact person for the Courtesy Car is Andy Palmer. His telephone number is 625-2748.

NOTE: Year-end reports due Sunday January 11th for inclusion in the Annual Report Book.

FundScrip: In 2015 Order Sundays will be January 11th  and 25th and Delivery Sundays will be January 18th and February 1st . The January promotions are not yet available.
Please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838 if you have any questions about the program or if you wish to join the program.

Lay Readers:
December 24th – Archie Noseworthy & others
January 4th – Irene Mac Isaac
January 11th – Malcolm Matheson
January 18th – Bruce Corrigan
January 25th – Karen Mac Kinnon

Your envelopes for the year 2015 are available in the Narthex.



Lay Readers:
December 28th – Lisa Rhynold
January 4th – Bonnie Hatcher
January 11th – Wanda Radford
January 18th – Bruce Corrigan
January 25th – Kenzie Mac Lean

REMINDER: The Treasurer will close the Church Books on December 31st. Any donations received after that date will credited to 2015.
Reports from committees and church groups for the Annual Report Book are to be submitted to the church office by Sunday, January 11th.

Leeside Christmas Program Leeside Transition House provides Christmas gifts and food to families in need who use our sevices.  You can help -Make a cash donation -Donate a gift card from a grocery store -"Adopt" a child or family to buy gifts for -Tell others about the Leeside Christmas program For more info. call Leeside at 902-625-1990.

Port Hawkesbury Seasonal Services is preparing Christmas Dinner Boxes for those in need in the Town. Anyone wishing to donate financially may do so by contacting Jo-Anne MacDonald at 625-3003 or donations may be left at the Post Office with Rosanne or Roberta. Donations may be left at the Royal Bank of Canada

Christmas Carol & Reading Service River Denys Presbyterian Church Dec. 21, 2014 at 7 pm Everyone welcome. Ministry of music by local and invited guests. Fellowship and refreshments to follow the service. Free will offering in support of River Denys & Malagawatch Church


The Congregations of St. Mark’s and St. David’s
United Church of Canada
Port Hawkesbury/Port Hastings, NS
Office: 625-2229, Fax 625-3597,
Presbytery Website:
Ministers: The Whole People of God
Ministers: Nan Corrigan D. M.
Minister of Music: Al Fougere
December 21st, 2014-Advent 4

Announcements The Work of Church and Community


One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And with your spirit
*Introit       Procession & Hanging of “Love” Banner
*Call to Worship
One: People of God, come, for the light of love beckons us together.
All: What love is this? How are we to follow?
One: This love calls from the margins and the centre; from suffering and comfort; from oppression and privilege.
All: We too come from the margins and the centre; from suffering and comfort; from oppression and privilege.
One: Then let us bring our love, and join it to this light of love, and gather in worship to discover the greatest love there is.
All: Come, let us bring our love to this time and place, celebrating the radical love of God that beckons us together. Come, let us listen and speak, sing and discern, pray and give, for now is the time to worship.

Advent Candlelighting Liturgy

Child: This fourth candle reminds us how much God loves us. Jesus was born into our world to show us how to love one another.
Congregational Prayer: God, thank you for loving us, and for sending us Jesus to teach us about your love. Help us to remember that your love will never come to an end. Strengthen us to love others as you love us. Amen.
*Candlelighting Hymn      Hope Is a Star verse 4      VU 7

Opening Prayer

*Hymn       O Come Let Us Await Him          Printed


2 Samuel 7:1–11, 16 Who will build God’s house?
One: This is the witness of the Hebrew people. All: Thanks be to God.
Responsive: Luke 1: 47-55  Song of Mary   Ref 1 VU 898
*Hymn                     People, Look East                       VU 9
Opening the Word & Lord’s Prayer
The Gospel Acclamation
Luke 1:26–38 The angel Gabriel visits Mary.
One: The gospel of Jesus Christ. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Opening the Word 2


*Hymn               To a Maid Whose Name Was Mary            VU 14
Minute for Mission A Story from the Peace Box
Offering Our Gifts to God
*Offering Prayer
We say “yes” today. We say “yes” to God, and “yes” to the call to bear witness to God’s love and justice. We say “yes” to being vessels of God’s glory – to becoming the house of God. We say “yes” today, and dedicate this worship, this offering, our very selves, to sharing the light of love in all ways. Amen.

Prayers of the People

Sung Response: Santo, Santo, Santo (Spanish & English) VU 951


*Hymn                Hark the Glad Sound                  VU 29
* Sending Out
People of God we are no different from Mary. Go into the world and magnify God's love-share it; nurture it; celebrate it; plant it and water it; give birth to it, and let it grow for all to see!

*Choral Amen

Friday, 19 December 2014


The Maritime Conference
The United Church of Canada
L’Eglise Unie du Canada
Maritime Conference Office
21 Wright Street, Sackville, NB E4L 4P8
Tel. (506)536-1334 • Fax (506) 536-2900 • Email:


Maritime Conference Centre Brochure

December 2014

The Maritime Conference Centre has proven to be a very serviceable building, providing a base of operations and office space for staff, as well as a flexible meeting space for a host of church and community groups. In addition, the new Archives space has been able to receive 80 linear metres of additional archival materials from congregations in the region as well has housing materials from a number of rental clients.

Meeting space users include:
Mi’kmaq/Maliseet Bachelor of Social Work Program (St. Thomas University)
Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) Annual Meeting
Chignecto Naturalists Mount Allison Faculty Association
Performers Company Tantramar Hospice
Kairos Pneuma Chaplaincy Chignecto Presbytery (various groups)
Sackville United Church (various groups) Tatamagouche Centre
Atlantic Jubilee Women in Ministry retreat day
Financial Services of Maritime Conference Godly Play Maritimes
KAIROS Atlantic Canadian Foodgrains Bank
Archives clients include:
Moncton Museum Cumberland County Museum and Archives
General Council Archives Live Bait Theatre
Canadian Music Centre

The building has proven to be quite efficient, if not completely cutting-edge. The building is well insulated, including the concrete floor slab. Roof-mounted air-to-air heat pumps provide both heating and cooling, while natural gas fired in-floor heat provides supplemental heat when outside temperatures plummet. The building committee chose not to invest in expensive cutting-edge technology, but rather to design the building to be able to retrofit technology once its performance has been proven. Even so, the building utility costs are approximately one-half that of a typical commercial building.

Many individuals and congregations have continued to honour their pledges to the fundraising project. The Conference fundraising thermometer presently stands at $770,963:

Included in this figure is
 $340,650.88 in pledged donations from individuals
 $48,809.53 in pledged donations from Pastoral Charges
 $150,592.62 received from sales of church property

Not included in this figure is
 $150,000 anticipated gift from Margaret McCain

Pledged funds that are expected to be contributed over the next few years amount to $258,402.

The current value of the mortgage is $1.67 million, down from the original $1.9 million.
As reported earlier, Conference has been able to make an extra payment towards principal of $150,000, the effect of which has been to save $426,000 in interest costs and reduce the term of the mortgage by 3 years and 9 months!

The fundraising team will continue working with a focus on the annual opportunity to pay down principal. Please watch for future communications from the fundraising team, and please offer all possible support!

Please go to for more information on the fundraising project and to see the list of donor individuals and churches.

Can you help?

Please continue to spread the word about donations to this fundraising project. Every little bit helps, and together the various donations will have a dramatic effect in reducing interest costs and shortening the time in which payment will need to be made.

For a pledge form, please go to

For more information, please contact…

David Hewitt
Executive Secretary
Maritime Conference
21 Wright Street
Sackville, NB
E4L 4P8
These pictures of the Maritime Conference Centre building were taken this week by Clark Brander. Very little snow in Sackville N.B. 

Thursday, 18 December 2014



In 2015 Order Sundays will be January 11th  and 25th and Delivery Sundays will be January 18th and February 1st . The January promotions are not yet available.

Please contact Patsy Brander at 902-625-1062 or Bonnie Dawson at 902-625-3838 if you have any questions about the program or if you wish to join the program.